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The Chrysalis of Change

The Chrysalis of Change

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Change can be difficult to face, but when we learn to love ourselves, the path opens easily.

The Chrysalis of Change – The Evolution of Our Self-Identity

We are often reminded to love ourselves before we can love others. This is not always so easy for those who might not remember how to define themselves beyond outside perceptions, judgments, and opinions. In a society distracted by filter enhanced selfies, oversharing of personal information and public shaming we can lose the very heart of who we really are. Our identity is ever changing as we mature and grow. A picture might be worth a thousand words, but it can also hide the truth in a soul.

Our beauty lives inside us with many emotions and life lessons. It lives in every heartbreak, moments of joy, defeats, and sorrows we have ever experienced since the day we were born. Our identity is wrapped up in memories shared with others and dreams of what we can become. How we see ourselves as a soul is beyond how we look, dress and act, it helps define our courage and strength when life gets real. When someone or something comes along, and we feel unfairly attacked or judged, it is an opportunity to take notice of our feelings. Is it true, is it fair, and is it right? Are we too sensitive? We have to ask ourselves if this situation can be changed for the good of everyone involved and if so, we take the steps we need to evolve it. Emotional abuse has caused so many to lose their will in life when their loving contributions would have benefited humanity. Rising above and reclaiming our right to heal, learn and live a happy life is possible if we take control of our own identity.

A sensitive child can be hurt by older siblings and classmates who tease, bully and aggravate making them feel vulnerable and weak. It can take decades of living and counseling to understand we have a role in defining our self-worth and our purpose in the world. No one has the right to tell us who and what we are, how to become our best self. Competition, greed, jealousy, and power can overshadow hard work, accomplishment and the will to thrive when we feel less than who we really are.

There is a popular meme going around that says, “Your opinion of me does not define me.” Yet there are thousands of posts of pouty lips and sexy outfits online just begging for likes and loves. The messages can be contradictory and confusing. Do we like the person or the outfit? The hair or the hairstyle? The creativity of the make-up or the beauty of being natural? We all have different preferences. We are all like puzzle pieces that were meant to fit and work together in our individual styles.

If we seek out others who are supportive, understanding and like-minded, we become more able to grow into our purposes here. We can witness examples of behavior, lifestyle, and community that appeal to us but also help us keep our uniqueness to each other. As they say, it takes all kinds of people to make the Earth a better place. If we can learn acceptance and tolerance plus polish the skills of curiosity, we welcome new ideas, art, technology, and people into our lives with confidence instead of skepticism and competition. We can seek out the freedom to celebrate our brand of specialness.

This world has incredible cultures, history, and beauty to explore. There are so many possibilities and scenarios that can play out in life. Our goals can be limitless if we let them. Taking control of our destiny means remaining in charge of our personal decisions as much as possible. Defining our lives becomes more plausible when we feel secure in our intentions and integrity with others as well. Treating others how we want to be treated brings in much more peace than being cold and insensitive.

See Also

We can learn to love ourselves through our need to love others. We can learn to forgive others because we can forgive ourselves for being human, paradoxes and beautiful in our evolution.

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About the Author

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

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