How to Deal with Negative People

Whenever they criticize anything or anybody – remember that they probably mean no harm, but they are simply caught in their negativity.
Don’t let it get to you: take it as their point of view and respond as above.
When they dwell on topics that trigger their negativity – switch to lighter topics, such as new songs, movies, hobbies – anything that they may feel more positive. Caution: talking about the weather or shopping can easily trigger their negativity. Stay focused and avoid such topics.
IMPORTANT: Be mindful how much time you spend with them.
According to scientists, even when our stress and worry are completely hypothetical – even if we just focus on the media news and not on any situation taking place in our own life – the amygdala and the thalamus in our brain aren’t able to make the difference between what is real to us, and what is not.
Our brain reacts to hypothetical stress in the same way as it does to actual stress.
Their negativity will affect your wellbeing and, unfortunately, that’s the truth. Limit the frequency, duration of phone calls or conversations as much as you can, even if they are your own family. It would help if you stayed positive in life, to live a happy life.
Set a limit to how long your interaction with them will be and don’t go over that time.
ALSO IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: We need to be diplomatic, compassionate and very patient with negative people. It sounds hard to do, but it can happen if we want to improve our relationship with a negative person that we care.
Be sincere, and show them the upsides in life.
Over time, small steps toward a positive outlook on life may help them overcome their negativity.
Remind them that it is possible to change our life situation and achieve what we want. Of course, we need to put some effort into it – nothing will resolve itself without our willingness to help ourselves truly. Not only talk about it.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality