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Auspicious Crystals for the Year of the Pig

Auspicious Crystals for the Year of the Pig

Auspicious Crystals for the Year of the Pig

The Year of the Pig/Boar begins on Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Auspicious Crystals for the Chinese Year of the Pig

Chinese New Year starts with the New Moon on the first day of the Lunar new year and ends on the full moon 15 days later. The 15th day of the new year is called the Lantern Festival, which is celebrated at night with lantern displays and children carrying lanterns in a parade.

If you were born during these years: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031, this is your year!

Those born under the sign of the pig (also called the boar) are aware, honest, tolerant and make and keep good friends. They tend to expect the same from everyone else and more often than not they end up disappointed.

Those born in the year of the pig tend to have excellent manners, work very hard and appreciate luxury. They are very loving and make loyal partners. Usually very gallant. When they do something, they do it with all their heart. They have tremendous fortitude.

They are a splendid companion, an intellectual with a very strong need to set difficult goals and carry them out. They are also incredibly naive. The quest for material goods could be their downfall.

The Pig person is simple, sturdy, courageous, persevering, resolute, sociable, peace-loving and patient, trusting, sincere, diligent, calm, understanding, thoughtful, scrupulous and passionate. They can also be self-indulgent, condescending, fatalistic, and materialistic.

Discover more traits of the Pig/Boar here

How to Celebrate

Prior to New Year’s Day, Chinese families decorate their living rooms with vases of pretty blossoms, platters of oranges and tangerines and a candy tray with eight varieties of dried sweet fruit. On walls and doors are poetic couplets, happy wishes written on red paper. Families thoroughly clean their homes in order to sweep away any misfortune and make way for good luck. Windows and doors are decorated with delicate red paper cutouts and poetic couplets (pairs of corresponding lines of poetry) that express people’s joy and hope for the New Year.


A Lunar Celebration

The lunar celebration brings fireworks, red packages and beautiful lanterns parading through the streets of Chinatown. The dragon dance is performed with a large custom head of a dragon and many people following behind in a costume resembling the dragon’s body.

These are common customs and traditions observed during the Chinese New Year period. Most importantly, many families gather for large reunion dinners on New Year’s Eve and also pay respectful visits to their relatives as part of the New Year celebrations.


Who You Are

The lunar calendar has a sixty-year cycle. In Chinese Astrology, the five basic elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth, which make up all matter, are combined with the twelve animal signs of Rat, Oxen, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep/Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Boar/Pig to form the sixty year cycle. One’s Chinese horoscope is based on which lunar year in this sixty-year cycle one was born. Which one are you?


Auspicious Crystals for the Year of the Pig

Pig Birth Stone: Ruby (fire) Wealth, Joy, Love, Sexual Energy, and Power are keywords associated with this warm, energizing stone. Ruby is known to strengthen physical and the emotional heart (or Heart Chakra), especially after mental exhaustion. Famous for enticing love, courage, and confidence, vitality, stamina, strength, leadership.

Petrified Wood (wood) This “stone” is most noted in helping us to investigate past-life experiences. It is a warm earthy stone, which is used at the Root Chakra, encouraging one’s survival instincts and is grounding. Petrified Wood is also believed to energize the Heart Chakra. At the “heart of the tree” is a seed that grows.

Yellow Jasper: (earth) This stone is a methodical and meticulous worker of practical, down to earth solutions, promoting organizational abilities and courage to assertively tackle a variety of problems. It fosters and nurtures and its energy is used for grounding and protection.

Snow Quartz (metal) White represents metal and is the Observation Stone. Like the introspective and contemplative time of winter, this unique stone allows us to notice more the actions around us, both good and bad, helping us to perhaps see ourselves a little better. It can help us to meditate on parts of our personality that we admire and those we need to change.

Aqua Aura: (water) benefits the Throat Chakra for improving communications. It is used by crystal healers and others to calm the emotions and the emotional body. It is a powerful stress reliever. It is a strong energy for reducing or eliminating anger. The crystal’s energies will release old wounds and help your emotional healing.

~ Create a five-star grid with each crystal placed in a circle from left to right – wood, fire, earth, metal, water. Within the circle, you can place your “wish” for the year. On a piece of paper, write down your wish/intention and place it in the center.

See Also

~ Some rituals place a candle in the center of the circle. Light the candle, and place your “wish” underneath it. Some people light the wish paper on fire and place it in a dish to burn. Releasing the wish into the Universe.

~ Some rituals burn incense in the center of the grid.

~ Another idea is to stack 3 oranges in the center of the grid.

~ Make the grid on the floor or yoga mat, large enough so that you can sit in the middle of the stones. Use this as a contemplative or meditative space to find your thoughts, pray or just to sit or lie down for a little respite from a long day.

~ Choose one stone and carry it with you for the day in your pocket, purse or as a pendant.

~ Place each stone in the coordinating rooms in your house. (See our Bagua map )

Whatever your wish or intention, this is the perfect time during the Lunar New Moon to create your path and move forward.


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About the Author

Connect with Andrew Pacholyk MS L.Ac at “Living Life, Consciously” Alternative medicine and therapies for healing mind, body & spirit!

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