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Yuval Ron: Sound is the Future Medicine

Yuval Ron: Sound is the Future Medicine

Yuval Ron Sound is the Future Medicine OMTimes

I studied the Jewish Kabbalistic for or Kabbalistic rabbis that I studied with their practice goes back to 11th century Egypt where there was an ecstatic Kabbalistic rabbi named Rabbi Abraham.


Kara Johnstad: Yuval, talking about sound healing and the mystery schools, because the sound is so powerful, and mindfulness can also be such a powerful place; do you think this is why these tools were kept a secret? If a voice practice for example, if somebody who is the enemy or is perhaps not consciously see such powerful tools it might bring more harm than harmony to our world?

Yuval Ron: Yes, part of the reason that it was kept a secret is that people could get hurt and some people did. Some people lost their minds, some people got injured by body and mind wise, and it had to be, the teacher had to sort out who is responsible because any tool can be used for good or for bad.

You know, television can be a wonderful educational tool, but television can be a horrible tool. So, the same thing with sound healing. With sound, with any tool. They had to sort out only people that are responsible, and that will use it responsibly and respectfully, and I still say to my students this, when they come to study with me in different retreat centers.


Kara Johnstad: So, we sensed that there is a shift happening on planet Earth, and I see that across the board. I see that with Native American teachers here in America that are now teaching traditions and wisdom from the Native American which in the past they would teach only four people from the tribe. Now they teach people that are not part of the tribe in people who are not Native American, and I see that among the Sufi traditions. They are opening up because there is a sense of urgency.

Yuval Ron: Yeah, we have to respond to the crisis of the planet. We must respond with the end of these separations between men and women and young people and old people and people from different nations, different tribes; all these separations are old world. It’s irrelevant now. Now is the time that we all must unite because we all must work together to deal with the crisis of the planet. Because there is a cry of the planet because the planet has been abused and mismanaged and mishandled by humans to the point that now things start to get to catastrophic level.


Kara Johnstad: And is that the heart of unity?

Yuval Ron: Yeah. Unity is crucial for us to work together to come up with smart solutions to how we harmoniously live on earth.


Kara Johnstad: So, everything is receiving and giving, everything alive has a sound, has a pulsation, has a rhythm. We are in a relationship or relating to the planet Earth to each other, to one another. It doesn’t matter again whether you are 40 or 20, man/woman, black/white. It doesn’t matter because we all are pulsating magnetic beautiful electronic electric beings. We are connected with every single thing that is alive on this earth.

Yuval Ron: Yes, it’s all vibration, and the universe is like a soup. In a soup, we are all particles, each one of us has a different vibration, and we all affect each other. Every little thing that is going on effects the molecules of air around it and every effect, every cause has an effect, and every action has a result, and we don’t see it because of our brain from evolutionary reasons our brain has been developed to slice reality to pieces and to see things as separate. It is because it is for personal survival. Life and death are one continuum.

So, in all the traditions of contemplations and ecstatic practices those practices were done in a group under the supervision of a master. You had to have somebody hold the space, somebody supervising, somebody who is navigating ecstatic so in those practices, the teacher often does not get ecstatic with the students, with the followers. However, the teacher holds the space watching and caring for the health of all the other human beings in the room or the field or in the mountain that is doing the practice, static practice.

In tribal and shamanic cultures some ceremonies were taught to reach those ecstatic practices, but it would be a special occasion. They are not meant to be done every day all day because people had to hunt; people had to maintain their camp. The reasonable thinking mode doesn’t allow us to feel the deep connection between all of the things and the unity of all things then we are alienated from an aspect of ourselves and alienated of this one aspect of the universe, of the unity. The universe is a unity expressed through a variety. What we see is variety; what is hidden is unity. They are missing the unity.


Kara Johnstad: Yuval, in your music there’s an amazing sense of unlimited expansiveness.  I stream your things from an MP3 player and yet there’s an expansive open possibility that’s there. Do you feel that there are always new musical sounds or ways that you approach music? Can rules be broken, maybe that’s the right question?

Yuval Ron: I can see what you are describing. I like the layered sound. I like many layers; I like richness. Sometimes I compose with just one instrument; for example, of the solar chakra on the album voyage to the chakras the whole third chakra is just one solo cello, and it’s beautiful and powerful. So sometimes just one instrument is called for, and sometimes a whole symphony is called for her or many, many layers of electronic sounds and acoustic sounds together. So, I’ve done much work for film, and I’ve done much work for modern dance and contemporary dance, for choreographers and theater and world music albums and they like rich sound. I look for the best sounds that I can get. When I record a cellist, for example, I tried to get the best microphone and the best studio and the best cellist with the best instruments and the richest most beautiful sound. That’s why I wouldn’t say I like MP3 and all of the streaming stuff because it’s degrading, the quality is less vibration than the real thing, so we went from analog, we used to have LPs, vinyl, this use to have all of the frequencies. When we went to digital format on CDs, there were some reductions in the amount of frequency.

We are getting fewer sounds, and the music is still beautiful, the music is still great. That’s amazing. You could listen to old, old recordings of classical music that was recorded without very good microphones and it sounds then but it still Mozart.

I want to conclude by saying with a hopeful note is that I hope that the technology will improve and that we are all in a transition period that this would be remembered as the transition period of the digital revolution. The technology will improve, and it will allow for the Internet and work computers and phones to stream the full quality of sound which is much, much more information that the computer wizards will have to come up with the technology, a whole new technology to get the people. It will be the music in its full glory, and its full vibration through the Internet and that will fix this issue that we are experiencing nowadays.

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Kara Johnstad: I am sure that all of your albums are available at least in CD format.

Yuval Ron: Sure, all of my albums are available on my website to download is high-quality tracks. If you go to the store on my website and click on an album that you want to listen to when you go to purchase it, you can purchase a CD, or you can download it. When you go to download it you can choose either to download as MP3 or to download the whole album as high-quality CD-quality FLAC files, Which is full quality. That is the reason why I work with my worldwide distribution is on a company called CD


Kara Johnstad: So, is it better that people go to or give us again your home page address?

Yuval Ron: They can go to CD and type Yuval Ron alternatively, they can go to my website which is, and they can find everything there.


Kara Johnstad: What’s next on your agenda? You are doing very big beautiful leave ends that bring story and music and energy work and poetry I believe in gathering for our world, awake in our world to live that vision of world peace?

Yuval Ron: I’m going. Next, I’m going to Colorado. I have two weeks tour in Colorado. It will be starting in April 5 where I’m going to be teaching a long weekend retreat on sound, healing and sound meditations and sacred sound in Shambhala Mountain Center in Colorado. Then we have two weeks concert tour in teaching tours in Denver area and Boulder area, Colorado and then I’m going to teach in Northern California in Mendocino and in a wonderful new place called 1440. and they call it multi-diversity, not a university but multi-diversity. I will be teaching there in July a five days course of the sacred music and dance meditations, and the healing sounds July 14 through the 19th.

Kara Johnstad: I wish, and I know that your dream it will be, it is world peace; Is in the creating process and Yuval Ron is leading the way. 

Yuval Ron: Thank you, Kara.

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