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Gita: A Timeless Guide for Our Time

Gita: A Timeless Guide for Our Time

Gita A Timeless Guide For Our Time Isaac Bentwich MD Bhagavad Gita OMTimes

Gita: A Timeless Guide for Our Time, by Isaac Bentwich MD, is a new poetic translation which recreates, for the first time, the Bhagavad Gita’s mesmerizing melodiousness, letting you tap its intuitive Wisdom. It is also the first translation that speaks directly to men and women alike.

Book Spotlight – Gita: The Ageless Guide Of Life

by Isaac Bentwich MD

Gita A Timeless Guide For Our Time Isaac Bentwich MD Bhagavad Gita OMTimes
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New Gita

Alongside the Bible and Koran, the Bhagavad Gita (dated around 500 BC) is one of the world’s most printed and widely-read books. Comprising 700 verses in song format, it captures the essence of all of the voluminous scriptures of India—the Vedas, Upanishads, and Mahabharata —and has inspired many of the world’s most brilliant thinkers, from Waldo Emerson and Thoreau to Oppenheimer and Schrodinger, to Nelson Mandela and Mahatma Gandhi.

The Bhagavad Gita (meaning Divine Song) is timeless in part because it eloquently captures the core of not only Indian philosophy but also the spiritual essence of all religions and schools of inner development. Written as a dialogue between the Indian prince Isaac Bentwich, God incarnate, the Gita addresses life’s most profound questions in an exquisite poetic style.

Although the Gita has captivated readers for over two and a half millennia, Isaac Bentwich’s new translation, Gita: A Timeless Guide for Our Times (Harmonia Publications, June 21, 2019), is uniquely equipped to bring this timeless account of the meaning of life, the source of suffering, and the paths to happiness and self-fulfillment to modern readers.

Bentwich devoted twelve years to crafting the first and only translation that preserves in English the mesmerizing melody, meter, and rhyme of the original Sanskrit, that is gender-neutral and female-empowering, and that crystalizes the key messages of each verse as it applies to our time.

In Gita: A Timeless Guide for Our Time, Isaac Bentwich successfully peels away distracting layers of the complex terminology and foreign culture to reveal the elegant simplicity of the truths that lie beneath—that happiness does not depend on any external achievement or gain, and that our ultimate “battle” is an internal struggle between our divine nature and our egotistical tendencies.

In this fresh rendition of ageless Eastern wisdom, Bentwich’s poetic verses offer something for everyone, and teach us that to change the world around us; we must first change the world within.

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