12 Ways to Lift Your Spirits

If your energy or attitude is down, use one of these methods to lift your spirits.
Twelve Ways To Lift Your Spirits
Many of us need a reminder now and then to slow down and recharge ourselves in body, mind, and soul. We get so caught up in everything and everyone else around us that we forget how to nourish ourselves with a little extra self-care. Our energy frequencies govern our abilities to heal ourselves in a myriad of ways. When we become run down in thought our bodies eventually pick up the signals, and we can become depressed or physically ill. Here are several methods to help pull us up from our anxieties and life challenges, apply as needed.
Lift Your Spirits #1 – Visualize Solutions.
When we are facing life-changing issues, it can be less stressful to focus on creative solutions with future scenarios to visualize the outcome you would like to manifest. Instead of concentrating all your energy on the drama of the challenge, take charge of the way it makes you feel. Are you empowered to find a solution or defeated by the thought? Solving your problems creates positive, productive energies your soul thrives upon.
Lift Your Spirits #2 – Take a nature break.
With no electronics walk, run, hike, or bike outside! Just being among the trees, grass, dirt and animal life can make an incredible difference in our mood. The Earth has healing powers and properties that are magical and mystical. Sitting by a stream of clear water washing over rocks and feeling a cool breeze can be an amazing experience. The realization of the power that this connection has to our soul self, along with the inner thoughts of being, bring in a spiritual clarity that can lay hidden in primal thoughts.
Lift Your Spirits #3 – Forgive Ourselves.
For all the things we didn’t understand when we were younger and more naïve. For all the things we didn’t say or do out of fear or anxiety. For any chances, we may have missed or people we might have hurt. For all the times we didn’t listen to our soul guidance and steered off course. Everything we do here is to learn something. To evolve and grow into the ideal of humanity at its best, we test ourselves. In those tests, we or someone else learns to move on. To let go of the hurt or shame we have felt, we rise above our need to be right or perfect and appreciate the lesson.
Lift Your Spirits #4 – Forgive Others.
One of the hardest things to do is to forgive others when they have hurt us. Everyone has their own unique experiences, reasons and life themes to work on to reach an understanding. It is a personal journey for each of us to learn how to forgive in different ways. Forgiveness releases the soul and creates a higher energy of compassion, understanding, and tolerance for those who would act against another. It does not excuse the behavior but releases the victim from the negative, destructive emotions created.
Lift Your Spirits #5 – Feeding Our Bodies and Minds.
It’s no secret that what we feed our bodies affects us in every way. To keep physically healthy and for mental sharpness, we need nutrients from the food we eat and the liquids we drink. We literally are what we eat. A brain on healthy food helps elevate our mood and is far reaching to every aspect of our lives.
Lift Your Spirits #6 – The Power of Creation.
When we make time to focus our energy on our creative talents, we bring in connection to the Source which overpowers anxieties with new ideas. New ideas help our brains create new, healthy cells. Knowing the possibility, we use the amazing power of our minds to visualize things we have yet to manifest.
Lift Your Spirits #7 – Practicing Meditation.
Meditation helps us connect to the higher knowledge available to us during times of quiet solitude when we are mindful and listening. Research and practice your style of meditation to call in healing frequencies which we physically feel, audibly hear and intuitively know. These loving, guided energies can help us calm our soul and free our minds from stress and worry.
Lift Your Spirits #8 – Gratitude.
We live in a world filled with competition and judgment. When we can rise above the noise of compliance and make a list of all the good things in our lives, we can practice being grateful. Every person, place, and thing that has helped us in our life is a gift. We can send out a thank you note to the Universe! Let someone else know how thankful we are for their assistance.
Lift Your Spirits #9 – Take Time to Play.
A great way to avoid emotional or physical burnout is to have time to take part in the things we love to do. When our work and personal issues replace our need to express ourselves as individuals, we lose our sense of wonder and imagination. Playing games, listening to music, dancing, and appreciation of art can revive our souls.
Lift Your Spirits #10 – Take a mini-vacation.
When life gets busy or too mundane, it might be time for a trip somewhere close by that inspires us to breathe and remember to take good care of ourselves. A day trip to the spa or a weekend in a cabin (or a tent) at the nearest state park can have miraculous results.
Lift Your Spirits #11 – Volunteer.
When we give our time and resources to others, we create an energy of unconditional love and compassion. Assisting the homeless, rescuing animals or taking care of the elderly in our “off work” time are all ways in which we can show our gratitude for life. There are countless ways in which we can help bring more light into the world.
Lift Your Spirits #12 – Humor.
One of the best ways to lift our spirits is to remember the absurdity of life here on Earth. When we can see the humor in our situations and others, we know humans make mistakes. We say and do things that make us laugh. Watching a comedy or listening to jokes makes us lighter inside. We don’t take ourselves so seriously. Therefore, life becomes better. We create an energy of laughter which in turn evolves into hope and evolution of spirit.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see judilynch.com

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.