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Nick Ortner – My Magic Breath

Nick Ortner – My Magic Breath

Nick Ortner OMTimes

We need more rigorous scientific research to take this work to the next level, especially when it comes to institutions such as Veterans Administrations, hospitals and schools. That’s why I’m excited about the app because it’ll give us the ability to deliver this content to people around the world and be able to conduct research studies and say, hey, let’s put 1,000 people through an anxiety program or protocol or series and get that data fed right back into the app. So, I’m excited.


Sandie Sedgbeer:  The possibilities are endless.

Nick Ortner:  The bottom line on tapping is that it’s so simple to learn and the basic concepts stay the same as we use them for all sorts of different things.  You could read my first book The Tapping Solution, and really, that’s all you need to go a long way with tapping.

But, people often get stuck, and they want to have an answer for their particular challenge, which means, yeah, grab the app. Say there’s a pre-surgery, here’s what you do to release the fear, the anxiety around the surgery and to allow the body to relax and heal.  I mean, if you asked any surgeon or medical doctor if outcomes would be better if we release the stress and the fear before surgery, they’d say of course. Less stress in the body, the body’s gonna heal more quickly, and results are going to be better.

Sandie Sedgbeer:  And you can use tapping on just about anything, whether it’s psychological, emotional, or physical.

Nick Ortner:  Yeah, just anything.  I mean, the physical–you know, my second book was The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief because I was astonished by the results that people got with pain relief.

So, yeah, time and again, I’m impressed by the miracles of it.  I think, at times, people think it’s too good to be true.  And that’s why we’re putting more emphasis on the research and documenting it in a way that can’t be argued with.  That way, we can share it with the world and get more people the help they need.

There’s so much anger and disagreement and vitriol, but I think we can create a new future and a new destiny.  And tapping and mindfulness and all these other techniques are a way to make that happen.

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James Twyman Saint Francis


Connect with Nick Ortner

My Magic Breath:  Finding Calm Through Mindful Breathing by Nick Ortner and Alison Taylor is published by Harper Collins Children’s Books for ages 4-8.

Connect with Nick Ortner at

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