Crystals Associated with Power and Strength

There are many crystals known to aid inner and outer strength.
Crystals Associated with Strength
The power behind Earth’s minerals can be felt the minute you put a crystal in your hands or near your physical body. Crystals are the treasures of the earth. These stones are filled with energy to be used. Any crystal can give you strength as they are all sources of life energy! Some of the best crystals for both inner and out strength include Azurite, Chrysoprase, Citrine, Garnet, Lapis Lazuli, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Selenite, Smoky Quartz, Tiger Iron, and Green Tourmaline. They can be used for awareness, inner strength, grounding, enlightenment, power, outer strength, better understanding, and transitions.
Azurite Flowers
These stones are approximately 3/4 inch each. They activate the brow, and throat Chakra brings more assertive communication and alertness, quite, deep access to the subconscious and other times/places/lives. Psychicness, creativity, decisiveness, deeper insight, seeing the truth, reduce depression, anger, abnormal cell growth. Referred to as the jewel of wisdom. It is said to increase psychic abilities. The deep blue stone helps you release the past and gracefully anticipate and accept the future simultaneously. Cultivates the ability to reach into the subconscious and examines states of mind. This cleanses the mind and makes one more capable of insight and pure thought. Helps one recognize the resources within themselves. An integral part of many crystals and gemstone-healing layouts. Also enhances meditation.
This stone allows greater flexibility, wisdom, generosity, and self-confidence. Heal’s depression, excess self-focus, emotions/sexual imbalance. Placed on heart, neck, or on brown for meditation. This stone uplifts the Heart Chakra. It soothes the energy of the heart when you are heart heavy. It, therefore, brings internal peace, harmony, and contentment. This stone symbolizes clarity of thought. It soothes the central nervous system and creates calm. It is a stone that leads its user to new and intellectual approaches. When working with Chrysoprase as a healing stone, it must be laid on the body for a long time. Helps one achieve greater personal insight, feel calmer, become less egotistical, and more open to new surroundings and situations. Stimulates creativity and draws out unknown talents. This stone provides a balance between the conscious and the unconscious.
This stone is very versatile and is used for mental and emotional clarity, problem-solving, memory issues, will power, optimism, confidence, and self-discipline. An energizing and highly beneficial crystal, citrine absorbs, transmutes, grounds and dissolves negative energy, which makes it a very protective stone. Citrine crystals are invigorating and positive. They can surround and fill anyone with its brilliant color, energizing every aspect of life. Increases motivation and Persons involved with education or business will especially benefit. Can guide you to harness and utilize your creative energy. Helps us analyze events and steer them in a positive direction. Develops inner calm and security, and makes us less sensitive and more open to constructive criticism. Can dispel negative feelings and help us to accept the flow of events. This stone is great with help in achieving goals. Because of its matrix of iron and quartz, it is most effective on the Sacral/Sexual/Navel Chakra, the Solar plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra. Citrine energizes every level of the aura, cleansing and balancing the subtle bodies as it aligns it with the physical body. Citrine is the stone of abundance. It teaches us the lessons of achieving wealth and prosperity. Not just on a monetary level, but in all aspects of our lives.
This stone symbolizes faith, love, devotion, and trust. Garnet is most famous for balancing our emotional states. Therefore, garnet is one of the best stones for soothing emotional stress and balancing out anger that is held in and not expressed. Therefore, garnet is good for those who have anger issues directed to themselves, NOT for those who spew anger like venom or attack others with their anger (think orange or yellow stones for this condition)! Garnet is a good stone to have around for emotional drama, traumatic crisis or when you feel backed into a corner with no way out. Garnet will show you the way out. It is the perfect stone for clearing the Emotional Layer of the Aura. Garnet encourages feelings of joy, hope, and willpower. Its fiery color drives away fatigue and stimulates the imagination.
Lapis Lazuli
In meditation, opens Brow Chakra: higher guidance, intuition, connection to higher self, overview, decisions for the good of all. Organizes quiets the mind. Opens Throat/Thyroid Chakra: Self-expression, writing, creativity, dream insight, allows total awareness…Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, shyness, depression, serenity, self-acceptance; pain (especially head), protection stone. It Shelters the wearer like a shield. A powerful thought-amplifier and is helpful in aligning all the elements of the body and mind. Can increase psychic abilities and will open the third eye. Can guide you in the direction of mental and spiritual purity.
Rhodonite is the “Stone of Love”! This stone symbolizes “self-realization.” Rhodonite works with the Heart Chakra by soothing the heart center as well as the Root Chakra for grounding and balancing, due to the presence of black oxides in this stone. This balance of colors allows for a powerful and vibration for caring for one’s self. Rhodonite allows for confidence and self-worth. Helps us express confidence and lovingness on the physical plane in day-to-day ways. Calms and feeds the soul through the heart; love and service. It helps us with confusion and allows us to focus. This stone helps to strengthen mantras, chanting, affirmations, singing, and toning.
Rose Quartz
Rose Quartz represents love, beauty, peacefulness, forgiving, lovingness, self-love, and emotional balance! Rose Quartz works with the Heart Chakra. It is a soft, gentle, soothing stone that warms the heart center. Its value as a nurturing friend cannot be overstated. Neither can it’s soothing influence. Helps diffuse negative stimuli and uncomfortable memories. Helps us discover the ability to love ourselves and makes us more open to other people. It is of particular value in helping us to forgive ourselves, hastening self-acceptance. Helps us realize that all change is important, even difficult change. Stimulates love and tender appreciation of all things.
Wealth, Joy, Love, Sexual Energy and Power. Warms energize after exhaustion. Strengthens physical and emotional heart (4th chakra), love, courage, confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership, success over challenges. Intensifies all emotions (passion, jealousy, impatience, love…) Attempted use of pressure/control (for love) backfires onto the user. Used for reproductive/root Chakra; infections, cholesterol, clots, blood detox (alcohol, caffeine), sexual blocks. A powerful stone whose stimulating energy can bring startling things to light. It acts as an amplifier of energy-both positive and negative. Can bring anger or negativity to the surface quickly. Should be used with a knowledge of how to gain from experience. Otherwise, you are likely to be overcome by the passion it stirs up. Can also amplify positive energy. Helps us in all matters of love, including a love of ourselves. Stimulates motivation and visualization.
A Gypsum. White/clear striated crystals. Has been used to work against cancer and is known to stabilize epileptic disorders. Mental focus, growth, luck, immunity, kundalini. They are Centuries-old recordkeepers of events/information. Soothes emotions. Holding crystal, visualize it bringing white light/energy (higher ideas/consciousness) from a transpersonal point above head down through the body, out through feet into earth/physical plane. Place on 3rd eye for stored info. May help physical and emotional letting go. Repro; spine and nerve system, emotional and athletic flexibility. Sends healing to the earth. Expands sensitivity, the field of awareness.
Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone. It is used most often to overcome depression, nightmares, and stress. Quartz stimulates the natural crystal in body tissues and fluids to resonate at the highest healing frequency. The clearest smoky quartz is the most intense, powerfully opening the Crown Chakra emanating light down to the Root Chakra, therefore, inducing Alpha/deep meditation. Because of this situation, it benefits also include channeling higher guidance, deep relaxation and helping with unconditional love. Heightens your understanding of nature and concerns for the environment. Smoky Quartz helps store information well for easier recall. Because it is associated with the Root Chakra, it helps to alleviate fear, anxiety and associated emotional depression. When placed opposite other smokies in a crystal grid these stone vibrate at a high energy level. It is the perfect stone for strength and grounding the Etheric Layer of the Aura.
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About the Author
Connect with Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac at “Living Life, Consciously” Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body & spirit!

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