8 Signs Your Guardian Angel Wants Your Attention
![Guardian Angel OMTimes](https://ej3atki2nc6.exactdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/guardian-angel_OMTimes_bigstock-Surreal-digital-art-Bright-st-207986167_header.jpg?strip=all&lossy=1&ssl=1)
Is your Guardian Angel trying to get your attention?
Learn the Eight Signs for When a Guardian Angel Wants Your Attention
We all have at least one, from the moment we are born, a Guardian Angel who is always by our side and spiritual guides who are with us in the most delicate phases of our life. Learn to identify the signs that your Guardian Angel – or your spiritual guides – are trying to tell you something important.
Our Angels and spiritual messengers are always around and are willing to communicate with us in different ways. Usually, they inspire our thoughts, which come to us as “sudden ideas,” as if someone had whispered them in the ear. Sometimes, because we are in an especially important point in our life (often without being aware of it,), The communication should start. It may not be a difficult period nor a crisis, but there is a subtle transformation within us, or being in a period of change, of the which we are aware of only a few months later or because we really need help, our guardians seek more direct contact with us, leaving messages ready to be deciphered by us. Learn to (re) know them and know how to use them for what they are: precious help!
Here Are the Signs Your Guardian Angel is Trying to Tell You Something
1. The room temperature changes
Has it ever happened to you to be in a room of the house and, suddenly, to feel cold or, on the contrary, sudden access of heat? Unless weather conditions are particularly wobbly on that day, your Guardian Angel, or a friendly spirit, is likely to want to make you feel that you are close to you. This happens especially when we are in a new situation or when we go to a place for the first time, being particularly noticed when it happens in an interior space, where the changes of temperature are improbable.
2. Repetition of number sequences
It has certainly happened to you to look at the clock and to mark a repeated sequence, such as 11:11 or 14:14. When that same sequence begins to appear more and more times, signs, written on the walls, etc … then there is a message that you NEED to receive.
3. Unexpected odors and smells
If you are at home and suddenly smell that cake your grandmother used to make, or the tobacco your uncle smoked, or smell a place you do not even know, there is a strong chance that a spiritual guide is trying to communicate with you. Smells compel us to notice them through scents for they have the immediate ability to evoke memories or to surprise our senses, making them realize that there is something different happening.
4. Domestic animals begin to act strangely
Dogs, and especially cats, can perceive spiritual presences and see what we cannot usually see. For this reason, if your pets begin to behave differently, for example by staring, static, a wall, they may have detected the presence of an Angel or Guide that you cannot see.
5. Being saved from a danger
Some situations become dangerous without us being able to predict the outcome that may come from them. When we escape unharmed to a situation that resolves “as if by a miracle” we are undoubtedly accompanied by our Guardian Angel and by the protection of our spiritual guides.
6. Finding Feathers
The Angels like to leave feathers, especially white ones, in the way of their protégés, so that they know they are being accompanied. If you notice the appearance of feathers in places where there are no birds, remember that your Guardian Angel is looking for you.
7. Finding Cards
Each playing card has a meaning, interpreted through Cartomancy and or Tarot. Finding lost playing cards can bring messages that are associated with the meaning of each card.
8. Feelings in dreams
Even if you do not remember your dreams, when you wake up with a sense of lightness and happiness, your Guardian Angel may be bringing you positive and uplifting messages during the night.
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About the Author
Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International. HumanityHealing.net
Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.