Change and the Full Blood Moon

The Full Moon will occur around 12:12 a.m. EST on January 21st. This “triple threat” will be a metaphysical feast to behold. The first part of this is the supermoon. A Supermoon is defined as a new or full moon which occurs when the moon is at or near (within 90%) of its closest approach to Earth. The second aspect of this is the “ blood moon ”.
Change and the Full Blood Moon
A blood moon is a full moon which appears coppery red during a total lunar eclipse. That is because the dispersed light from the Earth’s sunrises and sunsets fall on the face of the moon at mid-eclipse. Therefore, the term “blood moon” can be applied to most total lunar eclipses. Because the moon rises lower in the sky at this time of year, the atmosphere between us and the moon makes it look reddish. This is also the month of the Wolf Moon.
In ancient lore, a “ wolf blood moon” takes a bite out of life, so to speak. It is the opportunity to make “long-term and lasting goals when you set your intentions on what you really want. The third aspect of this is the total lunar eclipse of a supermoon. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the sun, the Earth and the moon reach perfect alignment, causing Earth’s shadow to hide the moon from view. A lunar eclipse is always on a full moon and represents an ending or culmination points. They bring up memories, reoccurring dreams, and powerful emotions. A lunar eclipse of the moon can help us to anticipate major changes that are forthcoming in our own lives. it is a moment when the effects of the full moon are very much amplified, while the South Node of the moon is getting enlightened by the Sun, and the North Node brings forth our deepest aspirations and intuitions toward our spiritual meaning in this life. Change is inevitable. Our lives are made up of the building blocks of change. This can be traumatic or it can be less so. The single most important point you can make about change is that in most cases it’s not what faces you that’s the problem, it’s how you react to it. How you react is determined by how you perceive a particular change. The Chinese word for crisis is “weiji”.
The two Chinese characters of weiji separately mean danger and opportunity. Every problem we encounter in life can be viewed that way. It is a chance to show that we can handle it. Changing the way, you think, can change a life of stress and discomfort to a life of challenge and excitement. Change shows itself in many forms. The move to a different career, by choice or not, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a relationship, the move to a new home or simply the change in the weather and how we feel. Here are some ways to embrace change:
– Often, in any situation, we must take the quiet time to be with ourselves to observe this change. How is it going to affect me? Better yet, how am I going to let it affect me? What am I going to do to get through this? Allow the answers to come to you in your quiet time.
– Take everything one day at a time. Sometimes situations can become overwhelming when looking at the big picture. Again, take your quiet time to observe the moment. Allow yourself to take all the time, take the space that you need to grasp the change.
– Breath. Deep breathing allows us to open our chest and expand. It clears our minds and bodies of toxins and should be used as a tool for change. Allow the breath to cleanse you and make room for change. Make room for something different.
– Support. We are always put at ease when we have support behind us. In these vulnerable moments, we can find strength in others. If you have a good friend, a family member, a loved one or a community group that you can turn to, do so. Be sure that this support comes from a positive, unbiased source. Otherwise, it can be more damaging than good. Rest assured, there have been others who have gone through what you are experiencing right now. See if you can take away with you some of their positive pearls of wisdom.
– Love Yourself. You are the true source to your own happiness. You have to live within yourself. You have to be at peace within yourself. Only you can do that. Only you can make that happen. We each have our own way of being with ourselves, but there is only one way to be at ease with your soul. That is to love yourself, always.
– Our belief system is one of the major factors that can get us through situations or can cause our life to crumble around us! I do believe that there is a lot of innate goodness and balancing our minds do subconsciously to get us through hard times. The other portion of this is how we “program” ourselves to deal with any given situation.
– Let go of ego. Embracing peace of mind, optimism, the ability to forgive, and a sense of humor are all good ways to allow the ego to step aside and make room for some humble pie.
– Allow Emotional Release. Identifying, expressing, experiencing, and accepting all of our feelings is your doorway to accepting all change in your life.
– Be Flexible. You have a rigid, mindset about work, relationships, kids or lifestyle. Learn a lesson from the willow tree and its ability to bend in the great wind. Whereas, when we are rigid like the old oak tree, we can easily break apart under the stress of change. Learn to relax and follow the path unfolding before you.
– There is no security in something that is irrelevant or no longer has meaning. When we let go of the familiar, we have the power to embrace the new. Embrace it!
You can use the opportunity of the Wolf Blood Moon for rituals to enhance prosperity. See Supermoon Ritual For Prosperity
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About the Author
Connect with Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac at “Living Life, Consciously” Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body & spirit!

Andrew Pacholyk, MS, L.Ac. has been in the alternative health field for over 18 years. He is an expert in treating infertility and gynecology, pain management and anti-aging therapies. His knowledge, expertise and clinical training has offered him the ability to experience and continually learn about the body and its energy system in health as well as in disease.