The Value of Negative Thoughts

Are negative thoughts opportunities to Heal?
A Negative Thought Has Incredible Value
by Leigh Burton
Every thought is a source of energy in motion. If it’s a good thought, then we are happy to continue to let it lead us to more happiness and fulfillment. If it’s is a negative or less than desirable thought, we do one of two things that we are conditioned to believe is the only appropriate action. That is to stop focusing on the negative thoughts and move to something more desirable or focus on it with what we think is an innate requirement to fix what seems wrong. The need to push it away is a result of the emotion that is inevitably triggered. Each thought will simultaneously induce a feeling that will determine whether we want to keep it or push it away.
The issue becomes that when we choose to evade what isn’t comfortable, the negative thought never goes away. We can’t push it away and pretend that it doesn’t exist just because we are choosing to not think about it. We are far more complicated a species. Instead, it will continue all on its own and vibrate in the same way it left aside. It may not return just as it was, but it will reappear in some form that is conducive to the feeling it is attached. Something will come up and allow that feeling to rekindle itself due to not paying attention to what the underlying message is.
What is it that our thoughts are trying to tell us? What attachment or conditioning correlates with the continuous rising of the same thing over and over again? It’s a sign that there is something that we are ready to heal. Something that we need to overcome so that we can move further along our journey in our best way possible. That alone gives reason to respect our less than desirable thoughts. They are expressions of concern for the justification that we can’t connect to what it is that we truly desire.
Just as much as a happy and inspiring thought, a negative one is entitled to our attention and love. Why not? It too is a part of who we are, and if we are deserving of respect at all, it is every part of who we are that makes our divine presence.
A negative thought is always fear or shame-based. It may not seem like it in the heat of the moment, but with reflection, one can take note of what ignited the issue. Like oxygen to a flame, pushing it to the wayside will cause a smoldering field of smoke that is like a toxin silently consuming our bodies and our minds. Ultimately leaving our spirit lacking in its journey of supporting our happiness and well-being.
There is no need to dwell either. To continually live in the negativity that compares to emotional cancer is another form of denial. Most often it is conducive to being a victim. Someone who has a deep unhealthy desire to stay connected to being identified as one who is not worthy of something better.
The best choice for mind, body, and spirit is to love what is coming through, be honest about it and allow it to exist for its purpose. That is to provide a beacon identifying what needs work so that in the next few moments of our being, a door presents itself. A door that once opened can lead to more of the happiness, abundance, and self-love that we sincerely desire. To err is human, to edit is divine. We are all valuable enough that everything about us should matter.
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About the Author
Leigh Burton is an Author, International Speaker, NLP Practitioner, Cognitive Behavioral Therapist, Emotional Health Coach, Acceptance Commitment Therapist, an expert in letting go, and a lover of life.

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