The Judgment Card: The Tarot Arcane of August 2019

The Energy Forecast for the month of August brings The Judgment Card to the forefront.
The Arcane Influences of the Judgment Card – August 2019
The Judgment Card is the Arcane of the Month announces news, renewal, and opportunities that are about to come. ” The Judgment” is the number XX of the Tarot cards, which indicates New Life Cycle. Everything that has been planted will soon be harvested. In this card, an angel representing the connection between the earthly world to the spiritual universe makes a divine announcement. Those who hear him are stripped, not only of their garments, but of expectations, concepts, and personal delusions. It means that we must be open to the changes that the Universe will bring into our lives during this period.
With Judgment as a guiding archetype, we have the chance to draw new plans and take new steps toward the best of ourselves without attachment to previous situations. Its energies reinforce the passage for the second half of 2019 bringing about changes that are often sudden and not always desired, but really are inevitably important. The Judgement comes as a warning about everything we consider immutable, stable and secure.
Collectively, August is a very propitious time for the reassessments and reflections needed for the first part of 2019 to continue to assure that our ideals and projects are still meaningful in our lives, emotionally, professionally and even spiritually.
The opportunities that will come your way are the result of decisions made in the past. This can bring a bit of anguish, curiosity, and anxiety as it is difficult to understand with your mindset of today, what has been determined by past situations.
Changing for the Better
The Judgment Card brings the need for intellectual organization, planning, and criticism. Important decisions may be made, which will require wisdom and clear judgment to evaluate the facts well. The Arcane of the month also suggests the release of plastered ideas that you have been carrying throughout your life. This is a second chance, a new opportunity to appraise unfinished situations.
The Judgment Card may bring changes in the structure and base fields. It may indicate a marriage or divorce, the beginning of a contract, or the end of a partnership. It predicts that there will be the end of a cycle and, according to its performance, a new cycle will begin. Details of the past will surface, which will require you to be uncomplicated, fearless, and attentive and cool.
The Heart will Undergo Renewals
August is the month in which we also feel changes in the affective sphere. The arcane influences relationships making new people appear into our life’s scenes and bringing new opportunities for those that are already dating, planning on getting married or already have an affective commitment.
In addition to an emotional opening that makes the routine stronger, “the Judgment” Card points to the return of past situations or issues that were unearthed for the sake of the relationship. This indicates that discussing or resolving something pending that needs to be resolved is promising in August.
For those that are not in a relationship, the propensity is also for someone from the past to return. In all cases, it is prudent to keep your head up and face it with a firm heart without fear. The Tarot cards inspire courage to face the challenges and to enjoy the reorganizations of an affective nature. It is time for everyone to do and live their best. It is Time to Reorganize your Time
If there is one word that describes the energy of this Arcane well, it is “transformation.” Rather than sticking to pride, conceit and the certainty that we are right in most matters; we should realize that life comes and gives us a shake just when we think we have everything figured it out, Isn’t it? A friend used to say to me that Life was something that happens to you while you are doing something else.
The Judgment Cart Influences on Each Zodiac Sign
Aries The news you are expecting may come slowly, or taking longer than usual, but the moment is a lot of work and some rest. Collaborate with your own goals and learn to breathe in the face of changes and surprises along your way. Be persistent.
Taurus Many of your new ideas that need to be put in order and then put into practice; you may need help with them. Instead of losing your temper, insisting on old frustrating projects, or being stubborn, stick to new perspectives because life is reorganizing itself. It gives you time to get where you want to go. Be flexible.
Gemini The Firmness in which you handle your life will be tested this month. The best thing to do is to be still and be transparent. Demonstrate integrity and do not allow anyone to misled you by trying your patience and goodwill. Open your heart, take risks, and do what must be done. Trust your guts.
Cancer Managing the home, family, and material world around you may be more important and urgent than you might think, despite all your professional demands. Be an example of organization and cleanliness, as the arcane of the month comes to sweep the superfluous and require focus and clarity of purpose.
Leo Money and work will be August priorities. Start taking better care of the image you convey to the world, because charges will come, and many new people are coming to your life. The more prudent, serious, and professional posture you show, the stronger and more influential you will become. Relax, you got this.
Virgin Reorganizing doesn’t hurt anyone, does it? Then start another wave of rearrangements on your home and life. Start with getting rid of clutter, including emotional ones. That may even include your social media. Now is the time to open the cabinets and tidy up what is well accommodated, but no longer needed. Be an example of detachment; start by opening the place for the new to manifest in your life. Your heart will thank you; I promise.
Libra We know you are the perfect social butterfly and that the plurality of your many interests can diffuse you from the real needs of the month. Show focus and determination instead of getting lost in what it is better to say or do. You are bigger and more important than the noise around you. Experiment making decisions and sticking to them.
Scorpio For you, August is always the most opportune month to make things happen. Instead of looking for new things, use the energy of this month to realize all the plans and projects that you already have on your hand. The Tarot guides you to discover new virtues this month. One of them is perseverance. You have the power of determination in your mind.
Sagittarius At any given time, you have so many projects percolating in your mind, but you need to realize and direct each one to the right channels. With the help of the card of Judgment, new opportunities will arrive to open doors and to close others. Do not waste time, nor lose your deadlines. While you dream, life runs. Try just to slow down a bit.
Capricorn The winds are changing, and they are bringing clouds to your blue skies. Life will require diplomacy from you. Instead of acting dry or stern, the best thing for you to do will be to smile and collaborate with those who are interacting and working with you. The moment is not to challenge and fight but to analyze the situations with kindness and patience. What was the last time you had a real vacation?
Aquarius Do not cling to illusions or convictions, keep an open mind, that is of vital importance to you now. August tends to be refreshing month to you, but it will require willpower and clear determination to get out of adverse situations that circumstances may create for you. Keep your mind clear.
Pisces Kindness will be present in your relationships, as will nostalgia. Be careful about going back to Memory Lane because there is no use living in the past. Life goes on with important transformations, and you need to accept them and follow them. Keep yourself Grounded.
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.