Why It’s Important To Take A Compliment

Why isn’t it a big deal when someone speaks the incredible words “Thank-You.” There is much more to the gift of a compliment or being appreciated than we might think.
Learn to Take that Compliment
by Leigh Burton
It feels so good to be shown that we are appreciated. Even a simple look and “Thank-You” that can catch us off guard can make the world of difference in our day. While we most often minimize the value with a response that it is our job or that we felt inspired to give of ourselves, it still feels great to experience recognition for our efforts. Especially if our efforts are merely given because we can.
It is easy enough a task to recognize and acknowledge that which we appreciate in others because we are naturally inclined to give from the space that is our heart. A thank-you, a handshake, a hug or a smile is easy enough to do, and it tells a story of how what another has done is observed on a personal level. The effort to express gratitude tells a story of appreciation. Is there anything more valuable that we can give to another person?
When we share our appreciation, it motivates the recipient to acknowledge what is good about who they are. It empowers them to continue with what their strengths are, and use them for the better good. Most importantly, it gives them an opportunity to practice another moment of self-love. While living life with gratitude, and the generosity to share with someone else what makes them unique, special and valued, should we not do the same for ourselves? There are so many things that we can do to practice gratitude for who and what we are for ourselves as well as others, but there are two conditions we can achieve that will take self-love to a whole new level.
To start with, we can listen to what someone is saying in praise of who we are, and what we have done for them. It shouldn’t matter whether we believe it or not, because what’s been expressed is the opinion of someone outside of ourselves. A person who has their desires, needs, and expectations. They have developed a belief in what they enjoy or appreciate all on their own. Our opinion of that shouldn’t matter, and it shouldn’t become something that can change their mind. If there is difficulty in receiving praise, appreciation or a compliment, then there is a reflection to be done. Why should we deplete the value of what we have done for someone else when it is the receiving of our actions that was the point?
The second condition to establish self-love in this manner is to appreciate that which is most important. That which goes unrecognized far too often, and that is ourselves. What is it about ourselves that we can understand and inspire a world of difference in our own lives? With everything we do, we have a rooted desire to be loved, understood and accepted for our ability to contribute. There is no reason that we shouldn’t look within and achieve that on an entirely new level.
Appreciation implies trust, consideration, love and so much more. If we asked ourselves what it means to be appreciated, what gift it is that we receive through it, we could see a great deal of opportunity to open our hearts even more, and with personal power that can only generate all the more reason to experience gratitude and generosity. Are we minimizing the value that we are because of the innate ability to move forward and leaving our valuables behind? While there will be a memory of what we have accomplished, what we have given back to the space that we call our world, it will stay frozen in time. The appreciation of what we are and what we do will carry forward into every day after today, trickling into everything we do. Through it, we can lift ourselves and our spirit to be a better version of who we were a moment ago.
Appreciating the courage, strength, generosity, and ability to practice gratitude that is inside us can be one of the most influential practices that we can do. It will initiate a stream of moments that together will be a chapter of our lives inspiring not just ourselves, but everyone around us to practice self-love that relishes in the wisdom of whom each of us already is.
Let’s collectively make the commitment to accept the next compliment we receive with the knowledge that we deserve it. Then, watch the world we call our own start to shift and empower even greater things than we thought possible. One “Thank-You” followed by an “I deserve it” is a self-love practice that can change everything.
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About the Author
Leigh Burton is an Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life.
Facebook: The Let It Go Club
Website: www.leighburton.com

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