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What Are the Wheels of Samsara?

What Are the Wheels of Samsara?

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For those who perceive life and death as an experience, the Wheel of Samsara brings insight into the spiritual condition of those who incarnated on Earth.

How Are You Tied to the Wheels of Samsara?



To be born, to live, to die. These are unquestionable truths about the nature of human experience on Earth, where the only certainty we have is that we will someday die. However, death is interpreted in different ways by different cultures and individuals, which give it or a cyclical character, sometimes of eternal continuity or even the end of all existence and consciousness, accepting that there is nothing beyond it.

For those who perceive life and death as an experience, the Wheel of Samsara (also known as the Worlds of Samsara) bring great insight into the spiritual condition of those who incarnated on Earth. The concept created by the Hindus and Buddhists reached us Westerners in the second half of the twentieth century and expresses the wheel of life and death, that is, the unceasing flow of rebirth through the worlds.

It is an idea like karma and reincarnation, where a consciousness that is undergoing an experience in the now and had had other lives in the past. The concepts that deal with the Wheel of Samsara may have different names, but among them probably the most interesting analogy would be the Law of Return or Action and Reaction, where we are responsible for the effects our actions have on others and the world. Any phenomenon, process, or action that a living originates causes and consequences, and sometimes causes disturbances that need to be adjusted and internalized in that soul.

It is the Wheel of Samsara: reincarnation cycles that allow the spirits to live different experiences in the matter and to experience power, subjugation, wealth, poverty, health, illness, finally, to experience all the positive and negative aspects that an incarnation in different aspects of life can offer. In each of these possibilities, the spirit acquires knowledge and is closer to the truth, God, or the Higher Self as some call it.

Knowing the concept, we can analyze our life and delve into our inner universe. Discovering which situations present themselves in our lives are karma, a rescue or an opportunity to work and to improve some characteristic of our spirit, making great difficulties allies.

Usually, the complications we encounter have a common source and present themselves as a pattern in our life.

A great example is self-esteem: a spirit needs to work on self-esteem. Then, not infrequently, he expresses himself insecure, jealous and with a tendency to feel wronged by life. The soul is then born into a family that does not favor her self-worth and engages in destructive relationships, always living the same emotional pattern. These simple traits will then directly influence all spheres of the material existence of this spirit, such as work, social relationships, love, and family, bringing to each new problem the opportunity to strengthen one’s self-esteem through self-improvement, without one realizing that everything that is generating frustration in your life has the same origin.

The fact is that, regardless of the order of factors, the result never changes – we are living a learning experience, and all the actions we take have an effect on matter, making the Wheel of Samsara spin.

Part of the game of enlightenment is to realize this and to bring to you experiences that are increasingly enlightened and free from the action of karma so that it is possible to eliminate our attachments in Samsara and integrate ourselves with the fuller source.


See Also

Does Samsara exist in Other Planets?

Some Paranormal specialists affirm that there are countless inhabited planets, life forms, and the evolutionary levels in the Universe we inhabit. The laws governing a star may be directly linked to Samsara. Some ascended planets at some point in this journey may transit into the light and get rid of the Law of Karma. It is possible to speculate that some planets are already living in the Law of Love or perhaps even other laws that we are not aware of and even capable of imagining. These places do not possess Samsara since their inhabitants are on a pure consciousness level, that may no longer require reincarnation as the engine of experience that they provide.

In the other hand, other celestial bodies of denser energy and home to more primitive spirits may offer a learning experience through birth and rebirth. These are experiences that, due to the difficulties of non-spiritual connection and extreme materiality, bring a very rich instruction to the consciousness that decides to reincarnate on these planets.

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About the Author

Humanity Healing Network is an Ageless Wisdom education outreach of Humanity Healing International.

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