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Ro-Hun – The Healing Process of Miracles

Ro-Hun – The Healing Process of Miracles

Ro-Hun OMTimes

The basis of Ro-Hun therapy is the discovery of the destructive partnerships of faulty thoughts and negative feelings that we hold within us.

What is Ro-Hun?

by David Robertson



Ro-Hun is about miracles.

Miracles are rapidly occurring events based on natural principals.   In Ro-Hun, the miracles encompass the whole of the human being: physically, mentally/emotionally and spiritually.  All miracles already exist, waiting to be expressed when the mental/emotional level releases painful thoughts and feelings (energy) that block them.

Ro-Hun is a healing process that enables us to uncover and rectify beliefs and ideas that confine us to patterns of repetitious, painful behaviors.

The basis of Ro-Hun therapy is the discovery of the destructive partnerships of faulty thoughts and negative feelings that we hold within us.

Faulty thoughts and negative feelings are dictating human life with or without our knowledge of them.

By accessing the Higher Self and Universal Mind, Ro-Hun utilizes the client’s spiritual strength to gain profound understanding and forgiveness for Self, and others in the past, effectively and lovingly releasing the blocked energy and hidden shadows that prevent a joyful and productive life.

The transformational structure is unique in that the client becomes enlightened and empowered by facilitating their healing.

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In Ro-Hun, clients attain such a depth of understanding and forgiveness that they forever alter the ways in which they develop and behave in relationships.

Those who need to break free from toxic relationships do so.  Families release the need for dysfunctional patterns.

Others are able to forgive their abusers and walk away from years of painful, buried memories.

Without exception, they accomplish these relationship miracles with love and understanding, ending forever the blame, shame, and pain.

Physical miracles are a common experience in Ro-Hun therapy. Chronic migraines end, eating disorders stop, deformed limbs straighten, blocked menstrual cycles begin flowing and perfect vision has been restored.

There are many layers to self-awareness. These layers are, in effect, points of view through which we experience ourselves, our environments, our pasts, and our presents.

Each layer discovered brings deeper and deeper healing.  For every thought, there is a feeling; for every feeling, there is a thought.  A faulty thought and a negative feeling combined and used repeatedly create a Negative Reactive Self.  This consistent use of hurtful patterns creates an actual rut, or ditch, in your energy field, making the pattern easier and easier to fall into until you don’t even realize you are living a pattern.

Therefore, to discover these layers, Ro-Hun takes you through several processes, each one building on the insights and understandings of the one before so that the journey into one’s innermost faulty thoughts and negative feelings is an organized, rational one.

Each Ro-Hun process deals with aspects of consciousness, their transformation to higher states and has a specific set of goals, that are performed in an intentional order, designed to help the client heal in a healthy, sustainable manner.

Every Ro-Hun session begins with a process of reconnecting with the Spiritual or Higher Self.  It is from this place of clarity, where we can feel the spiritual truth about who we are.


The Divine Aspects of Ro-Hun

In our core, each of us is a soul, an individualized spark of the Divine Source.  Just as our bodies are composed of our parent’s DNA, our Souls are composed of our Divine Parent’s Divine Aspects.   There are five Divine Aspects.

Love = kindness, caring, connection, acceptance and unity

Wisdom = discernment, confidence, balance, knowledge

Harmony = peace, wholeness, integration, and dynamic movement

Beauty = radiance, positive attraction and inspiration

Understanding = perception, clarity, known and reason.

We all have moments of expressing our Divine Aspects.  Unfortunately, we don’t seem to be able to consistently express our Divine Aspects consistently in everyday life. All that is left to express, then, are their opposites, and that results in the following:

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Lack of Love = fear, anxiety, isolation and coldness

Lack of Wisdom = inflexible thinking, poor decisions and choices, and insensitivity.

Lack of Harmony = discord (i.e., stress, illness, pain and disease)

Lack of Beauty = low self-esteem, self-criticism, shyness and withdrawal

Lack of Understanding = judgment, hostility, condemnation, and superiority.

As much as we would like to say that the problems lie outside of us, the world cannot prevent our goodness.  The prevention happens when we entertain personal ideas and feelings that are the opposite of our Divine Aspects. Life has hurt us, but what we often avoid are the ideas and beliefs we took on about ourselves, because of painful events.  We bury these ideas and thoughts and they become our subtext, running just beneath our conscious mind.   Because we are unaware of them, they create and re-create themselves repeatedly in terms of our life’s experiences without us knowing what is happening.

Despite our efforts to suppress them, these buried thoughts and feelings, -married to deep emotional pain, create Negative Reactive Selves.   These Negative Reactive Selves write the very scripts of our lives, pulling their inspiration from the poisonous cesspool of thoughts and feelings of failure, helplessness, insecurity or unworthiness buried deep within.  Put a number of these Negative Reactive Selves together and they truly erode self-esteem.  Because once created these Negative Reactive Selves, cannot be erased, only transformed. The faulty thoughts and negative emotions that make up the Negative Reactive Selves are live energy.  That energy, without exception, is bound by the Natural Law of Attraction.  In other words, if you are sending out a signal (energy) that says, “I am unworthy of love”, you will attract experiences that prove your thought.

“What is within your consciousness (or unconscious) that is drawing the circumstances of your existence?”

No Negative Reactive Self ever led to fulfillment, joy, abundance, or love, so why would we want to claim it as who we are?    External forces will always exist, but we don’t have to let those external forces control us.  Ro-Hun brings not only hope to our buried pain, but positive results to our lives.  If we open the cesspool of negative feelings and clean them out, then our lives will no longer be poisoned by past experiences and buried feelings.   Through healing our personal negative thoughts, Ro-Hun Therapy enables us to connect freely with our spiritual aspect.  The visible, tangible results are vision, clarity, purpose and best of all, the ways and means to navigate this minefield called life.

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About the Author

David Robertson is a highly skilled and profoundly intuitive Ro-Hun therapist. His ability to assist his clients into their realizations, insights, and healing is amazing. David holds his clients in unconditional love and with the deepest of respect for their needs and life situations.  Janice Hayes, Ph.D. author of Ro-Hun The Greatest Transformational Process of Our Time.

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This website is a Soul Service-oriented Outreach.  May all sentient beings be free from suffering and the causes of suffering and know only everlasting bliss.

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