Creating the Energy of Peace

This world is in desperate need of the Energy of Peace.
How to Create the Energy of Peace
We have to keep the belief alive that we can evolve into higher intelligence with integrity and respect for each other. When one person or a group of people forget to connect to that truth, The Creating the Energy of Peace can get lost in judgment and fear of another.
This World is on the edge of great changes to come. Our sensitivities are on high alert listening to discern between what we believe as our truth, what we are being told to believe. So many of us are sensitive and can feel drained by our empathy. If we allow ourselves to get lost in the horrific media reports of things happening all over the Earth, we reduce our power to manifest positive action. When there are unrest and conflict, it creates an energy of fear which fuels anxieties. It affects some more than others depending on our skills and abilities in creating places of peace around us and inside of us.
Peace lives in those moments of quiet solitude and still thoughts when we are alone. It lives in our hearts long after we spent the afternoon walking and talking with a friend who makes us laugh. It lives in photographs and memories of all the times we forgot to worry about anything to just be in the moment. Peace sparkles on top of sun-sparkled water in the middle of a beautiful day spent canoeing on a lake.
We can train our minds to bring in these visions in times of great stress and worry. With practice and will, we learn how to process information and life challenges in ways that help to keep our emotions in check. Eventually, we learn to respond with calm insight instead of reacting in anger or fear at people and situations which break through our barriers of tolerance.
Practices which help us cope with stress are unique to each of us. If we use more natural and holistic methods, then we are less dependent on alcohol and pharmaceuticals to ease our pain. Meditation can help us bring healing energy to every cell by strengthening the mind, body, and soul connection. For some, walking in the woods is their way of connecting to spirit through nature to recharge the system. For others, it could be an intense gym workout which brings a natural high and sends good energy through the body, causing a release of negative energies to let in more light. We begin to operate at optimum level creating new healthy cells and a lightness of being.
Water features inside and out can help calm the mind. Add some relaxing music or a colorful sunset, and the brain begins to release endorphins that can evolve into bliss. When we are at peace deep inside, we begin to understand how important it is to every living thing around us. It helps us greatly to be aware of our environments and the peace factor in which we live in. Does it bring us a sense of security, beauty, and joy? Our homes should be a place we are happy to live in with our comforts and loved ones.
Humans spend millions on relaxing spa treatments and Zen retreats to bring tranquility into life for a few days at a time. If we can learn to bring in the energy of peace every day in our lives and our dealings with others, we can have the spa living within. There is an inner harmony that helps us to breathe in knowledge and connection, which helps us communicate with new enthusiasm. The inner knowing that we can remain calm and keep a clear head when we are in challenging situations is invaluable to our health and survival.
We must keep the belief alive that we can evolve into higher intelligence with integrity and respect for each other. When one person or a group of people forget to connect to that truth, peace energy can get lost in judgment and fear of another. It may seem at times that the World will never achieve lasting peace in which not one person is lost from the violence of war. We are still learning how to manifest peaceful action in conflict without harm to humanity.
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About the Author
Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel, and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc. a 501(c) spiritual charity and writer for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension and has read for clients all over the world. To learn more or contact for a session see

Judi Lynch is a psychic medium, intuitive counselor, healing channel and author. She is president of the Crystal Healing Foundation, Inc., a 501(c) spiritual charity and featured columnist for OM Times Magazine. She has authored two books, Friends with Lights and Conscious Ascension, and has read for clients all over the world.