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What is the Precog Economy?

What is the Precog Economy?

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The Premonition Code: How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life authors Theresa Cheung and Julia Mossbridge explain why the science of precognition is becoming more important to the world of business and technology. Discover how in the future, being “ a precog ” will be a job and be vital to the emerging futurist economy. Learn how you can begin to train for one of the most interesting jobs in the future.

The Precog Economy of the Future

by Theresa Cheung and Julia Mossbridge

Imagine going to pick out a new car in the year 2035. After test-driving it – of course, it runs on an alternative fuel that has one by-product: water – you meet with your Positive Precog Sales Associate. You have to wait a few minutes because she’s not quite done with her meditation hour. As you wait, you check out the awards on the wall of her office. “Best Precog Assessment of Traffic Patterns, 2021”, “Positive Precog Coach of the Year, 2028, 2034”, “Most Airbag Recalls Averted, Western-Canadifornia region 2033”, “Positive Precog Hall of Fame, 2019–2035”. You are excited, but also nervous. You really want her to approve this car for you. You like it a lot; it self-drives like a dream, and the mobile holographic teleporter is the highest resolution you’ve seen. You can’t wait to host cross-country parties in it with all the glitterati, dead and alive. But you know that if she says you’ll die in the car, you can’t buy it. The company won’t let you; it would be bad for their numbers. You wait, tapping your bionic forefingers on her hammock posts as she gently swings back and forth.

You hear a chiming, and there she is, having jumped out of her hammock, standing in front of you. She’s a bit disheveled but friendly. “Oh, it’s you. Hi! Yes, the car’s fine. I saw it this morning in the shower. You’ll have fun. It’ll take you places. You’re good to go. Remember: I can’t be sure that you’ll be 100% accident-free, of course, but I didn’t see any major accidents, for what that’s worth. I sealed up the paperwork this morning before you came. Now, enjoy!” She hands you a packet of papers, and you’re off. You’re thrilled, and so is the company. Since she started working for them, they’ve had only three accidents in their cars for the past three years. Not bad.

 To be sure, this story is highly speculative. But right now, organizations such as Soul Rider LLC, Intuitive Intelligence, Inc. and Technical Intuition are using what we call “controlled precognition” in applications such as stock market trading and consulting for corporations who want to anticipate future trends. That’s just a beginning. We think that these kinds of applications will become more popular and more openly discussed as their utility is made clear, and this will drive the emergence of what we call the “Precog Economy”– a positively disruptive array of goods and services based on controlled precognition and other related forms of precognition.

In addition to financial markets and corporate consulting, we envision that in the Precog Economy, there will be jobs for precogs at every level of education, healthcare and government. What we call Positive Precogs – people with precognitive gifts who work toward positive changes in the world – could help schools, hospitals and governments prepare for potential future threats and opportunities, define needs for curricular changes to adapt to future worldwide trends and be available for intelligence gathering for government agencies. Positive Precog trainers, testers, mentors and coaches would probably be commonplace as well. Sensitive people who have skills that are currently under-valued could use these skills to lead the world toward a new way of doing business, one that would take into account both historical lessons and the most positive direction for the future.

In the Precog Economy, how will precognition be used to make the world a better place? It is our hope to foster the development of a Positive Precog Council (PPC), a group of Positive Precogs, each with different specialties and styles. Positive Precogs who work best at discovering new long-term solutions to environmental problems would be on the PPC Environmental Team, while those who excel at the fast-paced world of terrorism precognition would sit on the PPC Anti-Terrorism Force. Global weather disasters, earthquakes, and geomagnetic storms would be predicted, saving lives in the process, by pairing the PPC Future World Natural Event Team with meteorologists and geologists.

Sure, all this sounds like a movie. On the one hand, that’s the point – we want to get you thinking about possibilities. On the other hand, it’s not actually that far-fetched, given what’s already happening today. There are a few efforts around the world that we know of, and certainly many of which we are unaware, that seem to be honing this type of PPC vision.

For example, between 1978 and 1996, approximately four thousand people in nations around the world were asked by researcher Stephan Schwartz to give their precognitive impressions of major world changes that would occur by 2050. To his surprise, one of the first consensus points to emerge from these responses was that by 2050 there hadn’t been a nuclear war (which was a major concern at the time). Instead, the precogs told him that terrorism was the real threat the world would face. There was also agreement on a series of epidemics. The first one, the precogs agreed, was a blood disease that would spread out of Africa from primates to humans and kill millions of people. At the time, Stephan went to a friend who was a hematology specialist with the US National Institutes of Health to ask about this, and he was told that medicine knew nothing about such a disease. Two years later, in 1981, HIV emerged. Other predictions included climate change (unknown in the 1970s and 1980s), the decline of antibiotic medicine and the rise of genetic engineering medicine.

Certainly, this project is not a controlled scientific study — there’s no way to verify the data until 2050. But we think it might be smart to continue investigating how to assess and increase the accuracy of controlled precognition in the service of the Precog Economy and the creation of a Positive Precog Council. We think bringing precognitive skills out into the open and examining how they might best be used is an important contribution to helping the world move toward a better future.

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About the Authors

Theresa Cheung has a Masters degree from King’s College Cambridge and has spent the last twenty years writing bestselling books and encyclopedias about the psychic world. Two of her paranormal titles reached The Sunday Times top ten and her international bestseller, The Dream Dictionary, regularly bounces to number 1 on the Amazon dreams bestsellers chart.

Julia Mossbridge MA, Ph.D. is a cognitive neuroscientist and director of the Innovation Lab at the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and visiting scholar in psychology at Northwestern University.

She is the author of Transcendent Mind, one of the first academic books to examine paranormal experiences, published by the American Psychological Association in 2017. Her research focus at IONS is precognition and the possibility of time travel.

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