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Is Oneness Deeksha Right for you

Is Oneness Deeksha Right for you

What is Deeksha and are the benefits for Mind and Body

Have you experienced Oneness Deeksha?

What is Deeksha and What are the Benefits for Mind and Body?

Deeksha is a type of energy transference that helps reduce anxiety, It also awakens the inner self, and unlocks unresolved emotions in one’s unconscious mind.

The Deeksha, also known as Oneness Deeksha, is the transference of divine grace to an individual. It is an intelligent and subtle energy vibration coming from the Source of All Life.

According to Krishna Ji, son of Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan and founder of O & O Academy, the primary purpose of the Deeksha as a supernatural phenomenon is induce enlightenment or mukti. It is a mystical tool for a total transformation of consciousness.

A movement of the awareness of self for the consciousness of unity, of separation for connection, of conflict for peace, of the division for integration.

All people can enjoy this experience to conquer life with more joy, purpose, healing, and transformation

Regardless of origin, belief or lifestyle, all people can enjoy this experience to conquer life with more joy, purpose, healing, and transformation. Deeksha is not bound by any philosophy or ideology.


Transmission of Deeksha

The most common form of Deeksha transmission is by the laying on of the hands of a Deeksha Giver on the crown chakra (top of the head).

Deeksha manifests itself in diverse ways in different individuals, depending on what the person needs most.


Some of the most common benefits reported are:

• Accelerates the process of human development, bringing self-awareness and expansion of consciousness • It increases the level of awareness allowing to discover the extraordinary in daily life. • Awakens compassion • Reduces anxiety • It leads to a state of meditation and immediate presence • Provides a sense of pleasure, joy and inner peace • Increase the connection with the Higher Self and the Divine Self (our true essence) • Removes emotional blocks and burdens • Brings harmony and love to relationships • It dissolves unresolved emotions in the unconscious that generate a negative reality. • Release of traumas • Miracle physical healings.

Initiation For Deeksha Giver

After a two-day course, with O & O Academy teachings, the individual is eligible to be a Deeksha Giver. This course brings to the individual the internal transformations necessary for the emergence of a new state of consciousness.

Also, it will allow a deep inner experience that makes him understand what it is to live in fullness, acceptance, and integrity.


Three Attitudes that Intensify the Power of Deeksha

• Being in a state of detachment and deep relaxation • Keep the heart in a state of gratitude • Have a clear intention of what you want to receive


The Scientific Explanation

Deeksha makes a neurobiological alteration in the brain proven by science. Deeksha activates the frontal and parietal lobes, triggering the area of the brain responsible for the sense of empathy, connection, and inner silence.

It has a progressive action, remodeling and rebalancing the neuroendocrine activity, raising the levels of oxytocin and serotonin (well-being hormones), and decreasing levels of cortisol and other neurotransmitters of chronic stress.

The Deeksha forms new brain synapses, leading to a change in the perception of the facts of life, in the emotions and in the acting.


What the Deeksha Phenomenon causes you

Deeksha leads the individual to access a spiritual and transcendental dimension, that is often activated during deep meditation. The access to the dimension called Supreme Consciousness, or Grace, Presence, or Supreme Self is in itself, an experience that transcends logic and limitations.

Over time, this enormous inner power comes into manifestation in many ways. Some have thought it as an expanded and encompassing sacred space, as an infinite light, power, or as an internal guideline.

For others, the experience is very personal: as if they were in the presence of a very compassionate and benevolent father or mother with whom they can relate and receive answers. Sri Bhagavan says: “The divine is dependent on the observer.”

Deeksha will manifest in each individual depending on what the person most needs.

When you receive the Oneness Blessing or Deeksha, you start to awaken to that sacred dimension in your consciousness. Each person has very personal experience of this Supreme Self.

In ancient initiation traditions, usually awakened teachers transferred wisdom and states of consciousness to their disciples after years of preparation. As water flows from higher levels to lower levels, grace also flows from a higher point of awareness to lower consciousness.

In the same way, through the Oneness Blessing, grace transfers from the Blessing Giver to the recipient.

This initiates a neurobiological transformation, and as a result, the brain and consciousness open to realization in God.


Harmful Beliefs Limit your Capacity to Realization

The Deeksha is a zone, a space and a time of the event, where grace arrives incredibly and powerfully.

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Even though you may never meditate before, you may have a classic mystical experience as the sages of the past have had. You may see your divine part manifesting in you or even experience a healing of the heart and body.

The subtle changes continue days after receiving the Deeksha when the receivers can become free of emotional or find great explosions of creativity. Life turns into a beautiful stream of coincidences, drawing you closer to your dreams.


How Deeksha Happened

Deeksha began in 1989 at a children’s school in Jeevashram, India. Founded by Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan when a Golden Orb appeared to Krishna Ji, the son of the then 11-year-old couple.

The Golden Orb was also passed from Krishna Ji to the students and parents of the students of this school, leading them to enlightened states of being and profound expansion of consciousness. This mystical and sacred phenomenon came to prominence and called Deeksha & Unity Blessing.

The Golden Orb had already manifested itself to Sri Bhagavan when he was only three years old at a place called Natham in India and had him chant a specific mantra for 21 years.

This Moolamantra has given great peace and joy to people all over the world, who have chanted, or even listened to it. It has the power to transport one’s mind to the state of causeless love and limitless joy. The calmness that the mantra can give is to be experienced, not spoken about

Sri Amma and Sri Bhagavan realized that this energy arrived for the benefit of all mankind, as an incredible gift for spiritual evolution, if given to every person who is seeking transformation and a life filled with joy.

The school in Jeevashram, devoted to Holistic education, has become the birthplace of the O & O Academy, an institution that has formed hundreds of thousands of Deeksha donors around the world.


Harmful Effect over Chakras

Many Yoga Practitioners are weary of the Deeksha process by The Oneness Blessing group. They argue that it can be a traumatic process for those that have no practice on working with their energetic centers-chakras and that the process can cause a burnout effect on the wheels of the energy of one’s body.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.


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