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What are Karmic Illnesses and How to Deal with Them

What are Karmic Illnesses and How to Deal with Them

karmic illnesses OMTimes

Karmic illnesses and diseases, whether they are emotional, physical or mental, can affect us at any stage in our lives.

Understanding Karmic Illnesses



The word karma comes from Sanskrit, the ancient sacred language of Hindu peoples. In its literal translation, we have the word “action.” However, in the religions that have adopted this concept it over the years, it ended up mainly signifying the action that produces consequence or, the result, the consequence of past actions. Many added to the Karma concept, affirming that is meaning is not to punish an individual but rather offer life lessons through direct experience.



 In spiritualism, karma is seen as the fruit gathered and brought by our spirits to this lifetime. It is a compendium of experiences and tests coming from other existences or past lives. All our past lives bring us at least, one kind of karma.

It is precisely through this brought karma that the need for reincarnation arises so that in the next lives we can consolidate, learn and solve and grow wiser with them.



The diseases of karma, popularly known as karmic diseases, or illnesses are the consequences of past karmas reflected in today’s life, through mental, emotional or physical modifications.

When we get sick, the cause is usually an exterior one, such as exposure to a cold wind, virus contamination that has come into our body and extemporaneous rain. However, when we speak of karmic diseases, there will always be internal factors, mental or emotional remnants of past lives that arise in the present life and, if not addressed and solved – they may continue to arise again in future lives.

If we were very poor in the past and suffered a lot from it, it is common for future lives to develop a kind of greed, not so negative, but very close to being thrifty. We will always be saving things, trying to spend little, because somewhere in our subconscious there is the precaution that something bad happens when you do not have money.

The same process is repeated in various ways according to the Karmic Laws and can affect us in future lives. The problem is when this happens in a very physical or negative way.



Negative and low-vibration karmic diseases are very bad for our evolution as spiritual beings, and in one way they show us that we are not getting enough Divine light as we should. These diseases usually develop in conjunction and interaction with another human factor, in other words, it was necessary for another person to participate in the action for a karmic illness to develop.

Excessive guilt is a common factor that contributes to a very common cardiac disease that sometimes we do not even notice. You know that person who feels guilty for everything, that is always apologizing and crying for no reason? Well, sometimes the person has no current pendency in her present life but carries with her a lot of past traumas and suffering.

Victims of abuse, fraud, or betrayals which have not been able to withstand this distress, can hide their angst so profoundly that their future lives affect them with depression, panic syndrome, and even cancers, tumors created and fueled by the grudges withheld through time.


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Karmic Patterns OMTimes


 Another topic about the diseases of karma is the passivity of actions. It happens when our body hurts itself in various ways, whether voluntary or not. Usually through accidents and incidents that caused such a trauma that the pain and hurt and sometimes even scars can continue to manifest in future lives.

In addition to this controversial subject, a karmic disease could be a result of passive observations. When we speak of this, we use the literal meaning of the term. When, in life, we see bad things or see evil actions without acting against it, most likely your spirit may reincarnate in a person with myopia, or with marked levels of blindness. This observation is recorded in the Tibetan book of the dead.

Everything that passes through our eyes, and does not generate momentum, creates in our mind a reservoir of sorrow, of something we could have done. The main reasons for this kind of karma are an injustice. When you see an unjust situation and do not act to defend the victim, your eyes amass in your vibrations so negative that they will permeate your entire life, coming to the next.


Karmic illnesses and diseases, whether they are emotional, physical or mental, can affect us at any stage in our lives. One should keep in mind that what you feel in your body today may not be karmic, but the result of bad habits and lifestyle. Karmic diseases are here to finish a process that may have started and was impressed in your soul.  Before assuming your illness is a Karmic one, first seek some spiritual counseling.

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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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