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Robyn M Fritz: The Practical Intuitive

Robyn M Fritz: The Practical Intuitive

Robyn Fritz

An Interview with The OMTimes Radio Personality Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt, Host of The Practical Intuitive.

The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World



OMTIMES: Tell us a little about your show, how did you have in mind when you created it?

Robyn M Fritz: I explore practical ways to grow mind, body, and spirit at home and work with humor, warmth, mystical insight, and common sense. I cover what’s going on here and, in the multiverse, from intuition to the human-animal bond, mediumship, space clearing, past life regression, energy healing, spiritual awakening, rituals, mindset, culture, science, and the mysterious. It’s thought leadership for evolving times, from how to tap our innate intuitive and healing abilities to live as equals with all life so that we can become our best selves, no if’s, and’s, but’s, or BS—ever!


OMTIMES: What does it mean to be a thought leader today?

Robyn M Fritz: Thought leaders today must be futurists, helping to re-frame our thinking to move beyond our limiting human mindset to embrace the world as it is, where everything is equal to us and is alive, has a soul, consciousness, responsibilities, free choice, and opinions. How do we live and thrive in this world, instead of the one religion, science, and culture invents? How do we humans learn to collaborate with nonhumans to identify mutual needs and concerns and conquer the challenges that affect us all? How do we balance mind, body, and spirit in a rapidly changing world? What does that mean to our daily lives? Thought leader futurists imagine what could be—and reach out to resolve differences, helping all life thrive.


OMTIMES: Tell us a bit about your story and how you named your latest book.

Robyn M Fritz: As a medium, I work with my deceased dad, Ray, to help the living and the dead, human and animal, get closure and resolve grief. My dad has a special job in the afterlife—he runs what I call a Way Station for Dead Things on the Other Side, one of the many places that we rest up in when we get to the afterlife. Since he’s the expert, I asked him what the first thing he wanted people to know about being dead was, and he laughed, saying, “It’s a party!” So my new book, which explores what happens when we die, is called, “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.”


OMTIMES: What products do you offer our audience?

Robyn M Fritz: I offer a growing number of diverse products on my website and blog, Many products are free: articles, videos, and stories on living an intuitive and healing life, plus a video meditation that’s free with a subscription to my newsletter. You can also find my upcoming book on the afterlife and two books on the human-animal bond. I’m constantly adding digital and print media that explore body, mind, and spirit, from the practical to the esoteric. Plus I have an upcoming line of unique energy clearing products, including a special salt blend and clearing sprays. My wide social media presence includes a weekly Facebook Live at the Humanity Healing page and a biweekly OMTimes Magazine column “Living Intuitively.” If you go to the OMTimes’ Experts program at the Learn It Live platform you’ll also find many recorded webinars.


OMTIMES: What services do you offer clients?

Robyn M Fritz: I’m a practicing professional, an intuitive and spiritual consultant, and a certified past life regression specialist. I help people claim their best selves at home and work. My diverse services include personal and business intuition, mediumship, animal communication, space clearing, past life and between life regression, soul progression clearing, spiritual awakening, spiritual journeys, and crystal energy healing. I have studied with intuitives, energy healers, and shamanic specialists to create unique services that help clients overcome what is holding them back and claim self-love and personal sovereignty. I’m passionate about helping people tap their own intuitive and healing skills and make their contribution to the world. We live in tough times, and every single one of us matters.


OMTIMES: How do fear, courage, and resilience factor in your life?

Robyn M Fritz: Injury and illness derailed my life for many years. I had to work hard to get well, to learn to love myself, and defeat fear while creating a new life filled with courage and resilience. As I learned what love means, from cherishing myself to creating a family and a thriving business, I realized that, healthy or not, most of us have the same problem: we lack self-love, alive and dead. I use that hard-won knowledge to help clients who are struggling to release the blocks holding them back, whether from this or previous lifetimes or through ancestral lines, and to claim satisfying, inspiring lives. Challenges and failures are opportunities to grow, to choose to create a healthy, balanced life. Setbacks aren’t ‘the way it’s meant to be’ or any such nonsense: tough things happen, but we can overcome them with hard work, patience, self-love, and attention to mind, body, and spirit. We can choose to be our best, or we can let life’s difficulties defeat us.

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Connect with Robyn M Fritz

Contact Robyn: Robyn’s website and blog, for services and newsletter:

Intuitive, Spiritual, Healing Webinars, OM Times Experts:

OM Times radio show, The Practical Intuitive. First and Third Mondays, 2 PST/5 EST. Call in to chat: 202-570-7057.

For Robyn’s monthly column, and all other articles, subscribe to OMTimes Magazine.

Personal and business intuition, mediumship, animal communication, past life and between life regression, spiritual awakening, spiritual journeys, soul retrievals, soul progression clearing, Reiki and crystal energy healing, workshops, webinars, talks, and mentoring.

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