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Ask the Medium Michelle Whitedove

Ask the Medium Michelle Whitedove

Ask Whitedove Michelle Whitedove OMTimes

Ask the Medium Michelle Whitedove

A Spiritual Advise Column by Medium Michelle Whitedove

Dear Whitedove,

I’m over 40 and I’m falling into the trap, I have an addiction to my digital devices and it’s not good!


It’s time to get out of the matrix and handle your spiritual business!  People want to stay comfy in their little routine, just hanging out with their new best friend: their personal computer, smart TV, tablet, and phone.  Everyone is submerged in this high tech realm of distractions. Don’t believe the lie, the system, the matrix, the world governments; they want you to feel engrossed and powerless. So do the opposite, when you are on the web, search out positivity, only engage with the stuff that feeds your soul like learning a new skill, write words of encouragement, do charity work, help with go fund me projects and join a like-minded tribe that you vibe with. And by all means please be present and connect with the people that are in the room with you – interact with those that show up in your real social life!

Just remember, the matrix, the telly, the phone, the computer, the nest, every electrical gadget from mankind, you’re being tapped in, tracked, you’re being listened to, you’re being watched and it’s saved, recorded and downloaded. If anybody thinks they’re deleting their texts, guess what? I hate to burst your bubble but TAG, you are in the Matrix.  Are you allowing these polarizing little devices to run your life…and what about your spiritual life?  Can you set them aside to pray and meditate? Contrary to belief, Google does not have all of the answers. Go within, get back to the basics and take personal accountability. Look up from your smartphone. The world is changing, people are raising their consciousness. Ask yourself, Am I?

Dear Michelle,

I was having a conversation with my son and he tells me that “God must be very busy; I don’t think he hears all of my prayers because only fifty percent are answered.” We both laughed. What is the truth of the matter?


Well God does have a great sense of humor but the truth is this – – God is not Santa. All prayers are heard, our pleas, our wishes, and our gratitude. All prayers are heard but that doesn’t mean you always get what you pray for.  You get what you need and only God knows what is needed for your soul. Then, in hindsight, you’ll come into more clarity and realize, God did answer your many of your prayers. Was that crisis was a blessing in disguise? Or was there a delay because of divine timing? That’s why meditation is important, to sit on certain things, whether it is a problem that you want to sit-on for the solution, or an open meditation just to quiet the mind and listen for divine guidance. God is all-knowing and the Universe will give you what is in your highest good to serve your souls growth. Most importantly, count your blessings and share your gratitude when conversing with Spirit!


Dear Whitedove,

I haven’t jumped in yet, but crypto-currency is the latest thing in the global financial market. What does Spirit say about it: is it a good thing?

Dearest, In 2015 Spirit gave me a vision of the future that I didn’t understand but as I was directed, I blogged about this strange concept in my World Predictions 2015. “Monetary Systems Will Change; I predict that in the future, gold, silver, coin and bullion and will be exchanged as personal currency along with cash and credit. Around the globe, people will utilize these methods plus the barter system until a new monetary system is created by the people’s choice. There will be a new format and a new personal device introduced for digital currency or virtual currency that will be exchanged via phones and computers chips.” 

 To date, this future is still evolving, yet I know now that it is cryptocurrency thru blockchain technology (the device) which is transforming the global money markets as a digital currency. This year Spirit gave more insight and said “cryptocurrency was created by the people, for the people. It’s a way for the average person to get ahead, outside of the current corrupt banking systems.” As I write this in the summer of 2018, the crypto markets are way down so that’s the perfect time to get in and test the waters if you are prompted to do so.

See Also
Inner Knowledge

Join Michelle Whitedove at Lily Dale

Be sure to attend Michelle’s SEASON HIGHLIGHT EVENT Sat Aug 25th An Evening with Whitedove in Lily Dale. A Lecture with Audience Messages.  Click here for tickets: 


Disclosure: This is an entertainment column where the Opinions are exclusive of the author, and may not represent the views and opinions of OMTimes and its partner companies.


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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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