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Beware the Emotional Dracula

Beware the Emotional Dracula

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Do you have an Emotional Dracula stalking you?

Look out for the Emotional Dracula

You don’t need to be an expert in spirituality or in psychology to know that you or somebody you knew were once a victim of an emotional vampire. It is safe to say that every one of us felt the unpleasant experience or a bad feeling about someone.

In general, when we are under their power, we may yawn, we may feel drowsy, have headaches, feel general irritation, and loss of energy. Sometimes the effects can go further, provoking confusion in the head and motion sickness. Even a simple phone call of these “Dracula’” types can wipe out our energies.

Even worse when the person who causes us these types of feelings are a part of our circle of friends, coworkers or is a member of our family.

What is an Emotional Vampire?

Energetic vampirism is one of the most common and unenlightened phenomena that exist. It is no use energizing and harmonizing an environment by Feng Shui if we do not take care of the “vampires” that are surrounding you.

The human being is always emitting energy into the environment, impregnating the place where he is and also reaching others with its vibrations. Each of us has a specific energetic pattern, determined by the type of thinking, feeling, and physical condition we sustain.

Folks seem to have a freestyle hostility for certain people, without even having communication between them. What happens in such cases is an energy incompatibility, although the contact may also be friendly. The same rule applies to relations of empathy and affinity.

In short, besides to all possible types of communication – speech, hearing, touch, vision, and writing – we are all the time communicating energetically, through our energy signatures.

Our energy field interacts with the environment and also with the people with whom we maintain contact.


How to Prevent an Emotional Dracula

The ideal would be to maintain healthy communication, guided by the exchange of energies in a balanced and cooperative way, but, as we are still a long way from this, as a society. Some end up sucking up much energy and giving little in return, thus devitalizing the relationship, the environments, and people.

According to collective knowledge, “an energy vampire is a person who is in profound inner imbalance. In a frustration state, low self-esteem, resentment, complex of persecution and victim, insecurity and, above all, selfishness. These are emotional and mental states that they make the person’s energy configuration unbalanced, affecting others, robbing them of their vital energy.

Some of these emotional vampires even interfere in a concrete way in our personal lives, through intrigues, gossip, emotional blackmail, and blame game, but their tendency to have unfair competition with their victims aggravates the situation.

What is worse is that life in big cities further disturbs relations between human beings. Our modern life has moved us away from nature – our most significant source of energy is now food. There is nothing comparable to a sea bath, river or waterfall, contact with plants and animals, the fresh air of a mountain or equal to the silence of the countryside to recycle and replenish the energies.

Another important source of energy is a good sleep. No one is better than a modern man to count the ill effects of sleepless nights.

As we do not have an efficient source to recycle static energies and we have personal imbalances, the result is a massive contingent of us humans becoming depleted and devitalized. The only way out for these people is to steal energy from those who are closer to them, to function.

The competitiveness of work environments is another negative factor. As we were not educated for cooperation and community life, we end up closing in a world of our own and facing the fellow as a threat to our happiness.


The Main Types of Modern Emotional Dracula

It’s good to remember that you too can be one of these Emotional Dracula types. But, if it is the case, do not worry, everything has a solution.

Blackmail Dracula: The type that is always bothering everything and everyone. When we meet him, he wants to know why we did not call or visit him. If you retrieve and feel guilty, you’ll be opening the doors for their abuse. The best thing to do is to use the same weapon, that is, to return the question, with another question. Make them confused, do not let them react and reorganize their attack, but withdraw.

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Hypercritical Dracula: These only know how to criticize. All their observations are harmful and destructive. They See life only through dark lenses. The slander tends to create in the victim an oppressive state and open a system for the energy to be sucked. Say “no” to their criticisms. Never agree with them, ever. Life is not bleak. Do not enter that vibration.


The Flattering Dracula: They are the great ego inflator. The strategy is to flatter the victim’s ego, covering her with false compliments and trying to seduce her by flattery. Be very careful not to listen to the sycophants, for they expect the victim’s pride to open the doors of her aura to suck the energy.


The Chronic-complainer Dracula: It’s that guy who complains about everything, everyone, everything about life. The cup is always half full, or empty. You can never win with this one, so don’t waste your time.


Want to know the best way to prevent the Emotional Dracula? Try to have fun, after all; good humor is the best defense against all negativity.


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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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