Mastering Ho’oponopono

Do you practice the Hawaiian art of Ho’oponopono?
How to Practice Ho’oponopono
What is Ho’oponopono?
Have you heard the story of the Hawaiian therapist who cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients without ever directly interacting with them? It’s not a joke. The therapist was Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. He analyzed each of the patients’ files and then healed them using Ho’oponopono.
The surprising results seem like a miracle but miracles do happen when you use Ho’oponopono. People who attended one of his lectures and started practicing Ho’oponopono have achieved surprising results. Do you need a miracle?
What you may want to do is understand how this can work. How can you heal yourself and still restore others? How can you treat yourself?
How Ho’oponopono Works
Why does it affect anything “out there”? The secret is that there is no such thing as “out there.” Whatever happens to you in your mind and your energy field, everything you see, everything you hear, every person you meet, is not actually “out there”. You think it’s “out there” to take away any responsibility. The truth is you are responsible for everything you think and everything that comes to your attention. If you see the news, everything you hear on the news is your responsibility. This sounds heavy, but it means that you are also able to withdraw, clean, and, through forgiveness, change.
Ho’oponopono is a practice that combines four different attitudes to create useful results. These attitudes are remorse, forgiveness, gratitude, and love. They represent forces that together can gather incredible power for changing our lives.
Ho’oponopono is an exercise that you can do by yourself. You do not need anyone to be there, you do not need anyone to listen to you, all you need is your intention. You can “say” the words silently in your head. The high power comes from the feeling and disposition of the Universe to forgive and to love.
Ho’oponopono Step 1: Repentance – I AM SORRY
We know you are responsible for everything in your mind, even though it seems to be “out there.” Once you realize that, it is very natural to feel regretful or sad. If you hear of a storm hurts people, you can feel remorse when you realize that something in your consciousness has created that idea. Imagine the suffering that a stormy rain can cause in many families.
This perception is painful and you will resist accepting responsibility until you become more comfortable with the technique.
Start by choosing a problem you already know you have created. This can be something like being overweight or an addiction to something. Or you can focus on the anger you feel about something or a health problem.
Begin with saying that you are sorry. Here’s the step: “I’m sorry.”
It may be even more powerful if you say it more clearly: “I realize that I am responsible for (SAY THE PROBLEM) in my life and I feel terrible remorse for something in my consciousness has caused it.” Once you become accustomed to facing your responsibility for the world’s problems, do the technique by apologizing/regretting the difficulties the world faces because, one way or another, we are all contributing to the Unconscious Mind of the world.
Ho’oponopono Step 2: Ask for forgiveness – PLEASE FORGIVE ME
Do not worry about whom you are asking for forgiveness. Say to yourself: PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Say it over and over again. Remember the remorse of step 1 to feel that you should ask for forgiveness and want forgiveness.
Ho’oponopono Step 3: Gratitude – THANK YOU
Say “thank you.” Again it does not matter to whom you say this or what you are thanking. Be appreciative of what your body does for you, for example. Thank yourself for being the best you can be. Thank God. Express your gratitude to the Universe. Be thankful for everything and everyone who has forgiven you. Keep in the habit of saying thank you and practicing gratitude.
Ho’oponopono Step 4: Love – I LOVE YOU
This can also be step 1. Say “I love you.” Tell it to your body. Tell God. Say “I love you” to the air you breathe, to the house that houses you. Say “I love you” for your challenges. Say it. Feel it. There is nothing as powerful as Love.
This is the whole practice in a nutshell. It is simple and surprisingly effective. Take the test and you will see how your life will change.
It is inevitable that at some point we will disappoint ourselves. So forgiving is vital so that life can be lived more lightly.
We all make mistakes. I make mistakes. You make mistakes. Your neighbor makes mistakes Your boss makes mistakes. Even the most spiritual person makes mistakes. Recognizing our mistakes is a significant step toward our liberation and self-knowledge.
Look at yourself with more compassion rather judging yourself. It will make a significant difference on the path of forgiveness.
You will also enjoy Taking Responsibility is Power to Change and 4 Ways to Forgive When an Apology Never Arrives
About the Author
Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

Humanity Healing is a Nondenominational Network committed to Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual Healing and Growth through Education and Spiritual Activism. Spiritual Activism is expressed by Compassion in Action.