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Kim Russo: Your Soul Purpose

Kim Russo: Your Soul Purpose

Kim Russo OMTimes

So, my book explains my journey of how I embraced my gift, besides my story, the how I’ve come to accept and embrace this whole world and going into my heart, I share real-life lesson plans, from the courses that I teach my students, and they’re very helpful, very interactive.

People could try these lesson plans with their children. I work with energy, obviously, and mediums work with energy, and there are some exercises in the book that you can test working with energy.


Victor Fuhrman: You mentioned the classes you teach; how do people find out about those classes?

Kim Russo: It’s when I am in the season of teaching. I teach in person now. I am planning on having online courses where everyone can join in on, an online platform. Locally, people would have to be interviewed for my classes. I had to see, what was the reason they wanted to be in the class? The level of gift did not matter because by the end of the class everyone developed their sacred gift, not all mediumship but working with energy that cannot be seen on some level. So, mediums, healers. Some people went the route of therapeutic touch, tarot card reading, intuitive readings, all kinds of different reiki. I don’t tell people what their gift is, but the class helps them to cultivate what their gift is.


Victor Fuhrman: How did you decide to bring your gift out to the world?

Kim Russo: Well, I had a private practice for over 20 years, one day a friend of a friend put me in front of a TV producer, and they were blown away by my reading, and they brought me into the network to read for higher executives, and when they offered me a TV show, which was The Haunting Of. So, I had a little staff meeting with my spirit guides, and said, “You’re giving me a haunting show? I want happy vibes, and now I have to go into haunted places,” and my guides kept telling me, “You need to trust us.”


Victor Fuhrman: When you answer their calling, the path unfolds right before you.

Kim Russo: And that truly is how it happened for me. I had no intentions of being an author, a medium; I grew up. I didn’t have that intention.


Victor Fuhrman: What has working with people who have passed to the other side taught you about the purpose of the soul?

Kim Russo: The first thing, the biggest lesson that they’ve taught me, is that the soul is indestructible and that it transcends space and time, it’s infinite, and it has no beginning and no end. So, the soul will keep going and going, and they’ve told me that death is nothing but a passage into the next room.


Victor Fuhrman: In your new book, Your Soul Purpose, you discuss universal laws that we need to embrace to connect with that purposefully. Let’s talk about some of those laws and how they impact the living and the dead.

Kim Russo: I speak all about that in my first and second book, because people need to know what chakras are and that they’re very real, and they’re energy systems that flow through our body that connects us to our spiritual bodies.

So, we have to kind of make sure they’re all healthy bodies. So, I can have a physical body that seems healthy, but my spiritual vibration is very low. It’s going to impact all the body.


Victor Fuhrman: The essence of what we’re talking about, the soul, is a form of energy, and the laws of physics very simply explain to us that energy can neither be created nor destroyed but changes from form to form. That’s what we’re talking about here. If you look at the foundation of every major faith and religion on this planet, there’s a fundamental law that you could find in everyone, and that law does unto others as you would have them do unto you. It’s the Golden Rule, and that’s really, and love thy neighbor as they self, and if we all ascribed to those rules.

Kim Russo: We need to know the two sets of laws. I’m talking about like the Earthly laws living as a soul in a physical body.


Victor Fuhrman: The soul is getting ready to come down to this planet. How do we pick the body, or the family, or the arrival?

Kim Russo: First of all, you don’t have to come back, that’s what they’ve told me on the other side. However, when you have open karma, it’s like having an open bank account. You must come and close out the account. You will come back with a lot of the same souls in different forms. Mothers may be your sister in another life, so, when you recognize a soul here on Earth, you feel like they’re not new, that you’ve known them forever and ever, then they’re part of your soul group. They don’t all show up at birth, by the way. They are sprinkled in your life as you go, and they show up at the right reasons for the right times, you all agree to this. I’m going into that family to either learn something tremendous, to teach something tremendous, or both.

So, every family is different; every soul has a different reason why they’re going, picking that family, picking that parent. We have a reason we’re here; it’s like a plan. So, when you think about it, you picked it all. You even picked your name, the time you were about to be born.


Victor Fuhrman: You mention in your book that clearing physical space can help people connect more deeply to their souls. How does that work?

Kim Russo: There is a chapter on Feng shui that I have in the book. It’s like, you know, decluttering your mind, decluttering your space. Your space reflects your mind. People don’t realize that. Energy needs to move. It needs to breathe, and I know, for me, just personally, when my home is tidy and neat and organized and clean, my thoughts can become organized, tidy, neat, and clean — it goes together.

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I also want to say to clean the space energetically, not just physically, if someone visits, and there’s a negative person in your home, you must open the windows, get out some sage, light a candle, I believe in intention. Just say a quick prayer.


Victor Fuhrman: You Talk about soul search. How do people search for their souls?

Kim Russo: The soul is already there, okay? So, in the book, I talk about it like the floor of a home, the soul can be equivalent to anything physical in the world. Just think about that, and then you keep piling things to clutter the soul. So, our minds are the cluttering. Our beliefs systems can clutter the soul. The soul itself is who you are. So, you don’t need to find it. It’s not lost. It’s there.

It is your subconscious mind, which means it’s all the memories of all of the lives the soul has encountered, and all of the knowledge that your soul holds, it’s in there, right? So, there are–when you wake up–you ever hear about when you go to–when people say sleep on it when they’re looking for an answer? The soul has to have some light. How do you get the light? It goes through the heart. That’s how.


Victor Fuhrman: What would you like your readers to take away from Your Soul Purpose?

Kim Russo: I would like my readers to take away the simple fact that Your soul is not lost. It’s there. It’s waiting to give you everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s trying to remind you of your blueprint. It’s trying to guide you the best possible route, the fastest route, easiest route, and it’s about ascending the physical world. Where when you live your soul purpose through your heart chakra, you are living in the way you were meant to live, through love and compassion. That’s the vibration. We must ascend to the vibration of love. That’s why we’re here. We’re learning this. We’re learning how to do it.


Victor Fuhrman: Welcome to soul classroom, Kim, one more time, please tell our listeners where they can get your book and find out more about you and this beautiful work.

Kim Russo: Well, I recommend they go on It’s coming out in audio with my voice, Kindle, all–CDs, all sorts of platforms and types of digital. You can listen to it in the car or while you’re exercising and everything.

My website is You can sign up for my newsletter where I often send out just to let everybody know what I’m up to. I’m very active on all social media platforms, very interactive as much as I can, and I look forward to hearing from everyone.


Victor Fuhrman: Kim, thank you so much for being with us this week. It is wonderful information. Your book is great, and I hope our listeners get it right away because there’s so much they can learn. We all must move from fear to love and get back to our soul purpose.

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