When Twin Flames Have Different Destinies

There are many stories of couples who believe they are Twin Flames but for some reason are not together.
Why Do Some Twin Flames Have Divergent Paths?
Serendipity is the cause of many incredible opportunities and coincidences, many of these serendipitous moments are responsible for the meeting of connected and familiar’s souls, such as Twin Souls and even Twin Flames. It is not a secret to say that many connected souls are living very different lives and may also have a different life mission during their present incarnation on Earth.
They are souls who meet in a moment and come to share with a short fragment of time, months or even unforgettable years. However, like a house of cards, everything can be eventually destroyed by the wind.
If you both were, in your opinion, the perfect couple, but for strange reasons, everything was lost, maybe you met on the same platform of life, but with passages to different life destinations.
Sometimes, just to love alone is not enough to sustain a genuine relationship, even if the other soul is the spiritual reflection of yours. Sometimes there is an irreconcilable distortion and high costs, almost impossible to maintain. There are impossible loves that make us live perfect fragments, in a brief and intense, but that from the beginning already come with an expiration date.
The importance of taking risks and having experiences in life
A life without risk is an unlived life. You may know from the outset that some experiences can come at a high cost, be it emotional or financial; you may also be aware that getting out of your comfort zone, of what is acknowledged and safe, will bring about the uncertainty of “not knowing” and the risk of committing not just one, but several errors.
The risk is to lose balance, but each misstep also teaches you how to rise from the fall and how to walk with more confidence. The same applies to our relationships, where no one has the manual on how to be perfect. No one comes to this world destined to be a real guru of love, immune to suffering; therefore, it is worth considering these different relationship dimensions.
Is it true that there really are Twin Flames and Soul Mates?
It is possible that as you read the title of this article, you have thought that there are, in fact, soul mates and twin flames and that they never follow different directions because souls are alike and are they predestined to be together forever. Make no mistake, do not jump at anything without a parachute.
Perfect love does not exist, because Love requires work day after day, facing the high costs that a relationship brings, and demanding a lot of investment of time and efforts. And yet, sometimes love is not the only answer to all problems, nor is it the answer to all our doubts. It is not even the bridge that will cover all our emotional gaps. There are great loves condemned to cause great suffering. The reason? There are many: lack of understanding, selfishness, the immaturity of one or both parties, different interests and different Karmic lessons to be learned.
Fate sometimes provides lovely opportunities for encounters with people who look “perfect,” but sometimes love comes with a close-by date. It is a companion soul with whom we share time, enjoying every minute, every second. But always remember that your soul mate must be yourself; you have to give yourself love and care every day to continue to maintain your personal balance with every step you take.
The importance of taking risks in love
Sometimes there is something within us that tells us that our relationship will not be continued for long, that it will bring us suffering, that everything will be brief and perhaps even painful. So, will we make a mistake if we take the risk? Certainly not.
It will not be a long relationship, as you already intuit, but you must set boundaries and remember to protect your self-esteem. Love is an adventure worth living, and it is likely that if you decide to let go of this opportunity, you will regret your whole life for not taking risks, not having run to the “platform” boarding and hugging this person.
What will happen next nobody knows. Whether it will last for the rest of your life or if it will end so briefly the more intense it is lived … it may even cause much more suffering than happiness, but it’s all worth it. It is life, it is time for learning, time to vibrate, time to laugh and cry.
The pains you will have later will be healed day after day, but without a doubt, they could be more painful for the regret of not having risked, for remembering a love that did not happen. This is the book of our lives, and as such we must write it every day.
There is no love without risk; Those who do not venture do not live, those who do not try courageously do not see the reward. Although the relationship with our “possible” soul mate may not last long, be sure that this love will be with you, forever in your memory, and will be dear to your soul.
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About the Author
Ascending Hearts is a dating site for those who have embraced a conscious lifestyle. Connect with your Soulmate at AscendingHearts.com

Ascending Hearts is a spiritual dating site that reengineers serendipity and spiritual connection between souls. Find more about it at ascendinghearts.com