What to Expect from Mars in Virgo

It’s time for Mars to spend some time on the constellation of Virgo. Mars in Virgo makes it easier to achieve our goals if we do so gradually, step by step and in phases.
Mars in Virgo – When Focusing on Clarity Can help you to Reach your Goals
Astrologically, this is a time to be cautious and to plan ahead, step by step our news projects. This way, we can assure successful endeavors.
It’s time for Mars to spend some time on the constellation of Virgo. The planet entered the sign on 8/18 and will continue there until 10/4. This is the first in a series of personal planets to enter this sign during this year. Mars, is the planet of action, will transit Virgo until 4/10. And what does this mean for all of us? That our will and action (Mars) may need to be oriented to create practical experience and improvement in our lives.
Since Virgo is the sign that speaks about the whole and its small details with a comprehensive analysis of each part. Mars in Virgo makes it easier to achieve our goals if we do so gradually, step by step and in phases. Virgo also speaks of improvement, and it may take effort to do our best. But it’s important not to stay stuck in what’s not working or refuse to keep going until that part works the way we envisioned it would.
With this aspectation in the sky, you would need to know when to insist on something and when to stop. Also, we may be aware that while pursuing an idea, we must be careful not to kill its original qualities, because sometimes, when we are in the pursuit of improving something, we may end up eliminating its personal characteristics, what makes that person/project/ situation what they are, and we may end up “killing” what there was, initially. Beware of Dr. Frankenstein’s syndrome.
Another relevant issue with Virgo is the organization. So, with Mars, the planet of action in the sign of order (Virgo), why not take advantage of this period to do that late Summer “spring-cleaning” – at home, in closets, in relationships, in habits, and in projects? What is in your life that is no longer working? Many times, for fear of discarding and of regretting, we remain attached to useless objects/situations because “maybe one-day” things will work out.
If it hasn’t worked so far, what hard evidence do you have that those can still work? Unlike Pisces, which functions based on subjective perceptions and dreams, Virgo needs a concrete experience that confirms or denies the viability of something. Are you guiding your decisions based on concrete experience or conjectures?
On the other hand, you have to ask yourself what needs to be purged within you. That Virgo energy so oriented to concrete experience does not distract us from what needs to be faced within us. Is it time to deal concretely, practically and functionally with our thoughts, emotions, and feelings? Time to open space for the new to come to your life.
Most importantly, during this time, is the realization that you can’t do a half job. If you say you are going to do it, commit yourself and do it well, do it right, do your best. Because otherwise, Life will show you your faults.
Check out >>>Virgo Daily, Weekly and Monthly Horoscopes
9/2: Mars conjuncts the Sun, which can align our action with our conscious will and facilitate the creation of what we want to see in our lives. This day can be extremely favorable for productivity, especially at your work environment.
9/3: Mars and Sun join Mercury in the sky. Here the will, the thought, and the action must come together in pursuit of your goal. Be careful not to get lost in the details. Perhaps it would be better to postpone important communications: Mars-Mercury can give us a sharp tongue, better refrain from confrontations.
9/9: Mars trines with Saturn retrograde. It is possible that something we have left incomplete or pending from our past may surface forcing us to have to deal with it to trim the last edges and make the necessary improvements.
9/12: Mars squares Jupiter in Sagittarius. Beware of haste and hype. Jupiter increases and inflates everything it touches. Therefore, he puts the detailed action of Mars under magnifying glasses. But it also speeds up the action of Mars, and that can increase your level of anxiety. Take your time to get things done. No need to do everything today!
9/14: Mars opposes Neptune in Pisces. It can be a lucky day or not. In some cases, this aspect is about shooting what you see and hitting what you don’t see (the unseen was better than what you saw). For some, this aspect speaks of misdirected action. Attention!
9/19: Mars makes a trine to Pluto. Great for actions that get you closer to your bigger goal. For actions that have the potential to bring about big transformations – for you or others around you.
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About the Author
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.
Creatrix from Sirius. Fairly Odd Mother of Saints (Bernards). Fish Tank aficionado by day ninja by night. Liane is also the Editor-in-Chief of OMTimes Magazine, Co-Founder of Humanity Healing International and Humanity Healing Network, and a Board Member of Saint Lazarus Relief Fund.