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Sustainable People Bringing Forth A Sustainable World

Sustainable People Bringing Forth A Sustainable World

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What is the nature of sustainability? Learn to cultivate sustainability within as a path to bringing forth a sustainable world. 

How Do We Create a Sustainable World?

by Crystal Presence


The world is as we see it.”  ~ ancient Hindu scripture Yoga Vasistha

As we strive for a sustainable world, we realize that we are also bringing forth a new context of sustainable living and being.  Sustainability includes the capacity to endure and harmoniously support the biological systems that allow us to remain diverse and productive over time. It embraces the potential for the long-term maintenance of whole being wellness, which in turn depends on the maintenance of the natural world and natural resources. Today sustainability is seen as a broad discipline that looks to protect our natural environment, human and ecological health while driving innovation and not compromising our way of life. The questions are how we can be part of the resolution? How can we create a sustainable world with so much chaos and destruction?

The good news is that wherever there is a problem, there is also a solution. With everything we hear about supporting the sustainability of our planet, we rarely hear how we can support by cultivating our own sustainability. True sustainability in our world begins within each of us. We can start by observing and exploring what it means to allow ourselves to thrive with sustainability that comes from our inside out.

An interesting example of what it means to have sustainability within can be seen in some of the organizations that are out to “save the world.” In observing their inner workings, we often find stress, exhaustion and other conditions that create an environment of personal lack of sustainability. There may also be blaming, shaming and resistance against the things that are thought to be at the root of the unsustainable processes. The questions become are we draining power or building it? Do we remember that what we resist, persists? Are we using blaming and shaming as an unproductive way to ignite change?

We can ask ourselves these structural questions…

What is the nature of experiencing a new context of sustainable living that radiates from our inside out?

Are we treating our planet in the very same way that we treat ourselves? Exhausting our internal resources by using our bodies as machines that we will take care of sometime in the future? Polluting ourselves with what we eat and breathe? Ignoring our essential wants and needs?

Are we part of the resolution or part of the problem? Are we draining our energy by using our thoughts, feelings, and actions to blame, shame and complain? Or using our energy to focus on new solutions?

Are we taking full responsibly for the relationship we have with ourselves and others in the world? Taking 100% responsibility for our nucleus effect which reflects back to us in the issues we see in the world?

Are we making choices that support our own experience of sustainability? Exploring our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with the intention to make them part of the resolution.

Are we staying in the movement? Letting ourselves move, vibrate and circulate our energy. Remembering we are energy beings and can shift from stagnation to a flowing river that is creating the space for new possibilities to occur.

Here are tips on how to create a new context of sustainable living and sustainable world from our inside out.  Embracing sustainability as a natural aspect of our being includes:

Connecting with ourselves and our source, receiving all the insights, information and ideas we need to make sustainable choices.

Spending time in nature, connecting and aligning with its vibration.

Renewing our energy. Staying rested and using our personal energy wisely.

Sustaining our bodies with healthy food, clean water, and air.

Maintaining joyful movement, vibration, and circulation. Walking, swimming, laughing, dancing and other ways to keep our energy in movement.

Cultivating a healthy and sustainable relationship with our emotions. Letting go of pushing feelings away to get things done and trying to keep up a self-image. Receiving the guidance that our emotions are offering.

Following our hearts and doing the things that we love.

See Also
singularity consciousness OMTimes

Allowing the bodily felt sense of love, abundance, and happiness to move through us.

Releasing thoughts that keep us holding back from envisioning and energizing the lives we want.

Being in awe and gratitude for all that life is offering us.

Taking quiet, meditative time to listen and let go.

Acting on sustainable opportunities that we know are ours to participate in.

Being present to embracing a new context of living that connects, energizes and empowers us in sustainability and resolutions.


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About the Author

Crystal is a certified expansion guide with the Total Integration Institute, author, multidimensional coach and facilitator for the live event called Freedom at the Core. She is the instructor and coach for her online course called Freedom From the Inside Out. She draws from her own experience and the experience of the thousands of people she has worked with over the past 35 years. Crystal is a master in how to use the fun and empowering way she supports people in bringing forth the experiences they want in their lives.

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