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Healing Through Different Dimensions

Healing Through Different Dimensions

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Complete Healing occurs across the different dimensions of our Being.

Sound Through the Porthole of Dimensions

Dimensions – this word implies intellectual stuff that people are far from understanding, but surprising there is much we already know about the crazy idea of dimensions. For starters, a dot belongs to the first dimension, whereas a line links to the realm of two dimensions. Width, height and length link to the third dimension. We add the energy of time. We have another dimension.

And seriously, would we really think that with all the possibilities that there are no other dimensions? Even science has shown mathematically the existence of theoretical dimensions.

So, what do we know? The dot is a small part of a line. Let’s use the lines to draw designs for a paper house that we construct that have a width, height, and depth. If we were the dot, we would make decisions on the information contained with the dot. If we were the line, we would make decisions based on the “line information,” and so on. But notice that more energy is contained in higher dimensions. In ancient times medicine men and mages used meditative techniques and brain entrainment processes to allow their minds and emotions to go to other dimensions, and retrieve information. Back to our example: surely the dot consciousness would benefit by knowing all of the information that the line knows – the line holding potentially infinite dots. Likewise, throughout the ages man has gone to higher dimensions to retrieve information to make a “bigger picture” decision. Perhaps our future selves reside in another dimension, or other selves live in a parallel dimension or a higher dimension. Today, perhaps we could go to a meditative theta brainwave state and ask to see ourselves after we have solved a problem or accomplished a big task we are just beginning now (energy follows intent – think of Schrodinger’s Cat Experiment in psychics). We could use this not only retrieve information but energy and answers to current problems.

Energy flows both ways. We can go to higher dimensions and retrieve information as our ancestors did. We can also go to other dimensions and leave information. Why would we do this? Would the line care about the dot? The dot is a portion of the line. Another example is “do you care about your finger?” Your finger is a part of your body. And yes the safety and well-being of your fingers are important to you. So we could meditatively enter a higher dimension and leave an S.O.S. for help ( is this what prayer is?). Perhaps we could enter an altered mental state and think of a person that we wish to do business with and leave a message with them to contact us. This is what is known today as mediumship – only in reverse! The implications and benefits of this practice are staggering!

Does what happen in one dimension affect what happens in another? Are these? Realms independent or interdependent? Look at the dimensions that we are sure of – the first to third dimensions. Let’s take the paper house that we constructed with our line drawings on a piece of paper. Now we will set fire to that paper house. When the paper house is nothing but ashes do the line exist? Does the circumstance of one dimension affect another? In our example about the body and the finger – if the body dies, is the finger impacted? Of course! Being very intuitive, many times I have gotten a bad feeling about a situation only later to see snippets of a past life, which was the root cause of my bad feeling. For example, if I drown in my last life; chances are I am terrified of water in this life. There is bleed-through from one dimension to another.

To understand how this works I recall my musical studies. With the process of resonance, energy from an E string of a violin will transfer to a nearby E string of another violin. Invisible sound energy transfers on the same note, an octave of it and several harmonious intervals of this root note. When we listen to peaceful and uplifting music, we change our emotions, brainwaves and even physicality. So pleasing and uplifting music that blesses us now and also has to bleed through – as all vibrations do! I imagine that the music that we like in one life comes forward in a new life as a musical preference. And we thought music was mere entertainment? Dimensions are subsets of information. Music is also a subset of information, shaping and influencing us – body mind and soul! Ancient people knew this and used music to incorporate healing patterns found in nature – which I have incorporated into my music!

See Also

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About the Author

Jill Mattson, four-time author, composer, and expert in Sound Healing CDs. International awards include Best Book & Sound Healing CD 2016, Best CD 2015, Best CD Silver.

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