Help Your Kids Discover Their Super Powers

Teach your children that their intuition is part of a unique set of Super Powers that they can learn.
Intuition for Kids – Help Them Discover Their Super Powers
by Dagny Grant and Beth Donnelly
It is important to encourage kids to expand their intuition, to better understand the power of their feelings and thoughts and recognize their own inner guidance. We could set an example of mindfulness for kids (and some adults too). We all have the power to choose our thought focus, which in turn attracts our experience. Kids can be taught that what they focus on expands…whether it is love or fear, sadness or happiness.
“Kids are our future” is not just a tag line…it’s A fact. Imagine the next generation having the presence of mind, self-esteem, compassion, kindness & empathy and the understanding of how to be responsible for their actions and reactions. What if they had the tools to make their greatness shine and create the energy of gratitude in our world. What role can we play to assist them in this process? We know that as adults, we take the mission of inspiring and guiding the hearts and minds of these kids very seriously. It is a journey filled with joyful practice, repetition, sharing & learning.
For this article, we define intuition to be the inner voice or knowing, sometimes called a “gut feeling.”
There are many ways to recognize intuition, whether working with a larger group of children, or an individual child.
We may ask them to:
1. Share the Children thoughts & feelings about intuition as part of a discussion.
2. Learn to pay attention to gut feelings.
3. Practice going inward and “listening to intuition” by meditating.
Once a child has learned to recognize their innate intuition, it allows them to act from a place of empowerment to lead a more joyful life, rather than just reacting to random thoughts.
The energy of “internal guidance” is felt by the body in a different place than the neural pathways of the brain stimulating thoughts. How one has assimilated their thoughts through their unique neural networks is key to the formation of their beliefs and perceptions. It is how they interpret their experiences and the world around them. Their beliefs and perceptions can be positive, neutral or negative.
Intuition, on the other hand, is always an expansive feeling that feels warm and right. It is life-force energy emanating from the heart-space.
Once we’ve helped children recognize their intuition, what do they do with that knowledge? We don’t think it would be an over-statement to tell our kids that intuition is part of a unique set of Super Powers! After all, …it can be instrumental in extending kindness, empathy, and compassion to their friends, family & eventually into the world.
Other Super Powers triggered by our intuition are:
Mindful Shifting!
Mindfulness is paying attention to our thoughts and feelings. That is the first step. Shifting involves the realization that we’re thinking a thought or feeling an emotion that doesn’t serve us. Instead of acting on it, we choose to shift it to a thought or emotion that does serve us by telling a story that feels positive, right or good.
By shifting our thought from one of negative judgment to positivity or empathy, we can also shift our action or reaction to one of love and kindness.
Positive Self-Identity! (I AM)
The words “I AM” are the most powerful in determining our self-esteem and identity. It is who we believe we are, whether it’s true or given to us by others. An example would be a parent calling us the shy one, pretty one or the one who isn’t good at math. Whatever follows the words “I AM” are what we become.
Uniqueness is good and something to be valued. We are all part of the painting of life, and it is what we do with our paintbrush that lets our greatness shine!
Belief in Miracles!
The belief in miracles is what allows them to happen! If we dare to ask for what we want, or better, believe in the field of pure potentiality; then we are expecting the miraculous! It’s important that our kids understand that this Super Power works in many ways. If we believe that a negative outcome will result, that belief can unfold as the negative result we’ve attracted. This concept loops back to Mindful Shifting where we teach kids to notice their emotions and what thought & belief proceeded that feeling.
Once our kids learn to listen to their intuition, they will recognize the inner guidance of their gut feelings. Like any skill, it just takes practice. These feelings, whether love or fear, sadness or happiness attract and expand their experience. What a wonderful gift we can give to the next generation…the understanding of their Super Power of intuition!
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You will also enjoy Living Intuitively: The Key to Intuition and Use Your Energy Boundaries to Boost Your Intuition
About the Authors
Matrix Productions is a multi-media company represented by partners Beth Donnelly and Dagny Grant. Co-authors of the internationally Best-Selling Children’s book series “Journey of Joy,” they share mind, body and spirit connections, teaching mindfulness and I AM principles. Their publication of books, and “Echoes of the Soul” multi-media projects, produce tools that shape the thoughts and hearts of like-minded people.

OMTimes Magazine is one of the leading on-line content providers of positivity, wellness and personal empowerment. OMTimes Magazine - Co-Creating a More Conscious Reality