Why Do We Fall Out of Love?

Love can ebb and flow: we fall in love and we fall out of love. Why does this happen?
The 3 Most Common Reasons We Fall Out of Love
We all know what love is, the phases it goes through, and what it takes to keep it alive. But … what happens to the stage of “dis-passion”?
Falling out of love or “dis-passion” also happens. We fall in love, but we can become disenchanted and fall out of love. The question is why and how it happens. Can we avoid it? Or are we always going to be unhappy over time?
The Physical and Mental Attraction
When we fall in love with someone, we are attracted to that person. So why do we suddenly cease to be attracted to them? Do we get tired of our partner?
Attraction is one of the earliest stages of passion that can diminish over time. The nervousness we felt when we received a call, for example, was left behind, when the person invited us to go somewhere, or when they wanted to surprise us, too. Our body has changed. We are no longer the same. The routine began to take effect.
3 Reasons We Fall Out of Love with Someone
1. The Power of Routine
Monotony tends to take over when a relationship is not cultivated in its many different stages. Where is that which surprised us before? For some, the routine kills the spontaneity.
Sometimes we tend to diminish the physical contact with our partners and begin to repress public affection demonstrations, measuring even the tender and loving words. Boredom and routine can tire a loving connection.
2. Destructive Criticism
Have you asked yourself why at the beginning of your relationship everything was perfect and now is not more? How, suddenly, all these defects resolved to appear? Were we blind? This is also one of the phases of love when we see the best qualities. We raised them at first, but when we can see them as they are, they no longer please us.
We began to get tired of those behaviors we once tolerated, and we no longer care to say everything we think to our partner without considering whether we are hurting him or not. Before we tried to be more empathetic, more understanding … and suddenly we became slaves to complaints, annoyances, and even arguments.
3. Lack of Communication
The most essential element in any relation: communication. Never sub-estimate the power of dialogue and connection. Without this element, there is no interconnection, and the relationship will be lost.
You need to be constantly interacting with the partner. Not only exchanging ideas per se but sharing intentions, life goals, emotions and trust each other. All this is also lost when the attraction ends and when we begin to see defects. We no longer recognize our partner. We often perceive them as strangers.
The fine line of affection
Of course, you have heard this phrase “I no longer love you, but I have a lot of affection for you.” All the previous ends at this point. This is where the line dividing the love of affection is correct.
Although we are disenchanted, we may continue to feel tenderness, and still caring for that person with whom we share part of our life. There were good and bad times, and we lived all of them. They may have been a vital part of our lives, but the love is entirely over.
And now comes the big question: can you avoid the heartbreak of falling out of love? It depends. Not all couples can preserve love over time, so many people think love has an expiration date. Perhaps the affinity that exists and the type of personality of your partner influences the duration of love. Good humor, positivism, doing things together, having fun. This usually helps, but it depends on how we dream and how we feel.
All love between couples ends up turning into affection? Do you believe that it is possible to avoid heartbreak?
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About the Author
Ascending Hearts is a dating site for those who have embraced a conscious lifestyle. Connect with your Soulmate at AscendingHearts.com

Ascending Hearts is a spiritual dating site that reengineers serendipity and spiritual connection between souls. Find more about it at ascendinghearts.com