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Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Wisdom

Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Wisdom

Sandra Ingerman Shamanic Ceremony OMTimes


Sandie Sedgbeer – What a great idea! I’m going to get some of that. Some time ago, you wrote an article for The Huffington Post on how to create a new vision for the planet. If ever there was a time in our history when we need a new vision, it is now, so tell us a little bit about how to create that vision.

Sandra IngermanIn Shamanic cultures, people would use ceremonies like what I just led, and I chose a Blessing ceremony because of the solstice which is an amazing time to pray for the whole entire Earth. It is a powerful time. So, I did that intentionally.

One way that we start to create a new vision for the Earth is either doing ceremonies alone or coming together to perform them. It’s really powerful to use your imagination when you sit out a nature and engage all your nonordinary senses of seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting, and smelling the world that you do want to be living in and you step into that world; and you see it, feel it, hear it, taste it, smell it, as if it’s already happening, and you’re living in that world right now.

As we keep doing that work, we keep building up that invisible world of substance that I talked about and that’s necessary to do before we start to see any new fabric of reality, new ways of life moving into physical form on the planet. So [it is important to be] sitting, and reflecting, and being in nature, and really using your imagination to imagine exactly what you want to see for the planet right now.


Sandie Sedgbeer – In the Book of Ceremony, you remind us about the importance of thoughts and words. You talk about expressing and how that is different from when we’re sending energy to someone, that it is important to express our feelings, but it’s also important not to be throwing that energy at other people. Thinking about the thoughts that we have during the day, and I’m sure I’m not the only one who sometimes catches myself thinking a negative thought and has to shake myself out of it, I was surprised and delighted to see that you have developed an app called “The Transmutation”, which actually helps us to shift the way we think. Tell us how that came about.

Sandra Ingerman In Shamanic cultures, children, as soon as they can take in this information, are taught how to discipline their thoughts, their daydreams, and then the words that they use, because words are magic. Our thoughts create our reality. Our daydreams create our reality.

And so, I lead a lot of exercises to help people transmute because as human beings, we came here to experience the whole range of emotions, from bliss and joy to suffering, to hate, to fear we came here to experience that. But we want to experience it, and then to transform it so that we’re sending love and light to ourselves to our loved ones on the planet.

I created an app for myself. When the app goes off – you could have a go off every hour or two hours, and there are bells and a couple of other sounds – and when you hear that, it’s what are you thinking about right now? There’s a library of beautiful pictures or statements or words that will help bring you back to remembering that what you want to be sent to yourself, or to your loved ones, and to all of life on Earth is beautiful because there is only Oneness.

So, if you’re sending hate to some political leader, you’re actually sending that same hate to yourself, your favorite nature being, and your loved ones, so we have to learn how to experience our emotions and then transform them. The Transmutation app brings people back to a place of beauty where we remember that what we want to be doing is emanating love and light and radiating light, just like the stars in the night sky.


Sandie Sedgbeer – I should imagine that’s an app that everybody on the planet should have and definitely many will want. Is it selling well?

Sandra Ingerman – It has sold really well with all the updates going on. I have to get a designer to help me do some updates with it because all the devices are changing so quickly and so I need to do a little bit of updating, so that’s my next project, actually.

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Sandie Sedgbeer – Well, I’ve downloaded the app, I think it’s a wonderful idea. And I certainly need it to keep my thoughts on track. Sandra Ingerman, it’s been a delight to have this time with you. Thank you so much.

Sandra Ingerman – Thank you so much, Sandie. Thank you for all for the brilliant work that you’re doing, and behalf of all of the life blessings. Thank you.


Sandie Sedgbeer – The Book of Ceremony: Shamanic Wisdom for Invoking the Sacred in Everyday Life is published by Sounds True. For Sandra Ingerman’s books, podcasts, audios, and events, and, of course, her Transmutation App, visit

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