Animal Reincarnation and Families

When a beloved pet dies, it can be comforting to understand the animal reincarnation process.
Do Our Animals Reincarnate?
By Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt
These days people consider their animals to be family members, which deepens the human-animal bond and raises mind, body, spirit issues in their multi-species families, including what happens to animals when they die. Do animals have souls? Do they reincarnate? Part 1 of a two-part series explores the concept of soul groups, animal souls, and the afterlife. Part 2 explores animal reincarnation and what that means for our families.
At some point during the loss of their beloved animals, many people wonder if they’ll reincarnate. As anecdotal evidence confirms, our animals are often reincarnating with us in different animal bodies throughout our lives. Luckily for us, it doesn’t seem to hinder (or annoy) them that we are seldom smart (or aware) enough to notice.
In this two-part series on animal reincarnation, we’ve explored how souls work in Part 1, and we’ll now look at animal reincarnation and families.
Animal Reincarnation – Souls and the Afterlife
Souls are busy wherever they are, in bodies or the afterlife. They’re always working to grow in self-love, which includes achieving whatever soul purpose they settled on for a particular incarnation (or afterlife experience). Sometimes souls that were in animal bodies choose to take another animal body and to reincarnate with their multi-species families. For example, my animals have been reincarnating with me my entire life, but I only became aware of it in mid-life.
Do we need to know if our animals will reincarnate with us—or already have? Yes, no, and maybe. All animals have afterlives because they all have souls, and my personal and professional experience reveals they come back more often than we know. I believe we’re now re-discovering this because we’re more spiritually connected to ourselves and our animals than we’ve been in centuries.
We learn about our animals’ reincarnations if we need to: if it’s necessary for their soul purpose and ours. In my family’s case, my dogs and cat and I had work to do together that required me to know they were coming back. Before that, I didn’t know they were back, or that it was even possible.
The good news is that animals often want their families to know why they’re back—or why they’ve chosen another path—because it helps both sides get closure after a death. Yes, it can be as difficult as their actual deaths to learn they aren’t coming back. However, their reincarnation isn’t up to us: it’s the soul’s choice made after a life review in the afterlife when they evaluate what they intended to do in their life, what they accomplished, and what they want—and need—to do next.
Their next choice may have something to do with us, as I’ve repeatedly witnessed, but it should never be because we asked for it. As I pointed out in Part 1 of this series, souls who have been in animal companion bodies will sometimes feel pressured to give up what they need to do for their soul growth to do what we want. Our job, then, is to find out what they want and to help them if we can—even if it doesn’t include us.
Animal Reincarnation – Happiness Talks and Magnetizing
I’ve learned this through my consultation process with dying animals and their people. As we explore if it’s time to die, and how animals and their families choose to meet death, I facilitate a “happiness talk,” which helps both sides reminisce about their lives together. It is cathartic, liberating—and sometimes hilarious.
Why? Because like us, animals can be afraid, lonely, and worried about what comes next, but usually because we are. They are remarkably resilient and, unlike us, often completely aware of their many soul experiences—and already plotting their next move. For example, after I helped a dying cat, Felix, remind his person that he did complicated backflips to inspire her work (she was a choreographer), he skipped right past his imminent death to ask if he could come back as a dog. Awkward, but hilarious—and perfectly timed, because the next thing his person said was that, for the first time in her life, she was thinking about getting a dog, which made Felix giggle.
Our animals often manage to reincarnate with us and live their entire lives without us recognizing them. The best thing we can do for them is to honor them as equal souls with free choice with something like a happiness talk. By celebrating our dying animals’ lives with them, and encouraging them to do whatever they need to, we allow energy to smoothly flow so both sides can let go—and maybe surprise each other in another body, someplace, sometime.
Sometimes, though, we learn they’re reincarnating, and we need to find them. We do that first by understanding that most of the souls who come back to us seem to find their way home again simply and easily when on our own, we humans make things harder. In other words, plan but don’t panic!
Second, if you know, they’re coming back, practice “magnetizing” them. That means sitting and imagining that you are holding and loving that new body in your arms—make it real by imagining it. Let your heart call to them, and listen for their calling to you, because that’s what this is, a heart match. You might have to shell out some money, time, and effort, but that’s part of the deal. You do what it takes if you’re given a chance.
If you’re lucky, you can skip the complications and fall over your animals like the woman who lost her beloved cat and then, some weeks later, walked by a store, looked down at a box of “free” kittens, and recognized him back in a new body. It happens all the time. Be ready, be smart, be fast—be love. Moreover, believe. Somehow, many of us do keep finding each other. Our animals are looking for us despite the greatest handicap of all: we are human.
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About the Author
Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt hosts the OM Times radio show, “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.” An intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist, she is an award-winning author whose next book is “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.” Find her at

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