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The Most Impatient Zodiac Signs

The Most Impatient Zodiac Signs

zodiac signs OMTimes

Do you frequently find yourself out of patience?  Perhaps it is because of your Zodiac Sign.

Zodiac Signs and Patience



Are you among the most exasperated Zodiac Signs?

We understand we are living in a world where we are under pressure everywhere, and where intolerance and frustration seem to be the theme of ordinary living. We face daily the pressure to be an excellent professional, to be a good companion, or to be a good father or mother.  Demands to do well on tests, to stand out, to do exercises can be overwhelming. That list could get even more significant. But, the truth is that some people manage to carry it all with lightness, while others get even with the slightest sign of pressure.


The Most Stressed Zodiac Signs

Today you will find out which are the most stressed signs of the zodiac and you will understand what you should do to take care of yourself if you are amongst them.



It was not hard to imagine that the Arians would be on this list, would they? They are rather the champions of nervousness and impatience. They want everything to be resolved quickly and in their way. Moreover, if that does not happen, they lose their patience quickly, and maybe grow angry.



They even try to control themselves, but they cannot, their sense of “correctness’ oblige them to try to correct everything and everyone. They are not explosive, but they can grow cranky very easily.



They have their moments, but when what happens it is a moment of explosion, it comes out from deep and just below the surface. It is like a volcano that quickly explodes and begins destruction with its lava. Moreover, that happens with the least of the pressures; after all, they are always worried, agitated and tense with what can happen. They are Clock-bombs.



They hate being questioned and annoyed, and when that happens, they lose their temper, just like that. They want always to be the last to speak up and if things get out of control, be careful if you’re around one. They tend to be explosive and loud.



 About Aquarius and Gemini

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2017 Capricorn Full Moon OMTimes

These two belong to the air element, which makes them more flexible and prefer to dialogue instead of shouting. It doesn’t make them stand among the signs that lose their easy patience, but when this happens, the air is no longer a slight breeze and happens to be a hurricane. Please do not play with air signs; they can unpredictable like the wind.


About Cancer and Pisces

These are water signs; they are loving and quite effective. Usually, they are calm waters, but when they are angry, they can lose control, and a tsunami begins. They have the power to overwhelm anyone with their emotions, and their bitterness and resentments seem like open floodgates.


 About the Royal Leo

As the King of the zodiac, Leo does not lose its class easily. He always tries to carefully hold control of himself, to regulate the fury and not let others perceive that he is tense, nervous or angry. However, when they lose control, they leave the crown aside and become unrecognizable.

The truth is, everyone has their days of fury, does not he? So, it is important always to keep the resources of talking and dialoguing and avoid letting storms happen in cups of water.

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