11 Ways to Release the Continuity of War

Only by releasing our addiction to a war mentality can we begin to foster Peace.
Consciously Commit to Releasing the Continuity of War
By Crystal Presence
As we stand in awe and appreciation for our lives, we also find ourselves wrestling with the fear of war. Some of the greatest minds continue to ponder over the cause of war, the battles over personal power, resources, economic gain, safety, rebellion, and revenge. Many scholars see conflict as a universal and ancestral aspect of human nature resulting from socio-cultural and environmental circumstances.
Meanwhile, many feel it is part of the human condition. Studies show that most men do not want to go to war as it goes against their deep-seated human morality. What if we embrace the possibility of ending the war? What if we take 100% responsibility for releasing our internal battle and tug of war? What if we make reconnecting with ourselves and our source our highest priority? What if we stop using war as an excuse to live in fear, stress, guilt and holding back? What if we open ourselves to a new kind of peace and wellness that radiates from our inside out?
We know that what we resist persists as we witness war continuing to grow more and more destructive. While some believe that ending the war is hopeless, many are rising to bring forth a new context of living. With the understanding that beliefs are thoughts that we think repeatedly, we know that we can re-think, feel and change the continuity of how we act in our world. We know that that leaving the responsibility to others is not the answer. Meanwhile, we struggle with questions like how can we find peace while holding onto guilt, shame, addiction and living in a world with so much violence?
How can we make a change before the war keeps growing into an even bigger crisis? The following are some of the things we can do to release the addictive continuity of war.
1. Stay connected and honest with ourselves. Sit on a pillow and place three others in front. Let each pillow represent a different aspect of ourselves, one as our spirit and the others representing our body, emotions, and For example, begin a conversation with our emotional body. Allow our feelings to interact and respond with us. Go back and forth letting each aspect speak. Encourage them to express how they feel. Create plenty of time and space for each element to come to closure. Enjoy the love that arises as the truth is being revealed and integrated. Appreciate how insights for a resolution to war keep spontaneously arising!
2. Stay connected to the greater intelligence of our loving source, the source that connects us all and is always available to guide us to the peace we want.
3. Ask the structural question; what is the nature of experiencing a context and world of peace, freedom, and well-being for all?
4. Acknowledge any rage, fear, and sadness we feel around the conditions in our world. Be willing to let these emotions move and express in safe and healthy ways. Open the space to change beliefs and release whatever control and contraction are holding us back.
5. Release the habit of being reactive. Notice what triggers us and how we respond. Think of new choices we can make to create the outcomes we want. Remember that changing any habit such as reactivity takes practice.
6. Inspire the momentum of peace. Release reactivity to things such as rallies that are hateful, violent and resistant.
7. Meditate with the intent to connect with self and Source while letting go of tension and control.
8. Spend time in nature, bathing in the peaceful emanations and aligning with the healing powers of the Earth.
9. Stay in movement, dance, walk, swim and whatever opens us up to allowing new possibilities.
10. Release all verbal cultural expressions (i.e. “the war on drugs” and ” the warpath.”
11. Change these common beliefs:
- War is part of life.
- We must fight for our freedom.
- There is not enough for everybody, so we must fight for resources.
- We need to get rid of the people we think are wrong.
- Conditions must be perfect, right and done before we can have peace.
- Peace is not possible, and history proves it.
- Letting go of war and resistance is dangerous because it could set us up to be at risk for being vulnerable.
- We must control and ourselves and others to have the resolutions we want.
Embrace the fact that war requires cultivating peace wherever we are right now. Knowing that everything is alright and, all right. Appreciating where we are now, standing in the chaos and knowing each moment will pass as we focus on the resolution. We can do it!
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About the Author
Crystal is a certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute, author, multidimensional coach and facilitator for the live event called Freedom at the Core. She is the instructor and coach for her online course called Freedom From the Inside Out. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives.

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