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September Numerology – Embracing the Shadow in Our Lives

September Numerology – Embracing the Shadow in Our Lives

September Numerology OMTimes

What does the September Numerology have to say about what will happen this month?

September Numerology and the Number 9 – Embracing the Shadow in Our Lives

Fire Dancer by Greer Jonas

As I think about September, a warm, often excited energy enters my belly. New beginnings, class starts, fresh air, and a harvest of beautiful vegetables and fruit come to mind. The 9th month also symbolizes transition according to numerology. In this global year of the master 11, (2+0+1+8=11) it is a time of major changes for all of us. The number 9 has the numerological energy of transformation and completion. In this realm, we have the opportunity to see what are shadows are – what holds us back from a truly rich and abundant life.

It seems like most of 2018 has been about looking at our world in a different and sometimes challenging way. It is a call to arms for each of us… to stand up for what we believe in so we can make a difference in the world. My eyes are wide open these days, not just for my country (in all of its frustrating chaos) but for my own life, as I deal with my shadows. These shadows dwell on negative inner belief systems and lifestyle challenges. This year has been a whirlwind, but a more gentle one for me than last year. I sort of feel like I am dancing with the movement of the wind, not against it. Seeing my light more than dwelling on my failures.

“At this point in time, (talking about Uranus in Taurus for 7 years beginning May 2018) the Light has become so bright, that we see our own cobwebs. It is time to clean them up!” ~ spiritual teacher, Ahalya Running Deer

I can choose to worry and feel anxious about my career, and my personal life or I can look at each step as a new inspirational journey.

‘Shaman Eagle Spirit’

As I do this, for example, my paintings take a new form, beyond my judgments or wanting to please others with how they look. As an example, during a particularly dark night of the soul moment, I was moved to seek guidance from spirit. Here is the result. The technique and colors are different from my usual paintings. And I was totally moved by what came through. It was as if I did not even paint it.

Spirit was my brush, I just stayed open for the experience.


September Numerology: Transformation and the Number 9

In numerology, the number 9 is the embodiment of the spiritual warrior, the energy of movement through the psyche. Transformation occurs when we let go of victimhood and become our own strength, not depending on anyone else to give us praise or criticism. We can look at our shadows and learn from them, seeing how they may prevent us from experiencing joy or accomplishments. Think Gandhi. (His destiny was a 9) Born October 2, 1869. 1+0+2+1+8+6+9= 27 / 2+7=9

How will you move through your month of September Numerology and the number 9 in your life? Are you feeling this whirlwind of change? Is your life transforming or are you feeling in the same rut? What can you do differently?


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Elton John, the Rocket Man

Take a Moment of Reflection on September Numerology

Is there something in your life you would like to change? Perhaps you can use this transformative time to meditate, drum, do yoga or any practice that helps you transition to a new space of seeing and experiencing your world. Open your intentions to expand past what you have been dwelling on or putting up with. Empower others through your own example. See a magnificent purple light that opens you to all your potential. Step out, follow your passion, and join others in this dance of life. For more information about the theme of your personal year in 2018, check into this link.

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About the Author

Greer-JonasGreer Jonas is an intuitive numerologist, teacher, writer, and artist for over 30 years. She is available for private readings on skype, phone and in-person in NYC and CT. Contact to schedule reading or get a class schedule at Paintings/prints are available for purchase. / art site:

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