The Seductive Influence of Incense

There is nothing like incense to set the mood you desire.
Influencing Your Environment with Incense
Incense gives good energies, purifies the environment, and attracts good vibrations. Learn how you can use the incense and which are the most suitable for particular purposes.
How to Light Incense
Incenses are known to be an artifact of reverence and attraction of energies, but they must also be used in specific ways so that your power actually invades your life. A fragrance represents the divine breath, and before using it, you must mentalize a special prayer for what you want to achieve.
You should always light incense in a serene place and full of tranquility. It should continuously be burned with your left hand and the same way you light a candle. Ideally, use a match because it means that you respect your relationship with the spiritual or heavenly energies.
If you cannot light an incense every day, burn it at least once every three days so that the lower spirits will not be able to stand in too fragrant surroundings and will want to move away from incense-purified places.
Incense for All Purposes
Here is a list of different types of incense and their uses.
Absinthe – In addition to protecting love, it helps to have clarity of thought.
Acacia – Helps you to sleep peacefully, without restlessness, or nightmares.
Allspice – Harmonizes the environment in the home, attracts luck and money.
Amber – Stimulates intuition helps you with clarity helping you to choose wisely.
Angelica – Help protects all areas of your life.
Artemisia – Gives clarity of thought.
Balm – Helps release the contained emotions.
Basil – Increases prosperity and protection in your life and attracts luck and happiness.
Benjoim – In any area where it moves, it helps you to have a lot of creativity.
Camphor – Eliminates all negative energies from the environment and protects you emotionally and professionally. It is good when using to cleaning a space before you intend to move in.
Cedar – Helps increase physical strength, purifies the environment, removes negative energies, and protects those who have their own business.
Chamomile – Soothes impulsiveness and helps improve your financial life.
Cinnamon – Purifies the environment and helps solve financial issues.
Coconut – Helps make difficult decisions without feelings of guilt.
Coffee – It attracts luck and prosperity.
Cypress – Helps increase levels of concentration, conveys safety and balance, and assists fortune.
Eucalyptus – Promotes a true purification of the environment and renews the positive energies in the place. It is excellent for clearing space before spiritual ceremonies.
Fennel – Removes envy, brings harmony and conveys peace.
Frankincense – Helps purify the environment.
Harpsichord – Harmonizes the whole environment, opening up all the paths of life and moving away from the negative energies.
Jasmine – Purifies the atmosphere, increases physical strength and improves success.
Lavender – In addition to conveying tranquility, it helps maintain a good mood.
Lemon balm – Helps find true love, happiness and helps the pursuit of success.
Lily – Increases fertility, helps gestation and growth.
Mint – Helps promote understanding, assists in making important decisions, and nullifies all negative energies.
Musk – It makes intuition more accurate and increases luck and success in your life.
Myrrh – Enhances your intuition and open the space for angelical communications.
Nutmeg – Attracts good humor, money, and justice to your life.
Orchid – Purifies the professional environment and helps to have clarity of thought.
Patchouli – Attracts abundance to your life.
Pine – Boosts fertility and attracts luck and protection.
Rosemary – Removes negative thinking and purifies the environment to open your mind.
Sandalwood – Help your intuitive power.
Star Anise – This fragrance can help you to attract good luck in your life.
Verbena – This flowery fragrance has the influence the attraction of love into your life.
Vetiver – Assists all businesses, helping to increase sales. Perfect when it is used in conjunction with the cinnamon one.
Violet – Remove all negative energies.
White Rose – Purifies the environment against negative energies and soothes the impulsiveness of the people who are close to you.
White sandalwood – Increases your ability to meditate, success, and luck.
Ylang-Ylang – Empowers self-esteem.
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Shakti world is a Sophisticated Boutique of Empowerment artifacts and jewelry Visit our section of spiritual apparel.

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