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The Mystical Power of July 25, the Day Outside Time

The Mystical Power of July 25, the Day Outside Time

July 25 Day Outside Time OMTimes

According to the Mayan Calendar, July 25 was their Leap Day, a day outside time.

July 25 – The Day Outside of Time



How can a day be outside time because at first glance it seems it makes no sense? We may think that this is another case of a special day, just like February 29th that just occurs every four years. In those times, called leap years, the years have 366 days. In a way, February 29th seems to be out of time and those who had the fortune to be born on this day, because they can only celebrate their correct birthday every four years.

But there is one more peculiarity about our way of telling the time, and it has to do with the mysterious and Mystical Mayans. They built a huge civilization in the pre-Columbian era in the Central American region from the year 1000 BC to its apex during the classical period (250 AD. to 900 AD). That is, the Mayans had almost two millennia of existence. Many of their teachings endure to this day, and the Mayan calendar is one of the most famously complete and also complex mathematical marvels ever made. Their calendar has already generated much controversy, especially for the accuracy of events and for ending in 2012, which has fueled several theories of the end of the world. Thank God we are still here, and it was not in that fateful year that the world ended.

For time is the longest distance between two places. ~Tennessee Williams


But what do the Mayans have to say about July 25?

Well, the answer is many things. According to this culture, July 25 was a very important day, probably the most relevant on their entire calendar. According to to the Mayan Tradition, every year, the July 25th is the last day of the galactic year in the Mayan Galactic calendar. They counted 13 moons of 28 days in one year= 364 Days. The extra day, the 365th day is July 25th: the ‘Day Out Time.


The Mayan Concept of Time – The Visionaries Beyond Time

The Mayan Calendar is a system of distinct calendars and charts used by the Mayan civilization and some modern Guatemalan communities. The Mayan culture had a system in which events could be recorded linearly, concerning the notion of linearity of time, but not only that. Their logical system was used to delineate any desired length of time by simply increasing the number of higher-order markers used. Most long-term Mayan inscriptions were limited to recording the first five coefficients in this system, which we understand as a b’ak’tun.

To get an idea of what this means, a 20 b’ak’tun is equivalent to about 7,885 solar years, a very broad notion of time. However, some inscriptions point to even greater sequences, showing that Mayan culture understood the past, present, and future triad very well, being able to project events into futures far from their reality. It is also important to say that the Mayan worldview expressed through the calendar was cyclical; that is, everything that happened would be repeated. This view was influenced by the repetition of natural cycles, observable astronomical phenomena, and the conception of death and rebirth very present in worldly mythological traditions. Just this way to “geometrize” their reality transformed them on the Time visionaries.

day out of time


Secrets from the Galactic Time

The Maya taught us the secrets of galactic time. They were aware of the limiting linear cycles to which all of us humans are undergoing, but though their exquisite way to relate to time, they revealed to us the multidimensionality of time. It is this multidimensionality aspect of time that constitutes the dynamic that allows us to connect with this “cosmic time.


Why a Day Outside Time?

Considering the Mayan count of 13 Moons count of 28 days, we have 364 solar days and the Day Out of Time acts as an additional factor in the rise in the count. Always falling on the 25th of July from the Gregorian calendar, the Day Out of Time is for the 13 Moon calendar as an “equivalent” to our new year.



Why is this date so important?

This is a very special date because the Mayan regarded this day as a spiritual mark to start the evolutionary process of humanity. It is considered a moment of great energetic intensity, in which the Beings of Light to work to align us with the harmony of the universe, on its various dimensions of time, and space.

As it is customary for us to do on December 31, July 25 is charged with spiritual energy and with an atypical opening of star portals that allow a connection to the much more intense spiritual world.

It is a moment of change, of recycling, a moment for projects and evaluation, perfect to let go of what no longer serves us. To let go of what is dense and which should not be part of the new cycle that begins.

Our suggestion is to choose to practice Forgiveness and Gratitude in this powerful day because they can be the best exercises we can do, to start anew and clear our horizons. Whether directed at ourselves or those who have hurt us, forgiving is one of the fastest ways to the growth and expand our fields of consciousness.

On July 26, a new cycle begins again, bringing the energy of renewal and inner purification, with a great impact on our spiritual bodies, especially the emotional ones.

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The influence of this energy can be felt by everyone, especially those who have more sensitivity to the ebbs and flow of spiritual energies.

Be aware that the astral waves may bring bringing emotional fluctuations to some of us that are not always understood by those who do not have a little knowledge of the spiritual world. So, notice how you are feeling this July 25th and take a moment to center yourself and to have good thoughts.


How to enjoy a day outside time:

A Day Outside Time is like a mini-quantum leap for us and our planet. It is like an energetic opening and should be put to good use. Even though it may be a Mayan mathematical concept that seems far removed from our Western & modern practices, the archetypical energy circulating on this day is very strong. The Maya were wise people, and there is much evidence to demonstrate the mystical powers of this culture.

In addition to keeping your thoughts in tune, this July 25, you can take advantage of the energetic opening to perform rituals, contemplations, chants or prayers. Any action that is directed to spirituality will be well received by the Universe! Meditation is also a powerful tool for connecting not only spiritually but also with the deeper dimensions of our individuality.

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About the Author

Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.

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