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Thin Places – Locations that Touch Your Soul

Thin Places – Locations that Touch Your Soul

thin places OMTimes

Thin Places give us a chance to open ourselves up spiritually, to be present in the now and pay attention to the beauty that we see and feel.

Thin Places – Is There a Special Place That Touches Your Soul?



Have you ever experienced a particular place where you’ve felt closer to God, Spirit, or Heaven? You just know there’s something special about that place, and it feels as though it touches your very soul.

The sense of peace and tranquility encompasses your whole being, and for some inexplicable reason, you’re drawn to this place, even though you don’t truly know why. When you’re there, it’s almost as if the veil between this world and the next has been lifted, if only for a short time.

In the Celtic tradition, such places are called “Thin Places.” There’s a Celtic saying that Heaven and Earth are only three feet apart, but in these Thin Places, the distance is even smaller.

Thin Places not only make us feel calm but also transform us as if we’re being unmasked. While we’re at these places, we’re aware that we’re far more than just a physical being — we feel ourselves as a spiritual being, our true essential selves: body, mind, and soul. The Thin Places can be found anywhere on the planet, including churches, temples, beautiful landscapes, and ancient ruins.

I’d be remiss not to mention one special place that I hold close to my heart. I can’t explain why, but I’m drawn back to this place time after time; hopefully, I’ll continue to visit for the rest of my life. It’s a tiny coastal village called Trevone in the rugged county of Cornwall in the most southwestern tip of England.

Trevone is nothing more than a cluster of houses around two lovely beaches, a place where you can see children playing in the sea, couples walking hand and hand, and elderly folks just taking in a little sunshine. There’s a walk that takes you on top of the cliffs, where you get to see the crashing Atlantic waves roll in one after the other, leaving your face covered in a fine salt spray. It’s quite exhilarating and rejuvenating at the same time.

Walking along these cliffs in Trevone, I could feel that sense of thinness between this world and the next, as if I could literally step through the veil. Every time I’ve ever walked there, it’s been a special moment for me. Not only is it stunning, but also, it’s a time when I’ll feel my mom draw close to me. The love I feel from her, as I think about the beautiful memories we shared when she visited me in the U.K. brings me to tears that quickly blend with the salty ocean spray.

Look at your feet. You are standing in the sky. When we think of the sky,  we tend to look up, but the sky actually begins at the earth. ~ DIANE ACKERMAN


See Also

John’s Lesson

Thin Places give us a chance to open ourselves up spiritually, to be present in the now and pay attention to the beauty that we see and feel. They’re a place to let go of all the restrictions and burdens that separate us from communicating with God, Spirit, and our loved ones.

When you have a chance and some quality time for yourself, I invite you to think about the Thin Places you’ve encountered along the way in your own life. Is there a special place that awakens and invigorates your spirit and opens the doorway to the Other-Side? Is there a place where you’ve felt closer to God, Spirit, or your loved ones?

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About the Author

John Holland is an American artist, best-selling author, spiritual teacher, and public speaker, who describes himself as a psychic medium.

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