Spirituality and the 7 Facets of God

Spirituality and religion have long debated the nature of God, but the idea of a conscious universe is also taking root in science itself.
Astrology, Spirituality, and Wisdom for Life
By Michael O’Connor
We live in a conscious universe. This is an ancient knowing, and the pioneering advances of science have all but proven it with certainty, even though the very notion of it clashes with the materialistic core of its paradigm. This fact is the basis for how and why astrology works. Despite some lingering debate, the notion of a conscious universe is taking root in science itself.
Those astrology works beg two important questions: how and why? These questions do not simply point at the cultural style, mechanics, or rules of any given system. They refer to the founding principles. Holism is a useful keyword, but there are others. Holism encompasses the understanding of a grand continuum which not only includes the entire manifest universe but other, inner dimensions of existence, as well.
Spiritual doctrines, new and old, employ metaphor and allegory to explain complex, abstract, and often paradoxical principles. A famous one among these is that ‘we are made in the image of God.’ Interpreted literally, this metaphor has come to be regarded as an infantile anthropomorphic projection. Of course, the culprit is the word “image.” However, perhaps this very attitude is itself the result of literalism and biased interpretations. What if the authors were employing allegory? If so, what truths were they hoping to convey?
I have chosen the following 7 terms in an endeavor to convey a more accurate interpretation. These specific words were chosen based on principles I interpret to contribute to revealing how and why astrology works. Also, woven within the astrology is a practical philosophy of life. I will briefly elaborate upon each term and touch upon why I consider them to be relevant.
For the sake of upholding the allegorical theme let’s say: God is… 1. Conscious, 2. Intelligent, 3. Intentional, 4. Purposeful, 5. Creative, 6. Cooperative, and 7. Loving
1. Conscious
This term is complicated because it is commonly juxtaposed by the word, unconscious. The main issue is that these terms tend to be relegated to brain function. The brain itself is generally considered to be the most complex and sophisticated ‘thing’ in existence. Yet, we are led by the standard model of science to the notion that it is the result of a random process. This is not only the most improbable theory in human history; it may also qualify as the most impossible. In short, the brain is not so much the source of consciousness; it is the processor of it. What this implies is that we do not simply ‘have consciousness,’ we are the manifestation of it. We are not simply ‘in’ nature; we are an intrinsic expression of it.
2. Intelligent
As we examine the world to better understand it, we quickly learn that doing so requires intelligence, a sophisticated ability to process information. Intelligence includes yet transcends the acquisition of knowledge. We may say a library is a house of knowledge, but can we accurately say it is intelligent? A mode of action and expression is implied, and it includes the ability to think, calculate, comprehend, plan, envision, interpret, and design. Woven within its meaning is intellectual competence. With the deepening of intelligence, words like wisdom and genius may be added to the list. There is nothing random or arbitrary about intelligence, and it reveals intention.
3. Intention
Intention implies focus and determination. Intention implies a level of conscious awareness guided by a need, want, or desire of something attained, experienced, or created. The very act of directing one’s mind and will towards something implies a co-creative process. It is said, ‘the road to hell is paved by good intentions.’ Yet, it may be that it is not the intention that causes suffering to self and others, rather it is the method and approach taken, especially when it interferes with the will, desires, and choices of others. Either way, intention includes a sense of purpose.
4. Purpose
The purpose is a word that takes our conscious, intelligent intentions to a level of action that reveals a broader vision and tends to be inclusive and meaningful. When our thoughts, choices, and actions are guided by a sense of purpose, we are strengthened by it. Purpose includes a process and a sense of contribution but is not strictly guided by final outcomes. Purpose implies resolve and commitment and includes a sense of creativity.
5. Creative
As we behold the natural world and the function, expression, and design of nature and life in general, it is quickly evident that it is the outcome of creative intelligence, intention, and purpose. Everything works remarkably well and has a function. So profound is the implication of the creative power and genius of existence that upon deeper reflection, beyond taking it for granted, we are moved to awe, the wonder of its sublime skill, scope, grandeur, attention to detail, infinite complexity and magnificence. Positively, we are inspired to appreciate and respect it deeply and to participate in like manner. Because there are others, our enthusiasm is challenged but ideally guided, by a spirit of cooperation.
6. Cooperation
As we behold, experience and engage in the creation, we also come to realize that creation is ordered such that all aspects of it cooperate, instinctively, by design. True, life includes the added complexity of drama, violence, and death, and our very mortality and instinct to survive to tend to be affronted and frightened by this. Yet, these realities are the exception; a portion of existence and not its predominant expression. As human beings, this notion of cooperation extends into principles of politics and wisdom. These apply both to our engagement with the environment with one another and with society in general. As we endeavor to understand how to best cooperate successfully, where all involved experience a fair share of satisfaction, what emerges are principles of respect, trust, compatibility and, in terms of higher levels of satisfaction and civility, love.
7. Love
Love is something we naturally yearn to feel. The reason is simple: love feels good. The feeling of love is pleasurable, soothing, healing, reassuring, and fulfilling. It inspires confidence, inner peace, and feelings of happiness and joy. Once we feel love, we want more of it. In fact, we come to realize that not only is it special and important, without it living holds little meaning, but purpose or value, and no amount of material comfort or security can also replace it. Yet, there is another word that aligns closely with love, and that is beauty. While we may validly deem beauty to be a subjective perspective, the beauty I am referring to is that of what we both experience within when we feel love and what we see everywhere in nature, in creation.
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About the Author
Connect with Michael O’Connor, Life Coach Astrologer at www.sunstarastrology.com
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.