How Grief Reveals the Light

Are you wallowing in grief? It is time to find the Light of Wisdom.
How Grief Reveals the Light of Wisdom
by Jayita Bhattacharjee
When grief pushes you down to your knees, and you stare at the space knowing you have hit rock bottom—such a pang of sadness descends on you, that you carry it wherever you go. And your life is never the same. Isn’t that the whisper to your heart?
While the pain chases us, no matter how hard we try to escape it—the truth is, every loss reveals a light inside. Every sadness leaves a beauty behind, and that is something which has eluded our eyes.
We wander from place to place, wearing the most beautiful smiles, while carrying the sadness inside. Beneath our sweetest smiles, there come the streaming tears, that the world knows nothing about. Every loss has something to give. And as we open ourselves to the pain, it breaks our hearts, to reveal a thousand wonders. We open to joy, as it unravels in delight. Every time, the pain knocks our hearts, it says something. If only we can hear it with the heart and not the head.
Every loss carries pain, and that is the reality that stares at us, no matter how hard we try to escape it. Every time we revisit the past wounds, we feel the silent stab that seems to still our life in a wordless pain. Life slows down, and we lose the rhythm. Though we try our very best to deny it in our secret depths, the more we deny, the more it chases us. And we run from ourselves, fearing, what if we crash—but then, what if we land—what if, we rise in a new light, in the most authentic version of ourselves?
As the pain of grief gets so acute—it becomes a signal for us to stop and see new pathways, new directions. We learn how to react to the pain. And a conscious change fills our eyes with a new light, that was unseen before while we were sinking in the sea of sadness. We begin to rise in the light of a new beginning. The sense of losing someone calls for a profoundly deep searching, an altered direction forever. We walk again, just not the same way anymore. It becomes– walking with a limp.
We tend to suppress grief with a great deal of care. Suppression and avoidance usually come with a hefty price tag. They tear us apart inside. Eventually, it becomes exhausting for our body and soul. We fail to recognize ourselves as we face the mirrors inside. Running away does not make less of a problem. Instead, it makes more of a problem, as we try harder and harder to mask it, we add more of a pretense every day to wear the best possible disguise. In the process, we lose our authenticity. And we become some talented performers.
Denying the pain, walking away from the hurt is carrying an unseen burden inside. The very burden that weighs us down. That denial turns to a hindrance on healing. We become aware of the fragility of life. And yes, when the tragedy hits our lives—the truth is—it can be awful and awe-inspiring at the same time. It can be profoundly aching and profoundly precious, both at the same time. The very pain that we weep in– can open a thousand doors for us. The very vulnerability can shake us to break us. And all we are left with is a powerful light from beyond. We reveal ourselves to this world in the best beauty of us. The bud inside sees its rarest bloom. Every tear that fell on the ground rose to call us for something more profound, powerful beyond measure. As we honor the pain, we begin to see the light of wisdom.
As we look back at the moments spent with the loved ones, it gives us the courage to know they are not left behind. They are the unseen souls who still walk with us, sit with us in every moment of our lives. Pain can be profoundly rich in the sense it unfolds us in every individual beauty. We honor those we lost by honoring their vision, their dreams and those that they stood for. As we turn their dreams into reality, we honor their unseen presence into a towering monument of inspiration. By dying, they leave a legacy behind that is a legacy of wisdom. As we choose to walk in their trails, we carry them with us.
Nothing is truly lost. Every loss comes with something lost while something gained. It is a rich and bittersweet blend of love and wisdom. In the middle of pain, lies the opportunity to see every moment with the eyes of light. So, we begin to live more richly and purposefully.
You become conscious of the impermanence of life. What you have right here, right now, can be taken away, before even you know it. Such a consciousness gifts you with the light to live in the present and act in the present in a much richer way. The right way, the only way, would be to make room for acknowledging the pain so that it can melt the frigid sadness. In such a melting, do we find a way to float again on the rushing waters of life?
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About the Author
Jayita Bhattacharjee….born in Calcutta, India and later, education from the University of Houston in Economics, had chosen her career as a trustee and teacher. Her love for writing on a journey of heart and soul was hidden all within. Her books ” The Ecstatic Dance of Soul’, ” Sacred Sanctuary” are some of the many that are authored, in her deepest calling.
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