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Cosmic Spirituality

Cosmic Spirituality

Cosmic Spirituality OMTimes

Cosmic spirituality recognizes soul/consciousness in other life-forms. 

What is Cosmic Spirituality?

by Judy Carroll

My name is Judy Carrol. In 1952 I incarnated on Earth as part of a universal “rescue corps” to serve as an ambassador between two planetary cultures – Humans of Earth and Zeta Greys. I operate through a “blended soul” consciousness that enables me to work in both human cultures and act as a go-between to assist deeper understanding through communication.

I wrote about my journey as a Zeta Grey on Earth in The Zeta Message: Connecting All Beings in Oneness, and in Human by Day, Zeta by Night. I’ve done many interviews and questions such as Do the ETs believe in God? and Is spirituality acknowledged by other planetary cultures? are often asked. According to my understanding—and I’ve studied this quite a lot—all higher evolved universal cultures experience life from a spiritual rather than a religious perspective.

What does it mean to live life from a spiritual rather than a religious perspective? The primary difference is that spirituality is a state of consciousness, not dependent upon religious dogma or an intermediary priesthood or another go-between. Religion was initially introduced on Planet Earth to provide clear and firm guidelines to assist the young and newly created Earth-human species in developing in the right direction, which is why religions have specific rules or commandments. These rules are designed to teach self-discipline and are often culturally, rather than spiritually, based. These rules were good, and they still are for many Earth humans. Unfortunately, religion has been misused and badly exploited over the millennia by the Repterran Controllers.

A religion can be a belief system based on dogma, with an intermediary priesthood and set rituals. Spirituality is a more personalized state of consciousness. The two can go together, but not necessarily. A person can be religious without being spiritual, and a person can be spiritual without being religious. Plus, a person can be both religious and spiritual. Religion doesn’t always assist the human evolutionary process, but it can. In some cases, it can even block it. However, spirituality is a more direct route to human evolution.

Higher cultures refer to God as Source or Oneness, and are able to consciously access this Source Energy, so they don’t need to rely upon faith and belief in a “God” figure, or any being to intercede for them. They understand clearly that this energy is within, and can be tapped into in full conscious awareness.

Unlike many Earthlings who are trapped within the limits of third-dimensional perception, most off-planet people are consciously aware that every living being in creation is an intrinsic part of this supreme Creative Energy Source—there is no separation in the greater cosmic reality. This is why they refer to God as Oneness. We are all part of this same God/Source Consciousness which permeates the whole universe on multi-dimensional levels.

God is not a physical being sitting up on a heavenly cloud, as portrayed by Earth-plane religious art. God is an omnipresent and omniscient Energy/Consciousness that could be likened to an all-powerful sun at the very center of the universe whose rays penetrate and give life to the whole system, holding everything together in Oneness.

From what I understand, the real meaning behind “man being created in the image of God” is that in the greater reality we are all omnipresent and omniscient energy (soul), and living in a very small part of Life which experiences existence in physical forms. We here on Earth call them bodies, and ETs refer to bodies as “soul containers.” (In case you follow them, ETs come in such a variety of containers that fit their planetary association and purposes.)

To clarify this concept further, the “Human Ladder” is a term used by the Greys for the path or cycle of evolution followed by all human-type species throughout the universe. (A key to remember here is that the Human Kingdom is seen throughout the universe, just as the animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms are.) The Human Ladder is comprised of ten “galactic levels,” which are not physical levels but rather ascending and expanding levels of conscious awareness and awakening. The Human Ladder is also a path of self-realization.

Earth-plane humanity is on the very first level—the bottom “rung of the ladder”—with the average Earth human able to access about 10 percent of their potential conscious awareness. The other 90 percent is hidden away on the sub- or super-conscious levels of the psyche. For an Earth human to be able to access even a small part of these deeper levels, an altered state such as meditation or hypnosis is generally required. We can compare this to an iceberg, with only 10% of its bulk visible above the surface of the ocean and the rest hidden away beneath the surface. The 10% of conscious awareness that we can access is intrinsically linked into the amount of active DNA, so in order for a human consciousness to “ascend the Ladder” and evolve further, more DNA needs to be activated, which is exactly what contact with ETs is all about.

This is also the reason for the genetic work being carried out by the ETs. The so-called “Star Children” being produced through this program are a more upgraded Earth human species in the process of stepping up to level 2 of the Human Ladder, hence their enhanced abilities and sensitivity. This genetic work is vital, as Earth herself evolves from 4th to 5th world consciousness, and so humanity must also evolve in order to remain in synch with the planet.

This path of evolution will eventually open us to full (100%) conscious awareness and total conscious melding into the Oneness of Source Energy. This involves reincarnation over the span of many lives, through which a gradual refining and leavening process take place in our energy frequency, shifting our consciousness from the illusion of separation and duality into a state of oneness with Source. To put this into Earthly religious terms, our path of reincarnation is a journey “home to God.”

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Despite what some think, spirituality is not about being psychic or clairvoyant; it is not about reciting prayers by rote or robotically performing rituals, however sometimes when done consciously, one can experience great spirituality. And it is not necessarily about being a “healer” or a “seer” or being able to do astral travel (which everybody does every night during the sleep state). Spirituality is simply about trying to the best of your ability to practice unconditional love and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, which is found in the core of many different religions. And this applies throughout the cosmos—it is not just for humans of Earth. Spirituality is about acknowledging the God Essence within, and so honoring and respecting yourself, and acknowledging, honoring and respecting this self-same God Essence.

Cosmic spirituality recognizes soul/consciousness in other life-forms. This sentient conscious awareness is present in all kingdoms. Acknowledging this is the key to off-planet technology and the understanding that science and religion/spirituality are One. ET ships are sentient beings whose consciousness is intrinsically linked into the consciousness of the crew.

Evolution is always driven by the need for change — the need to shift existence from the ocean to dry land, the need to develop lungs in order to be able to breathe out of water and the need to adapt to walking on two legs rather than on four. The step that came after that for the human kingdom was the need to develop reasoning power in order to exercise free will, and the next step upwards, which is happening right now, involves coming to fully conscious self-realization of the God Source Energy within each one of us. This understanding enables a human being to evolve from animal-human to cosmic human by choosing love over fear. Once this next evolutionary step is achieved on Planet Earth, warfare will cease to exist. At that point in time, the human species of Earth will earn their right to cosmic citizenship, and it is the task and privilege of the creator beings to assist this process, as they have with countless other planetary cultures. Although it may not seem so right now, people are waking up. It will happen, but Cosmic Spirituality takes time.

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About the Author

Judy Carroll is the author of Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth, The Zeta Message and Human by Day, Zeta by Night. Judy introduced her life-long connections to the Zeta Greys in her first two books. In her new book, Extraterrestrial Presence on Earth, she reveals that she is a “blended” soul whose conscious awareness spans two planetary connections—both Earth human and Zeta Grey. Judy’s mission, along with other blended souls now incarnated as Earth humans, is to be an inter-planetary ambassador, introducing more clarity and deeper understanding of what has happened here in the past, offering understanding of present time global events, and providing guidance on how to heal our future as a planetary civilization. For more information, please visit:

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