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Surfing the Waves in Turbulent Times

Surfing the Waves in Turbulent Times

Turbulent Times OMTimes

Are you wondering about your ability to stay present in turbulent times? We are shaping our lives by the way we think, feel and behave. Freedom on the inside out as the experience of knowing that what is happening on our inside is shaping the experience we are having on our outside. Here are some tips on how to how to experience freedom from the inside out.

Freedom From The Inside Out, Surfing the Waves in Turbulent Times

By Crystal PresenceOMTimes Digital eZineIn turbulent times we ask ourselves if we can stay present, make good choices and feel free as things are breaking down?

We sometimes feel angry, scared, stressed and powerless in the midst of these turbulent times. We understand the concept of breakdown/breakthrough yet sometimes find it challenging to stay fully present through the ups and downs of the breakdown. We dream about freedom, talk about it, have fleeting moments of it and are not sure how to make it a sustainable experience. We ask ourselves is it even possible to be free amidst these turbulent times?


At the same time, science is proving the oneness of us all, that we are not separate from anyone, anything or our source.

There is the growing awareness that what we experience on our inside is affecting everything we experience on the outside. We are coming to realize that we are shaping our lives by how we think, feel and behave. What if we knew that what we are cultivating on the inside is what we realize on our outside? What if knew that freedom is not dependent on anyone or anything outside of ourselves?

Freedom on the inside out is an experience of knowing that what is happening on our inside is shaping the lessons we have on the outside. A compelling question is what the nature of experiencing freedom from my inside out is?


An example of a fun and natural process for cultivating freedom from our inside out is:

Gathering up some pillows. Designate each pillow as a specific aspect of ourselves. One pillow for the element of ourselves that guides ourselves. The other pillow should be used for our emotions, hearts, and bodies. Begin a dialog with each aspect. We may find that our emotions are angry about how we often avoid, deny and control them. They may want to scream, cry and hit the pillow about how they have felt abandoned, imprisoned, abused and denied by us. We respond and tell them our side of the story, why we did what we did. We interact, feel and express. We move, express, apologize and let our emotions know the changes we will make. Let each of our other aspects interact and express similarly. As spirits, we are empowering ourselves to see the relationship and environment we have been creating within ourselves. With clarity, we can guide all the aspects of ourselves in a way that creates safety, unconditional love and empowerment from our inside out.


More of what it takes to feel freedom from our inside out is…

~ Taking 100% responsibility for our lives, a knowing that we are not a victim of life.

~ Staying connected with ourselves and our source.

~ Unconditionally loving ourselves, no matter what the evidence

~ Experiencing what we want by releasing stress, control, and manipulation

~ Shifting our perspective on what freedom truly is. Releasing limiting beliefs and trusting that freedom is possible.

~ Vibrating healthy boundaries that radiate from our inside out.

~ Moving, vibrating and circulating our energy, creating the space for changing beliefs and allowing in the new.

~ Having the courage to do what many people are not even willing to talk about for fear that their lives will fall apart.

~ Observing and being honest with ourselves

~ Shifting the habitual choices that hold us back.

~ Meditating with the intent to experience the oneness of us all as we radiate from our inside out. Freedom from the inside out is NOT about looking for a way out or trying to fix ourselves. It is an undoing while engaging in empowering ways of living our lives. It is allowing any holding back to dissolve, resolve and evolve. It is not about needing to be happy or in a state of equanimity all the time. It is about knowing that we can always choose to make a shift.

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Freedom from the inside out IS about knowing that the environment and the relationships we cultivate on our inside are what is being realized on our outside. Freedom from the inside out includes.


Soon we realize that the more responsibility we take, the more freedom is available to us.

Soon we recognize that everything appearing in our lives is happening in perfect timing. We begin to see ourselves in new and expanded ways and feel empowered to have beneficial influence wherever we go. We recognize that we are a catalyst for the changes we want to see in our world. It is the joy of knowing that our source wants the very best for us as our lives unravel in fun and loving ways. Once we get the hang of how this works it propels us to move forward and never go back!


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About the Author

Crystal Presence is an author, certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute, multidimensional coach, and facilitator for the event called Freedom at the Core. She draws from her own experience and the experience of the thousands of people she has worked with over the past 35 years. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives.

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