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How to Create A Relationship With Money Based On Freedom

How to Create A Relationship With Money Based On Freedom

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What’s your relationship with money look like?

Create A Relationship With Money Based On Freedom?

by Jennifer Urezzio



Your energy leads the way. Consciousness arrives well before your tangible self and is the nutrient in the soil which creates the harvest of your goodness. What most of us forget is that often we are “fertilizing” our garden with pain and heartbreak, rather than freedom and abundance.

So, when it comes to money, how do you ensure that your consciousness is creating abundance rather than heartbreak? How do you move away from your mindset and the collective consciousness of lack?


Moving into Acceptance

In spiritual circles, there is much talk about beliefs and not enough about acceptance. If you are busy trying to change your belief system and still “hating” where you are in life, you are creating more struggle in your transformation. When you accept where you are, what has happened, and your current situation you have entered into the consciousness of neutrality and can more easily welcome in something new.

Acceptance doesn’t mean that you have to like the situation. Moving into acceptance means you are aware that external circumstances are not the cause of your happiness. When we are in acceptance, there is a deep knowledge that nothing in our external world can “make” or “take away” our happiness. When you are in acceptance, you are dedicated to undertaking the resolution of challenges; not because it will make you feel better but because there is always a solution to every issue that arises.  How do you move into acceptance? You get to stop identifying with the situation which is causing non-acceptance. You are not your bank account; you are not your relationship, you are not your physical appearance.  You are the individualization of the One, and that is what you identify with. If you would like to understand more about acceptance, click here to watch a free video on the topic of heartbreak and money.


Connect to Your Energetic Wealth Stream

You have heard that abundance lives inside of you, so how can you connect to that energetic wealth stream rather than to the illusion and heartbreak of money abandoning you? Do you want your spiritual money management being based on pain or the Truth? Each day begins to connect to the place inside of you that knows or has a willingness to know that it is your right to be abundant. It doesn’t matter if it is as small as a pebble. When you focus on that energy, you encourage it to grow, and you feel the freedom in connecting with that place of knowing inside of you.

Then as you go about your day, notice whether you are making decisions based on the place of freedom inside you or from a place of heartbreak, fear or past patterns. If you are making your decisions based on anything but freedom pause and reconnect to that place inside, you and then ask yourself “what decision do I choose to make from this place?”.

I also suggest that you add some tangible elements to creating a new energetic wealth stream. An amazing tool that always creates immediate results for me is the clean out. I start with my wallet, discarding old receipts and move onto any old bills that are lying around. The feeling of freedom of letting go of money reminders that I have been collecting is amazing.

See Also


Be Present and Consistent

Your relationship with money has a long history and a need for instant gratification won’t allow enough time for transformation to take shape. Be present and consistent with your new awareness of freedom and money. Take a moment each day to reflect on any heartbreak around money that is keeping you away from a relationship of freedom and abundance. Ask your Soul what you can accept or let go of to create spiritual money management from a place of freedom and not from lack.

You are one to everything on this planet, including money. It is your right to create a loving relationship with this resource, integrate the wisdom of past heartbreak and release the pain.


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About the Author

Jennifer Urezzio is the founder of Soul Language and a master intuitive who uses her intuitive skills to help raise consciousness. Soul Language is a paradigm to put tangibility to Soul. She is the author of two books (available on Amazon): Soul Language Consciously Connecting to Your Soul for Success and A Little Book of Prayers. You can also watch her Soulful Reminders on Instagram by clicking here

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