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Proven Strategy for an Influencer’s Branding

Proven Strategy for an Influencer’s Branding

Influencer’s Branding OMTimes

Associating your name to acknowledged leaders in a field is a proven way to increase the level of your branding.

Building Your Brand Through Association With Other Experts

Why You Should use Radio Interviews To Enhance Your Brand

Many people have asked themselves if they should start a Radio Show or a Syndicated Podcast to interview industry-relevant people, or should they stick to their own content. They are concerned by what is the best way to work towards uniting the three elements of success: Publicity, Marketing, and Branding.

While we do agree that there are many different cases and different variables to consider, this can be summarized by a simple Rule of Thumb:

A radio show or podcast interview with someone that retains a capital reputation in your industry will help you to be more noticeable. A good interview will weave your name, and your brand, with the name of the person you are interviewing.

This branding approach can be improved with a follow-up of your audio interview with a quick blog post where you comment on your impressions of the results of the discussion and assert your own expertise on the subject.

In suggesting this plan, we are not invalidating or affirming that hosting shows with your own content is not a good thing.  We believe that for best results, an Influencer should be focusing on a hybrid approach for his branding strategies.


Your Content versus Others’ Content

Your Brand’s original content should be something you would like to distinguish from the others but, at the same time, the best way to get noticed nowadays is by association and affiliation. In other words, in associating your name with others already well known will automatically bring you to a different level of visibility, a level that also spells reliability.

The weaving of brands by affinity can also be done in many other ways, and have been proven effective, especially if one knows how to promote on social media sites.  One valuable example of brand weaving can be tested if you have a self-published book. You can identify on Linkedin and Goodreads which other authors have similarly themed books and, for one, you can try to read and leave valuable and relevant comments about their books. Of course, their followers will naturally be guided to read the comment section of these sites, and naturally, they will see your comments and click to your page, where they can have access, by association, to your Ideas, materials, and all that your brand can offer them.

Define Who Your Audience Is

One necessary step we shall keep in mind is the determination of who your public is and who are you trying to reach. You have to have in mind the demographics, age range, gender, status in life of your public. What is your audience interested in? It would be easier to define these guidelines if you can make a profile of your ideal client.

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The keyword of this entire system of branding is Trust. In online research OMTimes Magazine did among our audience, we noted interesting patterns very specific for the Conscious and Spiritual community. It takes conscious individuals almost 11 times to click on some new advertisements of some product or service they never heard of. It is not that some of them would not adventure, but the conscious community is well known to be very spiritually conscientious and tend to be loyal to people and services they trust.

There is no better way to build a dependable audience then make yourself visible to them from a position of confidence, reliability, and associated familiarity with a trusted platform like OMTimes.


OMTimes Radio is a proven solution to building your Brand among the Conscious Community.  Connect with OMTimes Radio!

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