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Tina Malia: Heart Wide Open

Tina Malia: Heart Wide Open

Tina Malia Heart Wide Open OMTimes


Kara Johnstad: Yeah, I think, and many people don’t realize that music really it anchors itself everywhere in our body and our memory so the more you practice, it can be that it takes only 30 seconds or 10 minutes just to tap in, you don’t need that long, long practice, right? Tina, what’s a good internet address that your listeners can go to find more about your concerts and retreats and buy some music and connect with you?

Tina Malia: Just, T-I-N-A, M-A-L-I-A, .com.


Kara Johnstad: Tina, now think about this: how can we use the power of voice to heal humanity?

Tina Malia: I started giving workshops. I never meant to give workshops. I always only meant to be a singer and a performer but through these last few years, people have asked me to start giving workshops on all these things that I talk about because I love them so much. So, one of the things I start people with is, just to put a timer on for 10 minutes. Ten-minute practice per day and everyone has 10 minutes. If anyone who says he is too busy, put a timer on your phone and pick something easy, pick something you resonate with and whether you’re using your voice internally– because the practice I do is actually silent, but I still hear the word internally so I think it’s still effective as a sound vibration. So, do it internally, or you can do it externally or, making music whether it’s chanting or some practice like that that intentionally focuses the mind for that timeframe. I find that all solutions to our problems can come within those few moments, because, actually within those moments we realize that many things that we think are problems are not problems. The mind is not always our friend; it likes to tell us all kinds of things that are not true.

So, giving yourself that time and that practice, it changes you, it does. It changes how we see things, and it changes how you see yourself. It changes how you see the world. It brings a sense of peace and calms to all situations.


Kara Johnstad: Thank you, Tina, so much for being with me today here at Voice Rising, the wonderful, prolific, openhearted, singer-songwriter Tina Malia.

See Also

Tina Malia: Thank you so much, Kara. Thank you, everyone.


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