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Learn How to Shift Your Mood

Learn How to Shift Your Mood

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What if we knew that the relationship with our moods and emotions is one of the most powerful things we can do to shape the changes we want in our world?

Mood Shifting For The Courageous

by Crystal Presence



In times of change, we find ourselves heading into the unknown. We know we have to let go of how it has been and wonder how to make to a shift out of the old continuity. We do our best to be courageous in changing our perspectives and coming up with new ideas for taking action. It also takes embracing the moods and emotions that get stirred up inside. Unfortunately, we are faced with the constrictive cultural standards of how we are expected to respond. What if we knew that the relationship with our emotions is one of the most powerful things we can do to shape what we want our world? What if we bring forth a new context of living where emotions are embraced and responded to as a path to wellness?

Research has shown that the more we understand and embrace our emotions the more our lives will be filled with ease and wellbeing. Think about it. When someone says the word “feelings”, what comes to mind? What is your initial response? Do any of these sound familiar?

  • Oh no, I can’t feel this right now!
  • I better put these emotions on hold, or I will make a fool of myself.
  • I have to get rid of this mood, or I will ruin my chance of getting what I want.


Emotions are e-motions, energy in motion that alerts and guide us with different vibrational frequencies. If our energy feels dissonant, our emotions alert us to make a change. If our energy feels harmonious, our emotions are letting us know that we are on track. Our emotions also give us access to all the wonderful feelings of love, happiness, and joy which empower us to have the lives we want.


Three core emotions affect our moods…

1. Anger that alerts us that we want a change. If we try to hold our anger back, we begin the process of re-circulating the energy inside. We turn the anger inward on ourselves and push it out others. It turns into the resentment which often leads to illness, rage and sudden outbursts of violence and war.

2. Fear that alerts us to stop look and listen and take whatever action feels good to us when we are ready.

3. Sadness that helps us complete our experiences, as in losing something or someone. It is also a healthy part of making transitions in our lives. Crying supports us neurologically in washing away the past and getting present with what is happening now. Crying releases a hormone that makes us feel good when we are finished, ending in tears of relief and joy.


Emotions support us in making a change at the point easy. When we let our emotions move and vibrate without judgment we free our internal guidance system to guide us to safety and experiences we are wanting.


Like any skill, we need to practice.

What if we practice how to use our emotions to bring forth a new context of living? Instead of lashing out when we are mad, going into self-pity and holding back in fear we can choose to breathe, vibrate and to be present while we do the following…

  • Step aside to safely express the anger. Take time to think, feel and take beneficial action on the change we are wanting.
  • Stop, look and listen. Proceed when we are ready.
  • Cry with the intent to move the energy. Let it move through our bodies and lift ourselves up.


See Also

A simple process to remind us how to shift an uncomfortable mood we are in…

Take a deep breath and hold it while tightening up our bodies. Keep holding the breath as we tighten our muscles. Holding it tight for as long as we can. Slowly let the breath out and continue with shallow breathing.  How is constricting of our circulation affecting us? How empowered does it make us feel? Then shake, shake, shake it out! Vibrate and let your energy move while making space for change to happen! Relax and change any beliefs or perspectives that have been holding you back.

Much of the suffering and powerlessness in the world reflects back to us in the same way. We are cutting off our own power!  The best remedy for this is acknowledging and admitting that this is what we are doing. We all knew how to do this when we were babies. Watch any baby. When things are not feeling good, they move their bodies, cry, scream and let their emotions move through them. Then they relax, give a sigh of relief and get a big smile on their face!


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About the Author

Crystal Presence is a certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute, author, multidimensional coach and facilitator for the event called Freedom at the Core. She also is the instructor coach for her online course called Freedom From the Inside Out. She draws from her own experience and the experience of the thousands of people she has worked with over the past 35 years. Crystal is known for the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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