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The Sun Card – The Tarot Arcane for July 2019

The Sun Card – The Tarot Arcane for July 2019

The Sun Card Tarot Arcane OMTimes

The Energy Forecast for the month of July brings The Sun Card to the forefront. The Sun Card is considered to be the Archetype of Light.

The Arcane Influences of The Sun Card – July 2019



Nothing is hidden under the sun. ~ Leonardo da Vinci

The Sun and the Archetype of Light

The Sun Card is the Arcanum that rules the month of July so will joy, positivity, lightness, and success.

The Sun Card is the tarot archetype whose prognosis is the most positive we can find.  That’s because Sun represents life, light, brilliance, and joy.

It does not matter what we are going through in life, the challenges we are facing, because when we are under the auspicious Influence of our Planetary Luminary, all that is dark is eliminated and the victorious Light triumphs against the shadows.

When this card appears, good vibrations eliminate anything negative we have experienced. It is a real chance to find relief for so many evils that surround us, personally, socially, and spiritually.

The effects of this arcane are especially amplified this month because we will also be experiencing two eclipses, a solar in Cancer on July 2 and lunar in Capricorn on July 16. We will also experience the start of a retrogradation period for Mercury, the planet of the messenger of the Gods. Mercury not only rules communication, but it also embodies synchronization and organization; thought developments, ideas, and sensory information from both conscious and unconscious sources all need to be coordinated and understood.






The Sun, the Arcane regent in the Tarot of 2019 for July, presents itself in a very curious drawing, but at the same time very much in keeping with its forecasts. In this card, two children appear under a sun of intense brightness, and that exudes the sensation of high heat. They personify the solar twins, the perfect balance between elements of duality.

Generally, amid vast associations, the most present are always made with the figure of twins as Romulus and Remus or Castor and Pollux, still alluding to the balance between opposites (although these children are probably of opposite sexes). One of the children places her hand on the solar plexus of the other, demonstrating the connection this card has with the energy of willpower.

Together, the image of the two children and the great Sun of the human face, we find the predominance of the colors yellow (intelligence) and gold (abundance). We also noticed the presence of thirteen colored drops shed by the Sun on the boys and the rest of nature as if it were a shower of divine gifts and grace.

The drops from the Sun have the power to warm bodies and earth, as well as to generate spiritual enlightenment, and it does so as easy as it provides the necessary warmth for the growth of plants.





Give me the splendid, silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling. ~Walt Whitman

The Sun Card is preparing all of us for a moment of joy and bliss. It is even easy to assume that this card is announcing good news in all areas, such as our romantic lives, economic status, family, or health.

Talking a little about love this arcane is a divider of waters, and especially for those who are single, there is a great possibility of finding a person who completes you as you desire. A passionate love that will no doubt be a “soul mate” is about to come into existence and may have incredible transforming power over your lives.

In the professional area, financial, or material field, the trends are that success will knock the door. With more success in your daily work, the recognition of the efforts realized will bring you some satisfaction.

Not least, your general reward may not only come in the form of money but can materialize in the form of interesting deals, opportunities, open doors or even a stroke of luck, such as a lottery prize.

Health is a very special field since the Sun means very positive energy and vibrations. That is, if you were haunted by an illness or a health complaint that seemed to you without a concrete solution, this might be the month you will find relief.

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Death Card: Tarot Arcane September 2020 OMTimes

The sudden increase in vitality can be easily perceived and will be one of the major responsible for warding off possible diseases. Sexual health is another strong point of the presence of this Arcanum, especially for those who were low libido or could not direct it anywhere. July will be a great month to solve this.



Light is life, enlightenment on a new path that we must follow, hopes for a better future. Because it is this light that will allow us to see what we were previously unable to grasp because of our fears.

With the 2019 Tarot card for July, The Sun Card arrives the moment you’ve been waiting. All you have to do is embrace it. The power to change and move forward is within you, and the light is out there to guide your way. Open the window and allow the Sun to come in.



I believe in the sun, even when it rains. ~Anne Frank

Despite the fantastic prognostics, the Archetype of light has its downside — the creation of shadows. Sometimes we can be obfuscated because of the light when it is too intense. And because it makes an impression upon our retina making it difficult to perceive what is around us. The Warning here is to be aware at all times and do not allow to be blinded by excessive optimism without a cause.


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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.


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