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Have You Forgotten the Song?

Have You Forgotten the Song?

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In the beginning, there was a song.

The Song – The Most Important Thing That You Forgot!



The song was beautiful – like invisible colors painting the sky in a translucent and uplifting way. The song sang to itself: all day and all night.

Alas, the song got bored after many repeats of its song-beauty, so it experimented with different tunes. At first, there were little variations in the melody, rhythm, and harmony. The next thing you know, there were sweeping musical changes.

The songs seemed to take on a life of their own. Songs that were similar enjoyed each other’s company and formed groups. The song-groups created genres, creating happy music, exhilarating feelings, and peaceful energies. The songs played with each other – like duets & bands, exchanging notes and echoing the feelings found in the music.

The creativity continued. Ideas were pushed and stretched. Each new step was a daring new sound! Finally, sad songs were born, something that never happened when they were All One. They even morphed into nasty sounds and songs.

The songs forgot they were One-Song, a universe. They identified with their last song-creation only. After a while, they got tired of singing altogether and tried exchanging energies – similar to talking. Before you know it, they forgot their songs, because they forgot to sing.

Without their songs, their energies became heavy and sticky, eventually transferring into dense matter. At first, the conscious song-energy occupied minerals and rocks, and eons later, plants and ultimately animals, and finally the beautiful songs evolved into the souls of man. The songs-of-the-universe now occupied physical bodies. They desired to experience the pleasures of touching, tasting, sex and more. They became trapped in their “bodies.”

The soul-song made their physical bodies happy and healthy. Without their soul’s song, their bodies became sick. Many even died, so the soul-songs reentered a new and unique, physical bodies. Sometimes the journey in each body was for a very short amount of time.

In each adventure, the soul-songs searched for something, but they couldn’t remember what it was. They forgot their songs and experienced sticky dissonance instead. Not only did people forget their songs, but they believed they were their physical bodies. Oh, so silly!

Weed killer (such dissonant sounds) was sprayed on plants, which people ate. Their food was modified in mass quantities, and it slowly became cheaper “nonfood,” and it clogged up their harmony chains. They ate dissonance without being aware of what was happening. People ate poisonous medicine, smelled toxic fumes and were radiated with a cell phone and computer signals – full of nasty sounds.  Their bodies were like radio stations, broadcasting gloom and doom music. Slowly people entered a stupor. They spoke with dissonant mumbling, and this rippled throughout their being.

A few avoided the toxic chemicals and unnatural radiations. Their bodies began to sing a little. People can’t hear it, but their bodies can sing sweet songs – too low in volume for them to hear. Even this invisible version of their song made them feel a little better. Did they hear a subtle soft song? Their song? They experimented with being still (meditating) and they began to hear their song ever so softly. They weren’t even aware they heard it, but the soft vibrations lifted their moods and health, inch by inch.

See Also

They hummed and played around with sounds until they started to sing again – any song. By singing, they remembered bits and pieces of their voice, their verse in the uni-verse, their song. Their voice improved – becoming thicker, resonant, deeper and higher all at once. They used more tones that comprised their original song! They sensed the invisible echo of who they were – divine music. When they sang, hundreds, thousands and millions of individual harmonies rang like church bells, dropping musical snowflakes on everyone – leaving hints of their original beauty everywhere they went.

They joined with other groups that were remembering their song as well. They sang happily ever after, as they united with greater and greater songs, singing their way back to One Song!


You will also enjoy Rhythms – Your Connections to the World and The Secret of Mantra Chanting

About the Author

Jill Mattson is a prolific Artist, Musician, and Author. Jill is a widely recognized expert and composer in the field of Sound & Color Healing!  She has also produced nine musical CDs with intriguing, magical tracks using ancient & modern techniques, & special healing frequencies to achieve profound benefits.  Jill is a four-time author. (Crystal Realms CD – Best Sound Healing CD of 2017, Best Overall Music (popular Vote and Industry Leader’s Choice – Gold Awards), The Lost Waves of Time – Best Book of 2016 and Best Alternative Science book of 2016, Deep Wave Body Healing CD– Best Sound Healing CD of 2016, Contacting Angels & Masters CD – Best CD of 2015 and Deep Wave Beauty CD – Best New Age CD – Silver Award).  Jill has participated in many hundreds of teleseminars, radios shows, and magazines! She offers an online Sound (& Color) Healing School. Jill presents new ways of approaching health and everyday issues using the benefits of sound and color! Free music & School of Sound Healing at

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