What is Your Inspiration Number?

In Numerology, you can find your Inspiration Number by adding your birth month and day together.
Numerology and Your Inspiration Number
I See My Birthday Numbers Everywhere. What Does it Mean?
By Greer JonasInspiration Number, do you continually see your birthday numbers on signs, clocks, license plates? As a numerologist, I am continually asked what it means.
Study case – Alex:
“My birthday is August 17, and I am seeing my birthday numbers 817 everywhere. I am also at a pivotal point in my life, thinking of moving from my job to another state to better support my family. And now I keep seeing my birthday all the time. What does it mean?” — Alex
Greer: Seeing your birthday numbers continually may be the universe’s way of saying “pay attention,” especially during a big life change for you and your family,
Alex: When you see the same number, it is an “aha” moment. Like when I see 3:33 and I am talking on the phone about something significant in my life, I know I need to remember what was being said.
But seeing your birthday numbers continually is an even stronger message from the universe because it is specifically about what will help you thrive at this moment in time.
Find Your Inspiration Number
When you add your birthday numbers together (Month + Day of birth), it is called your inspiration number. This vibration can be the key to understanding what inspires you most on your life’s journey.
To reduce confusion, this birthday number has various names in numerology writings: Inspiration number; Catalyst number; Achievement number; or Sun number.
If August 17 is your birthday, your inspiration number is a 7. Ok Alex, now let’s take a look at your birthday numbers, “817” (August 17).
8 (Abundance, success, power) +1 (independence, leadership, new beginnings) + 7 (spirituality, going within to find your answers) = 16/7. So your 817 catalyst or inspiration in life, is to combine your vibrant power and strong leadership skills with your inner knowing. Trust your decisions and your gut feelings. What helps you thrive in your life is to find the sweet balance of connection to self while being out there in the world. Enjoy being the unique non-conformist. What might help is to meditate, go for long walks, write, do yoga and include some quiet time to reflect. Quiet the mind. Trust your inner knowing.
What is your inspiration number according to numerology?
To find your Catalyst or inspiration number, add your birth month and day and read the brief synopsis below. This sum represents the drive that moves you ahead on your successful journey in life. Notice if you are feeling discouraged, you may be living in your shadow and not your inspiration.
1 – The ‘One’ is the motivation of leadership, independence, and creative ideas. The work of the one is to develop confidence and let go of “I can’t” and “I am not good enough.” The one loves to be in control and thrives by being a pioneer, not a follower.
2 – The ‘two’ is attracted to love and connecting with relationships of all kinds, especially romantic. Here is the drive to understanding the balance of giving and take in all relationships including the relationship with yourself. The key is not to lose track of your own needs to please others.
3 – The ‘three’ flourishes when they are creative. We are talking about creativity in every form – art, music, public speaking, and writing. The desire of the 3 is to express passionately and with an easy and inspired flow. Fear of judgment, insecurity, and reluctance to step out into the public eye can cause the 3 to retreat.
4 – The ‘four’ is the builder and creator, using the hands and the mind. Fours are practical and are inspired by working in the home, or in the garden, connecting to the earth, or in the office solving logic problems. Their goal is completion and seeing everything in its place. The need for control and perfection can hold a ‘four’ down and frustrate everyone involved in the project.
5 – ‘Fives’ thrive on creative energy and interaction with people. Some are actors, entertainers, and salespeople. They tend to be out there in the world, always busy doing something. Their challenge is to sit still, and honor their private alone time. Other fives can get caught up with the need for approval and may tend to hide as a result.
6 – The mother/teacher/healer. The six is inspired by compassion, connecting with the heart, family, friends, and community. The lesson of the six is to love and honor self and to let go of just doing things to please others. Appreciate the perfection of imperfection in all manners.
7 – Spirituality and trust. Going inward to find the answers. Love of nature, beauty, and poetry. The lesson of the 7 is to connect with the inner world and open up to your wisdom. It is also to learn to hear the wisdom of others. The seven’s challenge is to trust spirit and come out of hiding by sharing the authentic self.
8 – Power and abundance. ‘Eight’ thrives when they are out in the world enjoying life and making a difference. They can be charismatic leaders who show their light without trying. The lesson of the eight is to empower self and others. If an ‘8’ turns inward, fearful or doubtful of expressing their power, they can become angry, confused, lethargic, and/or frustrated.
9 – The catalyst of the ‘9’ is a strong insight into the psyche and the bigger picture of life. Nines enjoy analyzing and problem-solving. Life is all about transformation and inner healing. If the ‘9’ does not live in integrity or if their life does not feel like it has substance, they can be disenchanted. It is all about acknowledging change and being willing to leave the status quo in order to grow.
11 – When someone has a catalyst number of a master 11, they are driven by an enthusiasm to inspire others, to find ideas that are unique and motivational. They do not enjoy the mundane or everyday tasks. They thrive to be leaders and innovators. If they do not live in their 11, they can get bored easily, leave the task or just feel frustrated.
Want to know more about your inspiration number? Comment here with your birthday and month, and I will give you some insight.
You will also enjoy The Shadow of Master Numbers – Thriving from the Ego
About the Author
Greer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, painter, and teacher living in New York City. She has been practicing intuitive numerology for more than 30 years. Greer works with clients around the world by appointment, in person, telephone, and Skype. www.numerology4yoursoul.com
Art site:greerjonas.com
To schedule an appointment or get a class schedule, email greer@numerology4yoursoul.com.

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