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Elson Haas, MD: The Modern Medicine Man

Elson Haas, MD: The Modern Medicine Man

Elson Haas MD Detoxification OMTimes

One of my books, Ultimate Immunity, goes into that process deeply and understanding how the immune system works, and when we get hyper-immune, with allergies and autoimmune issues. When we got weakened immunity from stress and lack of nutrient intake and vitamins and minerals and all the things that support healthy cells and tissues, we get ill more easily. We get whatever’s going around.

At a more metaphysical level, I would say empower yourself; surround yourself in light, and make sure that anything new coming in is infused with purified energies—that’s an affirmation that I do personally. Another thing I do is jump into a cold pool from the hot tub out in my backyard, as I believe it supports my immune health to take a relaxing hot tub and then jump into cold water. Alternatively, you can turn on the cold water in a shower.

Antioxidant nutrients are also important, as are herbs, like astragalus. Some people use echinacea, although I don’t have people use echinacea if they have autoimmune issues. Moreover, all the vitamins, like A, C, E, D, and minerals like zinc and selenium also support immune functions., In Ultimate Immunity, I have offered an anti-inflammatory diet, a detoxifying diet, and the nutritional support that people need.


Sharon Sayler: What tips do you have for staying on track and maybe convincing family members to join you on a cleanse?

Dr. Haas: It really helps, if you’re in a partnership, with a spouse or significant other, if you can get them to do something with you. I find that the families that detox together, do better together, but it can make us more vulnerable. If you’re a parent with kids or your partner is sick, you may be more vulnerable energetically and germ wise as well.


Sharon Sayler: I’ve heard you say that the most common complaint you hear from more than half of your patients is they can’t sleep and they have no energy to get through their day, and you attribute that to what you call the Stimulation-Sedation Cycle. What is that and how can we sleep better?

Dr. Haas: Yes, I think this is a big problem worldwide—people use substances, mainly caffeine, sugar, alcohol, cannabis and many drugs to manage their MOOD and ENERGY. When this is not in balance, or we have a few nights or a pattern of poor sleep, our energy lessens and we need more stimulation, which can push our adrenal and nervous systems and then we’re more wired and tired at night. We can explore how we might feel when we consider a break every so often. I suggest a week or two, or even a month, off of whatever substances/foods we want to observe the effects of, and see if we feel better, which most people experience. I have an interactive guided program, called Regain Your Natural Energy, available on my website. Following a clean-up eating program is often a first step to embracing your healthy, vital self.


Sharon Sayler: Dr. Haas, thank you for your time and for sharing your journey as a healer with us. I wonder if you have any closing comments to make on living a healthy life?

Dr. Haas: Thank you, Sharon. There are many things to share but I’ll close with the reminder that your health starts with you—and the one and only body you’re given at birth—you need to learn how to keep it working and healthy. Hippocrates said, “Wise people should realize that health is their greatest asset.”

See Also

The basics of good health are my 5 Keys, and when and if you feel imbalanced or have some health concerns, think lifestyle first, natural therapies next, drugs and surgery last. Stay Healthy!


Connect with Dr. Elson Hass on his websites:

Dr. Elson Haas’s Detox Course on the website:

Dr. Elson Haas’s website

About the Interviewer

Sharon Sayler, MBA, PCC is a bestselling author, internationally known speaker and founder of Competitive Edge Communications. She is also the host of The Autoimmune Hour where she inspires hope and helps for those with autoimmune conditions and share messages of health and wellness self-empowerment. Listen to new shows each Friday night at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio and get transcripts of each show and learn more at The Autoimmune Hour, a popular show on OMTimes Radio, has new shows every Friday night at 7 PM ET

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